
I just wanna sell some chicken!

I just wanna sell some chicken! on a isekai world

Msd_Zeroo · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 2 A Strange Day

Drip..drip.. and ripples sounds can be heard. Kylie soul is floating. She try to see her hands or maybe legs

but none is visible. Everything around her is dark but somehow she feels like she's glowing.

In the distance there's a tiny round shiny hole.. and Kylie instantly feel drawn to it. Her soul moves

towards it. As she gets closer, the light from the hole become stronger and stronger until the light

engulfed her.


'what is this strange sensation?'

Kylie can feel her body again. She curled her toes and slowly opening her eyes. The water dripping

sounds get louder. She stares at an unfamiliar ceiling and turn her face toward the dripping sounds.

A guy is there. Tanned skin guy with good muscle is.. watering some plants?? That guy slowly turn

around and his gaze fall on her. The guy look at Kylie and gasp. The watering can drop on floor. Making

the floor wet.

'What the fuck is going on... Why is this half naked man staring at me?'

'Why is he half naked?'

Kylie quickly checking her own clothes. She's wearing a ragged night clothes. And she's a bit smelly too.

Like a damp musky smell.

'But I took shower this morning'

Kylie sniff her clothes neckline.

"Who changed my clothes? Wait.. where's my bra?"

Her pupils shook and she gulps her saliva.

'Don't tell me..'

Kylie glares at the guy who's still staring at her. She clenched her teeth, grab the pillow and throw at the


"Fio- mmpff!" The pillow hit his face.

"You pervert! What did you do to me?!"

The guy look confused while holding the pillow that Kylie thrown.

"Wha-t.. Fiora why you look so angry.."

"You shameless bastard! Did you.. rape me?!" Fiora yelled in anger.

Edric's jaw dropped. Fiora who just woke up from her eternal slumber suddenly accused him to be a

bastard rapist. Ironic.

"Edric dear thank you for stopping by and helping us"

A middle age lady suddenly enter the room. She stopped walking, her eyes widened.

Kylie feel like she can get this lady to save her from this pervert guy. She quickly get off the bed and run

towards the lady.

"Ma am, please, hel-


Before she can finish her sentence, this strange lady already is hugging her. She's sobbing and hugging

her so tight. She'd look at Kylie's face, holding Kylie's face then back to hugging her. Kylie squint her

eyes. Even she just seem to wake up from a sleep, but she don't recall this old lady at all. Curled, short

brown haired lady. With some visible grey hair. She is wearing a worn out dress but it look like the old

style farm clothing.

"U woke up! U finally woke up. Oh how worry I was.. I was dead worrying about u oh Fiora..my Fiora."

'Fiora who?'

She then proceed to kiss Kylie's forehead several times and hug her again. Kylie who's been

dumbfounded can only stay silent in that moment.

Beatriz's heart is pounding so fast that Kylie is able to hear it. Beatriz is filled with joy. Her only and

beloved daughter finally woke up. It's been a month since her daughter try to drown herself and when

she's saved by Edric, she never woke up. Fiora have been sleeping for a month!

"Thank god...thank god.."

"umm who are you? Why are you crying? And hugging me.."

Beatriz stop hugging her and look at Kylie's face in shock. Her pupils are shaking.

"You don't know me? Why are you asking that? You really don't know who I am?"

Kylie shakes her head.

The woman gasp.

"Edric, look after her for a moment. I need to call Hans!"

The lady head towards the door and went outside in hurry. 'What a strange lady' Even she's curious and

eager to find out where the lady went, but she need to confirm few things first. She pointed her index

finger to the guy.

"You! What did you do to me? Why you changed my clothes and stole my bra! And.. Why are you half


The guy flinched.

"I don't do anything to you. Why would I change your clothes when your mother is around? And I always

go around the village without a shirt. "

"My mom is here?"

Edric really don't get why Fiora is asking him some absurd questions. But still explained to her. And her

response is weird too.

'She might hit her head while she drown.'

Kylie or Fiora quickly peek outside the bedroom door, only to see an empty small living room and a place

to cook with some wooden log beside it.

"Mom?!" No answer.

Edric sat casually on the side of Fiora's bed while still watching this weird girl.

Kylie run back inside the room and go to the window.

'This is not my apartment, nor the city I live in. But he said my mom is here..'

Kylie tilt her head slightly and bite her finger.

'It hurts, this is not a dream'

Outside the window, a vast field of wheat can be seen. There's a mountain far ahead. Some villagers in

strange outfit is pulling some carriage. Some seems to be taking care of cows and sheep. Children are

playing with the sticks, using it like swords. The houses here are small and make by rough bricks. The

road is not even made of tar. Her mother is nowhere to be seen.

'Uh...what kind of village is this.. Mom is not here.. Did he lie? Am I getting abducted? No. No. I'm so

poor and my family barely make a living. It's impossible'

Kylie look at her own ragged clothing that can surely be ripped apart so easily due to how much it been

used and washed. Even the colour look faded and dirty pink.

Kylie walk back inside the room and accidentally step on the puddle of water.


Under her feet, there's a reflection of herself.. Red hair in braids, big green eyes.. and a completely

different face than hers. Her hair is supposed to be black and her eyes supposed to be brown. Her face

was not this lovely too. Kylie squat to look closer at herself. Her nervousness grew bigger till it explode.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

She quickly ran out toward the door and in midway she bump onto the same lady again.. and an old

man. They are surprised looking at her tensed face and before they can grab her arm, she already

dashed out from the house.

'Damn it! Shit this is witchcraft! Or some Harry Potter's magic?? Am I curse?!'

"Fiora!! Fiora where are you going?!" the loud yell can be heard from that house. It seem like an old

man voice.

Kylie run as fast as she could. The other villagers look at her with strange gazes. Kylie spotted a cornfield

on the west. So she rush toward it and hide inside, to avoid those villager's gaze. As she walk like 3

metres in, she sit and hug herself tight. Everything is unreal yet feel so real. She pinched her cheek hard.

"ouch, it hurts"

Then a muffled sobbing can be heard. She's scare, anxious and confused. She suddenly woke up in a

foreign place, saw the people that she never knew, yet the lady embraced her. And the most shocking

thing is, she's not herself. Kylie grab a lock of her red hair and stare at it.

'What the hell is happening?.. I want to go home..mom.."

She continues to sit there until late evening. She can hear the lady screaming her name. And some few

people is doing the same. She know they are searching for her but, she's scared. Sitting there, she try to

gather her thoughts.

The last thing she remember is..she was walking at night, heading somewhere.. she was holding a

book..wait .. wait... the light..the horn..the car!!

Kylie clutches the soil beside her. Her sweats start forming at her forehead and heart beat insanely.

'I..I was...dead'

"I found her!!!" A guy appears and grab her arm. Then some other people start to come as well.

Including the lady.

"Let go of me!! You bastard! Bunch of kidnapper witch! " Kylie struggle to pull her arm free but unable


"What? You called me what?" They guy lift his eyebrow.

Edric know Fiora since they are small. He's a just three years older than her. In fact, they are very close.

They are best friends but also like siblings. Fiora that he know was a very quiet girl. She was so quiet that

she don't have any other friend except Edric. And Fiora that he know.. never ever curse. She even gave

him few terrible nicknames since she woke up.