
I Just Want A Quiet Life

Larex's a guy who likes a quiet and peaceful life. But He accidentally died due to a lack of sleep after going on a speedrun challenge that he had set up himself to get the lowest time on a game that He played. And now, he got reincarnated into the same game that he tries to speed run in.

Nabcl · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

Unlucky First Days

"Larex! Wake up! " a voice calls him.

He then feels a hand tugging his blanket before pulling it forcefully.

He tries to open his eyes, but The darkroom he's currently sleeping in suddenly fills with light.

"Larex! Wake up! It's your big day. Hurry up!" Larex, who just got dazed by the sudden lit room, gets up slowly as he tries to adjust to the light.

Before he knows it, a hand suddenly pulls him to another room, and he feels water rubbing over his face.

"Wha- what are you doing mom?!"

"Hurry up! The guide is waiting at the village gate!" Larex's mother said as she washed his face.

"Mom, I can do it myself. wait outside!" Larex protests.

"Okay, but Hurry." Larex's mother said as she closed the door behind him.

Larex dries his face before looking in the mirror. He has black hair and brown eyes. After observing his feature, he found it hard to believe that he had been in this world for 14 years, His mother has always been taking care of him by herself because his father works far away from the village. He has only met his father a few times. Although his father never spends a lot of time with him and his mother. He always sent letters back home a few times a month.

After washing himself and he changes into his uniform and packs his stuff while having mixed feelings because he's about to go on a long journey. Before he walks out of the house, his mother calls him.

"Larex! You forget something. " Larex turns and sees his mother holding a piece of paper in her hand.

"Here. " she hands it to him.

"Thanks m-" Before he can talk, his mother suddenly hugs him.

"I will miss you.." she said softly, as she started to tear up.

She has watched Larex grow from a small child to a grown teen. She feels happy but, Also sad as he has to go his own way now.

"I will miss you too mom... " Larex says goodbye to his mom before leaving his house.

He makes his way to the entrance of his village, where he sees two people waiting.

"Look who's finally here! Mr.WhoComeLate, " A boy of the same age as Larex said. The boy was squatting down and smiling. He has brown hair and wears the same uniform as Larex.

"Yeah, funny, Dan, " Larex responds.

"Good morning, Larex. " another boy said, standing not far from Dan.

"Good morning, Ray. " Larex responds with a nod.

Dan stands up and walks up to Larex, then puts his arm around Larex.

"Bro, why look grumpy. We're going to the academy, you know. I heard there are a lot of girls there. Hehe, maybe I can get a girlfriend there. " Larex then turns to ray with a confused look on his face.

"He been spouting this nonsense all morning. " ray said while shaking his head.

"What! Didn't you hear that the girls there are beautiful?! The best of the best!" Dan exclaimed.

"Aren't you going to the academy to learn? or are you just going to chase after girls?" Ray asks with a concerned tone.

"Of course! To study and chase after girls. Right Larex?" Dan stands by his statement and asks Larex.

"Don't bring me into this!" Larex said.

Larex and the two boys chat with each other for a while. Before Ray asks, "Hey, when do you think the guide will be here?"

"I been here for a while" a voice said behind him.

Ray quickly turns around and sees a tall man with long arms standing behind him. Both Larex and Dan were Suprise as the man popped out of nowhere, giving the man's height and weird body proportions. He can be seen anywhere he goes.

"It's seen that you are all ready to go" The man said. The man then mutters something and waves his long arm before a strange blue light engulfs them all, making all of them disappear and leaving nothing behind.

"Egu.. my head hurts," Larex uttered as He covered his mouth, trying not to puke. He turns to see that his friends are also in the same state as him, but worse as Dan has already started puking on the floor. He then turns to look around him to see that the others are also in the same state as Dan.

The guides, or so they call by others, are creatures of a broken world, so they became specialized in space travel as that is the only way for them to get around in their world.

Space Magic is a type of magic that is very hard to learn and control. If anything goes wrong during the processing of casting it, The person who casts it can easily be killed, not only that it also affects the place around the casting area.

So the guides are very valuable creatures since they specialize in space magic.

The guides are pacifist creatures, as their world becomes broken because of violence, And what the guide did just now was that it had transported them through a space tunnel.

After Larex calmed himself down. He looks around and notices that he's at one of the main gates of the academy. He then looks at the massive building at the center of the academy. Larex is in awe of the sight of the building because when he plays the game, the buildings look very tiny.

But now, after seeing it up close, he feels impressed that a building this size exists in this world.

The massive building in the center is a place, where The academy keeps its most important stuff, and it's also The place, where the academy's mana core that protects the entire academy exists.

The Gamop academy is the Larger academy of the five academies. The academy functions like a self-sustain city with a lot of areas. To say that the academy is large is an understatement to its size. Even some Empire's capital can't match it.

Larex then took the stuff he had packed with Him and left behind his two friends. As They had already passed out because of the headache and dizziness.

Larex knows that the academy already has someone on watch as people have passed out before from the guides transport them here. So they will take anyone who passes out away from the gate.

Larex starts walking to the Registration Hall nearby. As he approaches the Register Hall, he sees a crowd of people standing around something.

Larex's curious, so he steps closer to the crowd to watch, but before he can make it to the Crowds, He suddenly hears a loud bang and sees that The Crowds have scattered away from something. Before he has any idea of what's going on. A dark figure suddenly flew at him so fast that Both he and the figure flew several feet away from the crowds.

"Heh! to think that you are that weak." a male voice said with a mockery tone.

"Fight me one on one then, Bitch!" The figure that flew at Larex shouted back.

The person that flew at Lasrex has brown hair, slightly dark skin, and amber irises. He wears the same uniform as Lasrex but with the sleeves rolled up.

"If you are strong, fight me by yourself, Dunlo!"

"Why? Did you not say that you're strong Zeke?" The crowd makes way for Dunlo as he and his group walk behind him.

Dunlo has blond hair with blue irises and wears the academy uniforms, the same as Larex.

Zeke looks at the group and clenches his teeth in anger. He gets up and was ready to go at them again but was stopped by a voice.

"All of you will have your point deduction for fighting here" A man walks out from the crowd. The man has dark hair and wears a dark robe with a badge indicating that He is a teacher.

"There's a place where you can fight, and if I see anyone of you fight here again. you will be in trouble!" The man said as he walks away.

"You're lucky Zeke," Dunlo said as he walked away with his group.

"Tsh," Zeke stares at Dunlo with anger in his eyes. Then he looks at the person he has rammed into.

'Ah fuck, I didn't think I would get this unlucky. ' Larex thought to himself. He tries to move a bit, but the pain feels like a goat just rams into him and he knows how painful it is since he tried to fight one when he was young and it goes what you expect, so he just stays still.

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice said.

Then Larex sees a hand extend out to him. He looks up and sees that it is the one who flew at him. Larex grabs his hand since he can't get up right now.

Zeke helps Larex up and puts Larex's arm around his shoulder, and they begin to walk.

"Let's me take you to the infirmary" Zeke said.

"Thanks" Larex said as he held back his pain.

"By the way, my name is Zeke ."

"Yeah. Name Larex. " Larex replied.

"uh.. aren't you gonna ask what happened back then?" Zeke asks.

Larex turns and looks at Zeke, clenching his teeth as the pain keeps getting worse "why would I need to know?! Just take me to the infirmary!"


"Ah, I feel like something broke inside me."

Zeke has an apology look on his face as he didn't know what to say.

After walking for a while, they arrived at a door that has a green cross on it. They enter the room and notice a man wearing a white robe with a small red badge That has a green cross in the center.

The man looks at the two boys and sighs. The man then tells Zeke to put Larex on the bed, and He takes out a notepad before asking.

"so what happens to him?"

"I accidentally knock into him," Zeke answered.

"Right..." The man muttered before writing it down on his notepad.

The man then put down the notepad and moved closer to Larex. He then put his palm over Larex before muttering something under his breath. A split second later, a green light engulfs Larex before it disappears.

"Okay, He should be healed by now" The man said.

"Thank you, sir!" Larex said as the pain before disappeared and has replaced with a warm feeling.

"Get out! it's you feel okay!" The man said as he gestured for them to leave the room.

Larex gets up from the bed and thanks the doctor one more time before leaving the room in a hurry because he hasn't registered for his student id yet.

Larex runs with everything he got because the academy has a rule that

If a student hasn't registered the day they got here, They will have to wait until next year.

Once Larex arrived at the Registration Hall, he got a few odd stares because his entire body is drenched in sweat.

"What happen to you?" The lady at the desk asks him. "I was jogging a bit," Larex answered jokingly. He smiles as he hands his paper and tries to catch his breath. He didn't know there weren't any Registration Halls near the infirmary. Plus, His body is weak because he never had to train his body before. He has only worked on his mana so far.

The lady at the desk giggles a bit before writing his name on the student list and handing him his student id.