
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · สมัยใหม่
370 Chs

I thought this was just an ordinary topic

 That night, Professor Tu directly copied Zhang Mengyu's test paper and rushed back to Yanjing.

 There are many schools of thought in the Chinese mathematics community, and they often focus on studying one mathematical problem. There are thousands of mathematical researchers studying the Riemann Hypothesis alone.

 More than a hundred years have passed since the Riemann hypothesis was proposed in 1859, and it has become one of the world's seven major mathematical problems offered by the Clay Mathematics Institute. There are more than a thousand mathematical propositions in today's mathematical literature. The establishment of the Riemann Hypothesis is the premise, which shows its importance in the mathematical world.

 That night, a dozen of the most representative Chinese mathematicians among the thousands of people gathered in a teaching and research analysis room of Yenching University.

 The leader of them is a 73-year-old professor. He has been engaged in research on the Riemann Hypothesis almost all his life. He has twice promoted the research progress of the Riemann Hypothesis. He is the most authoritative figure in China on this issue!

 At this moment, there was a hint of excitement in his cloudy old eyes. His lifelong dream was to be able to give the result of the Riemann Hypothesis. After so many years, he has only taken two small steps towards this problem. The progress is just a drop in the bucket.

 He is now very old, his thinking activity and creativity are no longer as good as before, and his mathematical logic ability has also plummeted. The Riemann hypothesis seems to be a shortcoming of his life.

 But he never expected that a postgraduate advanced mathematics examination, which is held every year, would give him such a surprise!

 "Academician Bai, what do you think?" Professor Tu asked. Academician Bai is not only the leader of the Chinese school of research on the Riemann Hypothesis, but also his mentor.

 "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!" Academician Bai said with a smile, "I probably know the logic of his proof, but further confirmation is needed. Perhaps this year, the Riemann Hypothesis, which has troubled the mathematics community for more than a hundred years, will be cracked Yes!"

 "Really!?" Professor Tu could not suppress the surprised look on his face.

 When the paper came out, he originally thought that asking this question was just nonsense, but for the older generation like them, things like postgraduate examinations are almost like children's playing house.

 Putting this question up means changing a question with a total score of 150 points into a question with a total score of 130 points. It will still not have much impact on the selection of students.

 But who the hell would have thought that a student would actually prove the Riemann Hypothesis, one of the seven major mathematical problems in the world?

 "Contact Professor Duweck for me! I need him to help me verify this formula!"

 "Teacher, it's so late now, you..."

 "Don't be so annoying, you are so old. Why are you still acting like a bitch?" Professor Bai cursed, "Hurry up! As long as I see this Riemann hypothesis confirmed in my lifetime, I can close my eyes at any time." "

 Teacher, don't talk nonsense. I will contact Professor Duweck now!"

 This Professor Duweck is the deputy director of the Clay Institute of Mathematics and a world-famous mathematician. Like Academician Bai, he has devoted his life to studying this Riemannian conjecture. , even individuals often have some academic quarrels, but over the years, they have become very good friends.

 It's just that they are both older and there is a big time difference between the two sides, otherwise they can even eat and live together!

 "What? Someone in China has given a proof of the Riemann Hypothesis?" Professor Duweck was also very excited after hearing the news. "Old guy, I will come to China right away!" "

 Remember, bring more people to reduce the amount of calculations. It's huge!" Academician Bai said, "I don't even know how that student completed such a huge calculation in two hours. Either he has already proved this explanation before, or his head is a mess. A computer!"


 That night, Professor Duweck took a plane from the United States to China, and even brought a research team of nearly a hundred people. The two exchanged pleasantries and went directly into a small dark room. He started working like crazy.

 A group of professors were waiting outside the small dark room. Apart from sending some food and water in regularly, they did not dare to go in and disturb them.

 Two days later, Academician Bai and Professor Duweke finally walked out of the research room. Two days and two nights of high-intensity calculations made them look pale, but they could not contain their excitement at all.

 "Academician Bai, Professor Duweke, what's the result?" A group of Chinese mathematicians asked impatiently.

 "This student's proof method is correct. He successfully proved the Riemann Hypothesis!" Professor Duweck announced in the name of the Clay Mathematics Institute.

 "Although his proof process only has two pages, that is because a large number of calculation processes are omitted. We used a total of more than 500 manuscripts to complete those calculations!" Academician Bai said excitedly, "And during these processes, He has solved 17 difficult problems in mathematics. Although not as good as the Riemann Hypothesis, any one of them can win him a top mathematics award!" "


 The Riemann Hypothesis that has troubled the mathematics community for more than 170 years has been confirmed. , and the person who confirmed it is a senior student who took the postgraduate examination in science and engineering this year!

 This news shocked the entire mathematical community like a nuclear bomb.

 However, due to the confidentiality of the postgraduate examination, Professor Tu only copied the solution process and did not open the seal of the student's information. Therefore, the identity of this student has remained a mystery so far!

 But everyone knows that as soon as the results of the postgraduate examination are announced, the identity of this person will be revealed to the world. Whoever gets a perfect score in mathematics will be the person who solved the Riemann Hypothesis!

 For more than a month, the solution process of these two pages has been tested by countless mathematical workers, and a unified answer has been obtained. Several of the largest mathematical research institutions in the world have given positive results.

 Now, just wait for the results of the postgraduate examination to be released!

 "Hurry up, the time hasn't come yet!" Today, in the Huaxia Examination Information Management Office, there is an unprecedented concentration of Taishan Beidou from the mathematical world, and there are even a dozen white-haired, seventy-year-old old people pushing wheelchairs. Came here.

 Some of these people are from China and some from abroad. Any one of them who stands up can make the entire mathematics world tremble.

 "The horse... will be here soon, please wait patiently!" The usually aloof master was trembling like a little chicken at the moment.

 There is no way, everyone here is a top figure in the field of mathematics. They have promoted the progress of basic mathematics in the world. Even the national leaders must be respectful when they see these old people. They cannot afford to offend them at all.

 "You also say that we old guys are pedantic, but you people are really pedantic! The matter of removing a staple has to be delayed for a month! Do you know that this is our Chinese mathematical genius? There is only one in hundreds of years. Mathematics genius!"

 "Yes, yes!" the director responded respectfully.

 "Director, the results have been uploaded!" At this time, the staff member finally wiped the sweat from his forehead.

 "Quick! Check! Who is it!"

 "Why are you standing there? Check it quickly!" the director said to the staff.


 There was a clicking sound on the keyboard, and a series of messages appeared on the computer screen.

 Name: Zhang Menglong

 School: Jiangnan University of Technology

 Applicants: Jiangnan University of Technology

 English: 100

 High Mathematics 1: 150

 Politics: 100

 Professional Courses: 150

 "Zhang Menglong? Why is this name so familiar?" Several old antiques asked thoughtfully said.

 "That's the richest man in the world! I think he's studying at Jiangnan University of Technology!"

 "Is it him?"


 "Zhang Menglong! Why are you still sleeping? Do you know that the Internet has exploded?" In the middle of the night, Zhang Menglong suddenly Received a call from Wang Ling.

 "Nima, I'm sleeping! What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

 "Did you really solve the Riemann Hypothesis?"

 "What conjecture? What are you talking about?"

 "You're just pretending! The last question in the advanced mathematics paper of the postgraduate examination! That Riemann Hypothesis, do you know that the entire mathematics world is crazy now?" "

 Oh, you are talking about that question," Zhang Mengyu yawned, "I thought this was It's just an ordinary finale question, I'd say! No wonder it's a bit difficult to solve!"