
Chapter 183 Helping Hand

After a couple more rotations, the yin-yang symbol faded away.

"Now, what do we have here?" Lu Jin said as he looked at his hand.

Having only half the face of a demonic rhinoceros on the front of it, the scroll emitted no aura at all, looking as ordinary as possible.

Opening the scroll, Lu Jin wasn't expecting what he saw.

"It's not a technique," he said as he saw the information on the scroll

Speaking on an aspect of sculpturing the kid reading has never seen before, the scroll showed it experience, as well as its superiority as an ancient artifact.

"Putting a meaning when sculpting amplifies the liveliness and realness of your sculpture," Lu Jin said as he read the words written on the scroll.

Reading further, he got to see the way the scroll illustrated how to one can put a meaning into their sculptures.