
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · สมัยใหม่
370 Chs

Mr. Zhang, are you free tonight?

 After a moment of silence, there was a lot of noise, and everyone was whispering about Zhang Mengyu's origins.

 Originally, everyone only knew him as rich and high-profile, but now, it has been shrouded in a layer of mystery. The Rothschild family is a legend in Europe, and their master is simply a legend. The legend among them.

 "Ma Hua, have you heard of the origin of Zhang Menglong?" Several wealthy Chinese people gathered together were also whispering. If Zhang Menglong were here, he would definitely recognize these well-known figures in China.

 Ma Yun, the founder of Alibaba Group, Ma Hua from Tengxun, Li Hong from Baidu, Huang Zheng from Pinxixi, and several others are also quite well-known figures, but they do not appear as often on station B as these few. It's just a ghost zone.

 Ma Yun and Zhang Menglong didn't have much interaction, but he had heard a lot about Zhang Menglong, and even heard that Ma Hua and Li Hong had suffered losses at his hands.

 "This kid is a monster!" Ma Yun and Li Hong never mentioned that matter to anyone. This was also the first time that they mentioned it in front of others.

 "That day, this guy dumped 500 billion US dollars in our faces, at the same time! At that time, we knew that this guy's liquid assets were over one trillion US dollars!" Thinking of that experience, Ma Hua and Li Hong still felt powerless.

 "He is actually related to the Rothschild family, and is even called master. This guy's background is becoming increasingly unclear!" "

 Just don't provoke him anyway!" Ma Hua said, "Mr. Ma , Although your Ali father has a big business now and has surpassed our Tengxun, but he still provoked him, I'm afraid the fate will be no better than that of Ding Sanshi and his son!" "Yes, after so many years of hard work, he was directly killed

 . It has been transformed into a foot-washing city!" When they said this, they couldn't help laughing.

 "If I have a chance, I must get to know him!" Ma Yun was not interested in money, but he was quite interested in Zhang Menglong.


 "It's okay, you can go and do your work. Hagen has already made arrangements for me during my time in Europe!" Zhang Mengyu really couldn't resist Biros's enthusiasm.

 Biros suddenly laughed, "That's right. When you come to Europe, it's not our turn to take care of you. Mr. Hagen must have made arrangements. This is stupid of me." "In that case, I'll go first

 . We've arranged the dinner tonight!" Biros bowed again and took several steps back before he dared to turn his back on Zhang Mengyu and walk towards the center of the crowd.

 Biros started a conversation. Of course, it is estimated that not many people listened because everyone's attention was still on Zhang Mengyu.

 Especially those young and beautiful international actresses, each of them looked like they had found prey, but they felt a little disappointed when they saw Lu Yiyao next to Zhang Mengyu.

 After saying that, Biros left, saying hello to Zhang Menglong before leaving. The rest of the dinner was the guests' own.

 "As expected of the Rothschild family, this kind of wine for entertaining guests is not necessarily available in ordinary five-star hotels, and the supply is unlimited. They are really wealthy!" Wang Ling shook the red wine glass in his hand, even if it was his It's not like you can afford to drink this kind of wine every day.

 "I don't know what's so good about these wines. Doesn't the milk smell good?" It was an incongruous contrast to the people around him. The wine glass in Zhang Mengyu was actually filled with pure milk. On such an occasion, I'm afraid, Only the children of rich people choose to drink milk.

 "It's weird, why do I feel like someone is secretly watching me all the time?" Zhang Mengyu always felt something strange.

 "Nonsense, that Rothschild family member just supported you like this. Now everyone knows that you are awesome, how could they not look at you?" Wang Ling hugged his girlfriend and stood up, "I Let's go somewhere else. If I stay with you any longer, I will be killed by my gaze!"

 "You fart!" Zhang Mengyu noticed Wang Ling's restless hands. It was obvious that this guy was drunk. In that regard, Some are ready to make a move, just looking for an excuse to run away.

 Of course, Zhang Menglong doesn't do that kind of immoral thing. He is a young man and full of energy, which is understandable.

 "I'll go back and change clothes." Lu Yiyao has been wearing this dress for a long time. Although she looks radiant, she does have some difficulty in moving and is a little tired.

 "I'll go with you." Zhang Mengyu said.

 "No need, I guess there are still a lot of people to deal with!" Lu Yiyao looked in one direction thoughtfully, and saw those wealthy Chinese people holding wine glasses, looking ready to make a move, obviously wanting to Come and have a chat with Zhang Menglong.

 "Hello, beauty!" Zhang Mengyu waved to a female staff member next to him.

 "Sir, what are your instructions?" The owner of the hotel just now gave special instructions. This Mr. Zhang is a very distinguished guest, so they must take good care of him.

 "Help me take my girlfriend back to her room. It's not very convenient for her to be dressed like this." Zhang Mengyu calmly took out a stack of checks from his body and wrote a 1 and a few zeros.

 The staff member never thought about getting any benefits from Zhang Menglong. On this occasion, tipping was indeed very common. Each of these rich people spent a lot of money, at least a few hundred euros. Some even got it from the prince of Dubai. 5000€ tip.

 But Zhang Mengyu, who just tears up the check, is simply a different style of painting. Some people write checks when doing business, but who has ever seen people using checks when tipping?

 But when he saw the string of zeros, the staff member's hands were shaking a little. This was a check from Frank Bank, in euros, and the number Zhang Mengyu wrote was 100,000!

 "Sir, did you write too many numbers?"

 "It's okay. I just wrote them casually. I didn't count a few zeros."

 "No?" The girl's eyes widened. Does Zhang Mengyu dare to be more willful? If there were a few more zeros, it would be one million euros!

 "Thank you, sir!" The girl suddenly burst into tears with gratitude, "I will send this young lady back to her room immediately!" "

 Go, if you are tired, go to bed first, and I will come up to accompany you in an hour at most." Zhang Mengyu said, Chu When it comes to sex, Zhang Menglong wishes he could stick to Lu Yiyao every day.

 "Yes." Lu Yiyao nodded and followed the staff obediently.


 Zhang Menglong picked up the glass of milk and looked at Ma Hua and the others with a smile. Although they had dealt with them more than once, it was all on the phone. This was the first time Zhang Menglong met them.

 It was also the first time for Zhang Menglong to meet Ma Yun and others. In the past, he could only meet them on the news and Bilibili.

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 But at this time, a wine glass filled with red wine was placed on Zhang Mengyu's table, and a blonde European beauty sat next to Zhang Mengyu with a smile.

 Ma Yun and others were stunned, and suddenly showed a helpless smile. It seemed that it was not that simple to talk to Zhang Menglong on such an occasion.

 "Miss Christine?" Zhang Mengyu didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway was Christine, who played the heroine of "The Twilight Saga". "Do you know me?" "Haha, I didn't know him before

 . , but after today, there shouldn't be anyone here who doesn't know you." Christine smiled.

 "What's the matter, Miss Christine?"

 Christine flipped up her long blond hair, showed a charming smile, and said in a rather explicit tone, "Mr. Zhang, are you free tonight?"

 "I'm sorry!" Zhang Mengyu's head felt dizzy. Christine was considered a goddess-level figure to men all over the world. He actually made such a bold invitation to himself!

 He couldn't help but sigh: "Damn it! You foreigners are so good at playing, aren't you?"