
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · สมัยใหม่
370 Chs

No money? Then cut the land!

"You... you won't kill me?" Sorens looked at Zhang Menglong in disbelief. He thought that he would definitely die today, but he didn't expect that Zhang Menglong wouldn't kill him!

  Someone actually let go of the person who wanted to kill him, and judging from his appearance, his purpose was just to humiliate Su Zhihe. His head was suddenly filled with questions. Are all Chinese people so wild?

  "Take these 10 yuan and kill Su Zhihe, or I won't kill you!" Zhang Mengyu asked again, "By the way, as killers, do you issue invoices after receiving orders?"

  These words directly stopped Sorens from asking, are you fucking invoicing people for killing people? Do I still have to go to the tax bureau to pay tax? Will you be awarded another banner as a tax pioneer? Are you out of your mind for asking such a question?

  "Mr. Zhang, why do you want him to issue an invoice?"

  "Of course I killed Su Zhihe and stayed at the scene of the crime!" Zhang Menglong said confidently, "In this way, when others go to collect his body, they will know that he was killed for 10 yuan!"

  It is a very shameful thing for a country's finance minister to be assassinated. If it is revealed that someone paid 10 yuan to hire a murderer to kill him, I am afraid this will become a legend in history.

  "As expected of you, Mr. Zhang!" Hong Yi was speechless. Apart from Zhang Mengyu, there should be no other person in the world who could have such thoughts.

  "Are you really going to let me go?" Solons still didn't quite believe it. "Aren't you afraid that I won't fulfill my promise? Once you leave here, you can't control me anymore!"

  "If you don't do this, the entire Wind Nest will be uprooted!" Before Zhang Mengyu could speak, Ye Yin took the lead and said, "Do you think no one knows where your Wind Nest headquarters is? What if I I remember correctly, there is a submarine cave under the Narnia Trench..."

  Solens's pupils suddenly dilated, "How do you know? This..."

  "There is nothing in this world that Mr. Zhang cannot know! So, don't try to be clever!" Ye Yin said, "I can tell you a few more things by the way. The first generation of mutants in Laboratory No. 2 was killed by my grandfather. of."

  Even if the headquarters of the Wind Nest organization was revealed, Solons was only surprised. But when he heard this, Solons felt deep fear in his heart.

  Laboratory No. 2 was the hellish place where the seven of them were born. They will never forget the torture they suffered there in their entire lives!

  In fact, it is impossible for the seven of them alone to destroy Laboratory No. 2. They are just second-generation mutants. Before them, there was a first-generation mutant. They are more powerful than Solons and the others. , there is even a nuclear fission reaction in their bodies!

  You know, the power of nuclear bombs comes from nuclear fission. When such power is compressed into the human body, what kind of terrifying energy will be produced? That's a real humanoid nuclear weapon!

  However, the human body cannot bear such fission energy at all, so the bodies of these people have undergone drastic changes. Their appearance is as terrifying as monsters, and they often go berserk and out of control, so these two people were born. Generation mutants.

  But the disparity in power between them is so terrifying that one generation of mutants can easily tear into pieces ten Saurons!

  Those mutants were the mutants of the organization's most elite warriors. Although they turned into monsters, they still maintained extremely high loyalty, so they have been trying their best to guard the base. With them around, they couldn't escape at all. come out.

  But for some unknown reason, they got the news that all 12 first-generation mutants in Laboratory No. 2 were killed! So that's what happened next.

  Today, Sorens seems to have found the answer to this matter.

  "Hehe!" Ye Yin smiled for the first time, "You generation are quite capable. It took my grandfather nearly a minute to kill them all!"

  "One minute?" Solons' belief collapsed.

  "Wait, I have a question! How did your grandfather fight with those monsters?" Zhang Mengyu asked curiously.

  "Oh, it's like this," Ye Yin explained, "At that time, your grandfather had just finished cleaning up the group of people who stole our national treasure and returned from Europe by plane. My grandfather was your grandfather's personal guard at that time. When he passed by At Base 2, those mutants were going crazy and wreaking havoc everywhere on a mountain range."

  "My grandfather is an environmentalist?" Zhang Mengyu guessed, "Can't you stand them destroying the environment and kill them all?"

  "No, your grandfather was taking a nap at that time and was woken up by the explosion. As soon as he got up and got angry, he asked my grandfather to kill all the mutants."

  "I'm sorry...this reason...is worthy of being my grandfather..."

  "This must be his biological child." Hong Yi said to himself. Zhang Menglong's grandfather's behavior was comparable to Zhang Menglong's.

  "I...I understand, I will definitely do it!" This time, Solens completely gave up all his ideas. In front of this family named Zhang, their Fengchao was nothing!

  "Before tonight, I want to see the international news about Su Zhihe's death." Zhang Mengyu said.

  "I know." Sorens nodded. Even though he was seriously injured, Sorens, whose cells have been strengthened, has a strong ability to self-recover. After all, Ye Yin didn't do anything cruel. These injuries can last for a few hours at most. can be restored.

  As for Su Zhihe's bodyguards, in the eyes of people like Sorens, they can almost be equated with air.

  "Wait a minute!" Zhang Mengyu called out to Solens.

  "You...do you have any other orders?" Solens asked cautiously.

  "Bring ten yuan with you, I, Zhang Menglong, never pay on credit!"

  Sorens gritted his teeth, grabbed the 10-yuan Chinese coin, and then turned into a ball of lightning and disappeared into the distance.

  When Solens was subdued just now, the plane had returned to normal, but the originally luxurious cabin seemed a bit messy.

  "Hong Yi, tell the captain to turn around and let's go back to Qingqiu Country!" Zhang Mengyu said.

  "Mr. Zhang, what are you going to do?" Hong Yi asked.

  "What are you doing? What do you think this Lawrence did?" Zhang Mengyu said heartbrokenly, "Forget it if he broke these paintings and drank wine, but what about me, the Unicorn Gundam Diamond Figure? I'll wait. It took two months to make a batch and now it's broken!"

  Hong Yi glanced at the world-famous paintings on the floor. Although the figure was indeed valuable, compared with those world-famous paintings, it was probably still a few grades behind. Why did Zhang Mengyuang feel sorry for the figure but not these?

  "Are you going to kill the president of Qingqiu Country?" Hong Yi asked, "This matter cannot be planned by Su Zhihe, there must be Quan Zhenggui's shadow!"

  "How boring is killing people? I'm still counting on them to transfer money to me!" Zhang Menglong said, "You can calculate for me first how much the loss is."

  "Wait a moment," Hong Yi glanced at the fragments on the ground, "It's probably around 800 million US dollars."

  "Okay, then I'll pay you a thousand times!" Zhang Mengyu said, "If I can't get 800 billion U.S. dollars, I'll cut off all water, electricity, gas, and crude oil to them!"

  "Pfft!" Hong Yi finally saw Zhang Menglong's shamelessness, but she also understood that after all, this time it was not just a financial loss, but the other party came with the purpose of killing people. It was strange that Zhang Menglong could swallow this breath.

  "Mr. Zhang, even if you sell Quan Zhenggui, you won't have so much money!"

  "No money? Then cut off the land!"