
Chapter 81 Battle Royal

"We will be heading to the capital, some of our disciples won't be joining the capital academy and still won't be coming back with us. Know why? Because they will be dead," elder Kun said.

"The capital admission contest is out of our control, but this tournament isn't," elder Dun said.

"Train up a child in the way he should grow and when he grows, he won't depart from it. If our students are used to death battles, I'm sure many of them will come out victorious or escape death in their future battles," elder Kun said.

"We have lost more than a eight hundred(800) students in just seven(7) months after increasing the difficulty of missions," elder Dun said.

"And the birth of martial prince students have spiked up by more than 400% compared to the previous years," elder Duan said.

"You gain some, you loss some," headmaster Mhu said.

"The best student of each xiantian rank has been birthed," hall master Yuan said.