
Chapter 640: Finding a Boyfriend for Jiao Jiao?

"Director, why don't you keep some fish in the hippo enclosure? It would be so beautiful to see schools of fish swimming with the hippos."

Fang Ye laughed, "Well, keeping some fish is a good idea and can help clean the water. However, hippos love to mark their territory with feces. The fish won't be able to clean up as fast as the hippos can poop, and you can't change the water every day if you keep fish.

Especially in summer, bacteria and algae multiply faster, and the water quality deteriorates quickly. The fish might all die within a week. You can't just make them disposable.

Moreover, the water would get too dirty. Imagine visitors seeing feces floating in the water, algae sticking to the glass, and the area smelling terrible. They'd have to cover their noses while touring, which would ruin the experience. So, while it's possible to keep fish, it's not very practical."

"Hahaha! I can totally picture that!"

"Yeah, didn't think it through."

After watching from outside, Fang Ye entered the activity area from the back.

He called out, "Jiao Jiao, Bing Gao!"

Jiao Jiao lifted her upper body, tilted her head, and looked in the direction of the sound.

She stayed lying on the ground, not getting up to greet him.

In the hot summer weather, apart from swimming, she didn't like to move much and just lazily rested.

Seeing Fang Ye squatting in front of her with a smile, her amber eyes showed a gentle look, and she blinked.

After a moment of eye contact, she slowly lay down on her side, revealing her soft, white belly.

She looked up at Fang Ye, tilting her head towards him, with her paws curled up in front of her chest.

It was clear: Come play with me!

Despite being a mighty tiger, she gave off the vibe of a cat seeking affection.

In fact, she was acting coquettish, but Jiao Jiao only showed this side to him.

Fang Ye couldn't resist and opened his arms, pouncing on her, pressing himself against Jiao Jiao, and burying his head in her neck fur, taking a deep breath.

Then he got up, knelt on the grass, and started rubbing Jiao Jiao's fluffy cheeks and neck with his hands, his eyes full of joy. "Good girl, why are you so cute?"

Jiao Jiao, being rubbed by Fang Ye, also closed her eyes comfortably, emitting a low, engine-like purr from her chest, enjoying his touch.

"Oh, that beautiful big face, I want to rub it too!"

"That soft belly, it must be so comfortable to sleep on."

"This pose is just like my cat, but it must be even better to cuddle."

"Such a skilled pose for seeking pats!"

It was time for some envy as the viewers watched Fang Ye and Jiao Jiao interact affectionately, feeling both jealous and envious.

Jiao Jiao yawned, turned her body, and stretched her paws forward, giving a lazy stretch.

Then she used her paw to scratch her itchy nose and rubbed her eyes, looking adorably naive.

She then rested her head on Fang Ye's lap, enjoying the director's lap pillow.

Not only did Fang Ye enjoy cuddling, but Jiao Jiao also loved snuggling with Fang Ye, feeling relaxed and secure with his scent.

Under the blue sky, with golden sunlight shining on the grass, Fang Ye smiled gently, softly rubbing Jiao Jiao's ears, massaging the back of her head. Jiao Jiao closed her eyes, her big head lazily resting on his lap.

The pond reflected the white clouds and surrounding trees, with beautiful wildflowers swaying in the breeze under the giant trees.

For a moment, only the sound of flowing water remained, glistening under the sunlight, with the cattails in the water swaying, giving a serene and beautiful feeling.

"So beautiful!"

"Feeling healed!"

Hu Yan watched the live stream, smiling and feeling relaxed.

After getting dizzy from researching materials, thinking about today's goals, he was ready to start writing despite feeling mentally exhausted and having a slight headache.

He had seen someone ask on Zhihu about not getting overtime pay during holidays and chuckled.

Forget about basic weekends off; web novel authors don't get any holidays during the New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, or National Day. Let alone overtime pay!

If you write fast, it's fine, but if you write slowly, it's really a headache. You can only take a break after finishing the book.

Seeing Fang Ye live streaming, he decided to take a day off to recover.

Watching Bing Gao's funny fishing antics, he couldn't stop laughing and felt a bit envious.

These tigers have such a good life. They can openly slack off without asking anyone for leave.

Sunbathing, swimming, fishing, rubbing against trees—a perfect day.

This is what life should be like!

What about him? Stuck at home every day, typing on a computer with no social opportunities, even getting mocked by readers for writing bad romance scenes, saying he must not have a girlfriend.

Of course not! How could a girlfriend fall from the sky when you never go out?

But watching Fang Ye and Jiao Jiao interact so warmly, he felt relaxed.

He thought to himself, after finishing this book, he would use the royalties to buy a camera and visit the director's zoo.

The purpose of making money is not for the money itself but to better enjoy life.

Of course, sharing his joy through writing was also a happy thing.

"Yang Niao Wu Wo" gifted a plane!

"7eGeNd" gifted 20 rice balls!

Fang Ye looked at Bing Gao, who was eating fish on the other side, and then at Jiao Jiao, deep in thought.

Now that Bing Gao was growing up, was it time to find Jiao Jiao a boyfriend?

He hadn't rushed to bring in a male tiger before, fearing that Bing Gao was too young and might get hurt by another male tiger.

Gently stroking Jiao Jiao's head, he asked, "Jiao Jiao, how about finding you a boyfriend?"

Jiao Jiao looked at him, tilting her head, not quite understanding. Boyfriend? Can you eat that?

The viewers got excited, "Do you even need to find one? Director, aren't you Jiao Jiao's boyfriend?"

"Tiger girl is nice! But I prefer snakes, they're a bit more exotic with tails!"

"I think a crane girl would be beautiful! Dressed in white."

"The fox faction strongly opposes! If the director marries Jiao Jiao, what about Xiao Qiao?"

"Then marry them all!"

"Your preferences are so weird!"

Fang Ye looked at the comments, feeling exasperated, "Gosh, what are you all talking about!"

Usually, Lan Li didn't talk much during the live stream, but this time she couldn't help it, "I'm the director's official girlfriend, okay! Even if Jiao Jiao turns into a tiger girl, I wouldn't agree!"

Jiao Jiao, hearing Lan Li call her name, turned her head and lazily opened her mouth, "Roar!"

Lan Li was so scared she shivered, taking a step back and quickly clasping her hands together, apologizing, "Sorry, sorry!"

She felt that Jiao Jiao was very spiritual and might really understand.


"Director, your little girlfriend is so cute."