
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · สมัยใหม่
370 Chs

Do you dare to provoke Zhang Menglong?

 In one night, Riot Games banned a total of 2.7 million accounts. Almost all of the IP addresses of these accounts came from China. Zhang Mengyu's influence made Luo Huade feel a little frightened.

 Today, the number of registered players of the League of Legends game exceeds 300 million, while Huaxia has more than 78 million. According to official statistics, Huaxia has more than 18 million active users, and the highest number of simultaneous online users exceeds 6.7 million.

 2.7 million accounts changed their names at the same time to protest Riot Games' monopolistic behavior. This kind of appeal would put even a cult to shame.

 "Fuck! Ban my account? I can't bear this. Don't they know that I have a nickname called Banha Douluo?"

 "Luo Huade, is your name the only one in your household registration book? Banned from labor and management? What's your number?"

 "I wish you that your wife will be caught cheating on you!" "

 I wish you will be killed on the spot in a car accident and the perpetrator will take full responsibility!" "

 I wish you will not make splashes when you poop!"

 "I wish you The death penalty will be suspended!"

 "I wish you that the high insurance will pay out!"

 "I wish you will be buried in a feng shui treasured place!"


 The players whose accounts were banned simply couldn't bear it. Many of them were People who have invested a lot of time and money in this game, some tycoons even spent hundreds of thousands just on skins, what are they going to do if their accounts are blocked?

 "@ Riot Games, please unblock our accounts quickly, or we will uninstall the game!"

 Players' protests set off a storm on the Internet.

 "What? They dare to block our account?"

 "Fuck! Don't they know that our Chinese players have the largest population base and the strongest spending power? Where do they think they make so much money every year?"

 " This is the first time I have seen someone being so arrogant towards the sponsor's father!"

 "Brothers, unload and move away, we can't just be bullied like this!"

 "Jihad begins! Sing a war hymn!"


 This is doomed. It was an event that was recorded in the history of e-sports. That night, Chinese players organized a large-scale boycott out of outrage.

 More than 40 million players have uninstalled League of Legends on their computers. This huge amount of uninstalls made Rowward panic.

 "Boss, the players in China are reacting very fiercely now. Are our methods too tough?" Luo Huade's secretary couldn't help but said, "Blocking 2.7 million accounts in one night is indeed too easy to cause trouble. The players are dissatisfied."

 "Hmph! Those arrogant Chinese people always think that protest is useful," Luo Huade pretended to be calm, "Don't worry, they have been tamed by this game over the years. Many of them have long been tamed by this game. We can no longer live without the League of Legends, and they will all download it in a few days."

 Looking at the extremely stubborn Luo HuaDe, the female secretary sighed, hoping that everything would develop as Luo Hua De imagined.

 However, Rowward did underestimate the Chinese players.

 After a full week, the 40 million carrying capacity actually recovered to less than 200,000. The servers in the entire China region became silent, and the activity level was not even one-tenth of the usual level!

 With the number of active players declining significantly, the time it takes for players to set up games has become extremely long, with an average game even taking more than 20 minutes. As for high-end games, it sometimes takes an hour or two to enter a duel. !

 For most people, playing games is to kill their free time, but most of the time is spent waiting. Who can bear this?

 In the next week, the number of spontaneous uninstalls by players reached millions again!

 As for the consumption of in-game props, it is even more pitifully low. According to monthly financial reports in previous years, League of Legends' revenue was far higher than that of other games, but this month, it actually dropped to third place!

 "What's going on?" The shareholders had displeased expressions on their faces when they got this month's financial report. Other people's games are getting better and better, so how come their revenue this month? A 20% decrease compared to last month?

 Riot's stupid behavior has led to serious player losses, and those colleagues are all happy. If Riot becomes bigger and bigger, where will they have the opportunity to develop?

 This kind of multiplayer competitive games has long been mature, and some large game development companies also have the ability to develop them. However, because players are accustomed to playing League of Legends, the survival space of these games is very small.

 But I don't know if the current person in charge of Riot Games has lost his mind. It's not good to offend anyone, but he chose to offend Zhang Mengyu. Can this big boss be offended casually? The number of active players in China has suddenly decreased by more than half. This is definitely an unprecedented opportunity for some developers!

 If we can take advantage of this momentum and make a game, maybe in a few years, it will be another Riot Games company!

 In two weeks, more than 10 similar games were launched directly online, and they even hired high-priced advertisements in an effort to seize the suddenly vacant market share.

 This news immediately panicked Riot Games shareholders. If the Chinese market is hit, their annual profits will drop by at least 40%!

 In the eyes of shareholders, as long as they can make money, everything else is nonsense! The company's business has always been fully managed by Luo Huade, and the other shareholders are only responsible for earning profits. If there is a problem with the company's profitability, it is Luo Hua De's fault!

 "Luo Huade, what on earth are you doing? How could you ban so many player accounts without the approval of the shareholders' meeting?" "

 I heard that Zhang Mengyu wants to spend 200 million US dollars to buy our game license. Why don't you sell it? This year, our S Games will coincide with the eSports Olympics only due to special circumstances. Can't we postpone it for a few months?" "I don't

 care about the status. This is not what we care about. We care about it. It's just about how much money you can make!"

 "Luo Huade, your behavior has seriously affected the interests of our shareholders, and we are now going to jointly impeach you as chairman!" "

 That's right! You are not worthy of continuing to be the chairman of the board. I think Huaxia Mr. Ma is the most suitable to serve as the chairman of the board of directors. We all believe in his understanding of the game industry and his ability to make money!" "

 Yes, I also agree to elect Mr. Ma as the new chairman!"

 Ma Hua: " Happiness comes so suddenly?"


 Although Loward holds the highest proportion of the company's shares, if all the other directors were to join together, in terms of shareholding ratio, they would surpass Loward. If they If Loward was to be impeached, he would have absolutely no way to resist.

 "You...you...have you ever thought that if the e-sports Olympics are really held in China, our S Series will only be a second-rate competition in the future!"

 "I don't know if the S Series will be a second-rate competition, but I know that if you go against Zhang Menglong, our company will soon become a second-rate company!" "

 You... are ridiculous, you are actually being A Chinese person is scared out of his wits." Luo Huade had a sad smile on his face, "Do you only have immediate interests in your head?"

 But those shareholders ignored Luo Huade. Indeed, they really Most of all, he was frightened by Zhang Menglong.

 Now almost all American companies have labeled Zhang Mengyu "untouchable". In a capitalist country, capital is everything, and the rich are the bosses. Zhang Mengyu's wealth is even so huge that it can impact the country's economy and politics. system.

 If you make him anxious, the consequences will be really serious!

 "Luo Huade, now our shareholders' meeting members have unanimously decided that you are no longer the chairman. From now on, all affairs of the company will be taken over by Mr. Ma Hua!" "

 Mr. Ma Hua, we hope that you can take over the entire The company will lead the development in a better direction!"

 "Absolutely!" Ma Hua smiled so hard that wrinkles appeared on his face. After becoming the chairman, his operating space will be much larger. He may even have the opportunity to slowly cannibalize other companies. Shareholders have full control over the company.

 "You will regret it!"

 Luo Huade left a resentful look in his eyes, and then left the scene angrily.