
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · สมัยใหม่
370 Chs

I’ll double the amount they pay.

"Gudong, Gudong..."

  Zhou Juelun drank one cup after another, downing three times the milk tea in one breath. He licked his lips with satisfaction, still looking like he was still unsatisfied.

  A few black lines appeared on Zhang Mengyu's head. This way of drinking, it's no wonder he is so fat now. When he was studying, the talented and good-looking Jay Chou was gone forever. "

  "I'm sorry, this milk tea is so delicious." Noticing Zhang's hazy eyes, Zhou Juelun also looked a little embarrassed, "Did I drink too much?"

  Zhou Juelun also knew that the output of this solitary Dahongpao plant was only one kilogram per year. Based on the calculation of cooking 10g once, the annual output was only enough to cook a hundred times.

  You know, there are a lot of people who are eyeing this Dahongpao tea. There are not only rich entrepreneurs, but also some people with extremely high status in the country. Even if Zhang Mengyu is rich, he can only get dozens of grams a year. It's already amazing, right?

  "If Mr. Zhou likes it, you don't need to worry about these details," Hong Yi said. "Mr. Zhang's ancestors have planted several better-quality tea trees in private tea gardens a long time ago. The output is large every year. You can drink it yourself." I can't finish it, if Mr. Zhang is willing, you can take some back with you then."

  "What the hell, are you so awesome? Why didn't I know about this?" Zhang Mengyu grabbed Hong Yi and asked.

  "Mr. Zhang, you don't like drinking tea, so you haven't asked me about this." Hong Yi looked innocent.

  "That's right," Zhang Mengyu said, "If you have such a good thing, don't waste it. From now on, use that Dahongpao to make milk tea for me, three cups a day, hahaha!"

  Looking at Zhang Menglong's happy face, Zhou Juelun suddenly felt envious. Dahongpao made three cups of milk tea a day. This is probably what life in heaven is like, right?

  "Hong Yi, prepare a few kilograms of tea and let Juelun take it back when the time comes. This trip out of the province cannot be in vain."

  "Okay sir, you guys talk first and I'll go get ready."

  "Go." Zhang Menglong waved his hand.

  "Director Jay, let's talk about business," Zhang Menglong said, "You are here this time to discuss the copyright of the song, right?"

  "Yes," Zhou Juelun nodded, "My copyright contract for 'Hulu' music is about to expire. Now both Tencent and NetEase want to buy the copyright of my songs. This time I am planning to sign a contract with them. ."

  "Can I ask how much money they have prepared?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

  "This is not a secret," Zhou Juelun said with a smile, "Tencent is prepared to buy the copyright of all my songs for 10 years for 570 million."

  "Where's Wang Yi?"

  "The last price discussed was 480 million."

  "Don't sell it to them, sell it to me!" Zhang Mengyu said, "I'll double whatever they offer!"

  "Cough cough cough!" Zhou Juelun had just drank his fourth cup of milk tea, and was suddenly frightened by Zhang Mengwu's "double" and coughed.

  For Zhang Menglong, there is no difference between 500 million and 1 billion, they are just a number, but for Zhou Juelun and the two music companies, it is a sky-high price.

  You must know that the prices of 480 million and 570 million were determined after more than half a year of negotiation and friction.

  It's not that Zhou Juelun's asking price is too harsh, it's because his songs do have such commercial value!

  Because he got up early, all his songs belonged to his management company back then, so now most of the song copyrights are not owned by him alone. In fact, when he heard that his company was asking for such a high price, he was a little scared. One jump.

  But when Zhang Mengyu opened his mouth, he doubled down. Has this rich man already let himself go to such an extent?

  "Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid it's not that easy," Zhou Juelun said. My company has signed a tripartite cooperation agreement. Except for Tencent and Wangyi, the copyright will not be given to any other company on the road. If there is a breach of contract, I need to compensate a 100 million. "

  "It's okay, the 100 million will be counted on me," Zhang Mengyu said nonchalantly.

  "Mr. Zhang, if it is an exclusive license, then it may be a different price." Although Zhou Juelun was a little embarrassed to say it, he still wanted to say it. After all, if he wanted to hand over the copyright to his previous songs, he had to go through the previous process. company of.

  "Then double it!" Zhang Mengyu still had no expression on his face, "2 billion, I want ten years of network communication rights!"

  "Cough, cough, cough!" Before the coughing had subsided, the 2 billion fell down, immediately making Zhou Juelun and his assistant's heads buzz.

  "Mr. Zhang, with all due respect, if you really want 2 billion to buy the copyright, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time for you to even get your money back!"

  "I didn't say I expected to make money with this," Zhang Menglong spread his hands.

  "What do you mean?" Zhou Juelun didn't understand. Wasn't buying the copyright of his song just to seize the market? Isn't the ultimate goal of seizing the market still to make money?

  "Ding Sanshi and his son from Wangyi have offended me. I'm not happy. I'll start with Wangyi Music. It's that simple," Zhang Mengyu said. "I want to buy the exclusive rights to play all the songs of all the singers, leaving them with no choice. Walk."

  After Zhou Juelun heard this, his expression became a little stiff. How much would it cost to buy so many copyrights? And the cause of everything seems to be just for some personal grudges. Is it worth spending billions to make a living?

  "Mr. Zhang, Wangyi has offended you, and it is understandable for you to do so. What about Tengxun? Ma Hua and his son have also offended you?"

  "They didn't," Zhang Menglong said, "They can only admit that they are unlucky. If they had killed Wangyi Music long ago, wouldn't there be no such thing?"

  "When gods fight, mortals suffer." Zhou Juelun couldn't help but sweat for Ma Hua.

  If Zhang Mengyu's plan comes to fruition, not to mention Wangyi Music, even Tencent Music will go bankrupt. There is no way, this market is so cruel!

  But Ma Hua didn't do anything. He might be able to kill Ding Sanshi by then.

  As long as Zhang Mengyu's music platform is free, those fans who can't find the songs they want will have no choice but to transfer them to his platform. As for other small Internet celebrities, their covers are just a joke. .

  "Oh, by the way, if I add another five hundred million, I also want the exclusive right to cover it. Your song is so great, even if it's a cover, there will be people buying it!"

  "You are going to kill them all," Zhou Juelun said. Fortunately, he was paying attention to the affairs in the mainland. If he didn't know this person, he would have killed Zhang Mengyu today. Maybe by that time, Tengxun Music and Wangyi Music is his fate.

  "If there is no problem, I will pay."

  "No, wait a minute..." This is the first time Zhou Juelun has seen such a business. What's going on? The agreement and contract haven't even been signed yet, so the money is transferred directly?

  "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"


  "It's okay if you don't have it. Drinking milk tea is more important. Let's sign the contract after drinking it."


  "By the way, Director Jay, I have another question." Zhang Mengyu suddenly thought of something.

  "Mr. Zhang, please speak."

  "My future girlfriend likes you very much, so I want to sign you up. If you have nothing to do, come sing for us or go to the KTV to howl. Do you want to give me a price?"

  "I..." Zhou Juelun's face was filled with bitterness. Isn't this no different from a performer? After all, he is now a freelance musician and the chairman of several companies. There is no need for a little money...

  "Fifty million a year!"

  "Mr. Zhang, this is not good, I'm not selling my body as an artist."

  "That's it. How much does it cost to give you a concert?"

  Zhou Juelun: "I#¥#¥#%#%¥..."