
Chapter 596: The Ethereal Red-Crowned Crane

"Truly worthy of being called an immortal crane! So beautiful."

"This beauty can definitely compete with the green peafowl!"

"China really has many rare and mystical creatures, all exuding an ethereal aura."

"I once saw a red-crowned crane flying in a nature reserve; it was truly breathtaking!"

Fang Ye recited softly, "Lowering its head, it fears the cinnabar might fall; spreading its wings, it often wonders if the white snow will melt. These are lines from Bai Juyi's poem praising the red-crowned crane. Graceful and elegant, the gentleman among birds, none other than the red-crowned crane."

"The Director is so cultured! If it were me, I'd just say it's pretty /laughcry"

"I'm different; I'd say it's really pretty!"

Fang Ye smiled and explained, "There's a saying that cranes have three long features: long neck, long legs, and long beak.

With their snow-white feathers and elegant posture, they have an otherworldly, ethereal quality.

It's not hard to understand why the ancients adored them, leaving traces of cranes in so many poems and paintings, often associating them with immortals.

In Tao Yuanming's 'Later Records of the Search for the Supernatural,' there's a story about a man named Ding Lingwei who studied Taoism on Mount Lingxu for a thousand years and decided to visit home. He transformed into a beautiful immortal crane and flew down to his hometown, landing on a huabiao (ornamental column) at the city gate.

Looking around, he found no one he recognized.

A child aimed a slingshot at him, and the crane flew up, singing: 'There is a bird, Ding Lingwei, who left home a thousand years ago and now returns. The city is the same, but the people are not. Why not learn to be an immortal, where the tombs are many?' Then it flew away.

Can you see the ancients' longing for immortality, transcendence, and longevity?

Ordinary people, no matter how long they live, end up as bones in a tomb after a hundred years. But by studying Taoism and becoming an immortal, they could transcend the mundane world and find peace and freedom in the universe.

The red-crowned crane also has a long lifespan, living up to 60-80 years, much longer than most birds, almost as long as humans.

So this longing for immortality and longevity is projected onto the red-crowned crane, a bird that is both ethereal and long-lived, earning it the title of 'immortal crane.' It's said that when people ascend to immortality, they ride on the back of an immortal crane.

Moreover, the red-crowned crane's call is also beautiful! When they fly across the sky, their loud calls resonate across the land. Sometimes people can't see the cranes but can hear their calls.

In Sichuan, there's a place called Crane Cry Mountain, named after the cranes' calls as they flew back and forth. It's also the legendary place where Zhang Daoling, the founder of Taoism, practiced and became immortal. So cranes have a deep connection with Taoism."

The viewers, listening to Fang Ye's narration and admiring the beautiful red-crowned crane, felt a strange sense of connection.

It was as if they resonated with the ancients from a thousand years ago, experiencing their feelings when they saw cranes flying overhead and heard their loud calls.

Fang Ye cleared his throat and made a trilling sound: "Doolooloolooloo~~"

The red-crowned crane, which had been looking at its reflection in the water as if admiring itself, immediately stepped forward, lifted its head, stretched its neck, and let out a loud, resonant call: "Oh~ oh oh~"

"Oh~ oh~"

From a distance, other cranes responded with their melodious calls, creating a harmonious chorus!

The red-crowned crane's call had a metallic quality to it.

"Wow, the crane's call is so beautiful!"

"It's indeed very loud!"

"Haha, the Director's call was so funny!"

Fang Ye laughed, "This is how it is with red-crowned cranes. When one calls, the others will follow suit.

Their loud calls are related to their unique vocal organs. Their long necks mean they have long vocal tracts, about a meter long. The end is coiled like a brass instrument, creating strong resonance when they call."

After calling, the red-crowned crane dipped its head to peck at the water.

Then it slightly spread its wings, letting the breeze ruffle its feathers, and turned its head to preen.

When it turned its head, the bright red on top looked like a beautiful ruby or thick rouge, very striking.

A viewer couldn't help but ask, "Director, what's the relationship between the red on the crane's head and 'crane top red'? Is it poisonous?"

"Yeah, I've always been curious about that when watching palace dramas!"

Fang Ye explained, "The red on the crane's head is indeed beautiful, but 'crane top red' has nothing to do with the red-crowned crane!

There's a mineral called realgar, which is arsenic sulfide, naturally red due to its sulfur content. When processed, it becomes arsenic. The ancients liked using euphemisms, and 'crane top red' was just a poetic way of referring to arsenic poison."

"My long-standing confusion is finally resolved!"

"I always thought it was extracted from the crane's head! That would be quite a waste of cranes."

Fang Ye said, "Here's a fun fact: the red on the crane's head isn't from feathers but from skin! So, the red-crowned crane is actually bald!"

Red-crowned crane: ????

Is someone talking bad about me?

Lan Li zoomed in with the camera for a closer look.

The crane's neck was black, the back of its head was white, intertwining like a yin-yang symbol.

The red-brown area on top was noticeably lower, covered in tiny nodules.

"Oh my, the bumps are making my scalp tingle!"

"Director, you've ruined the crane's image for me. I can't look at it the same way anymore!"

"Boohoo, I don't care, the crane is still an immortal! Even if it's bald!"

"Hey, it's just like having a strawberry on its head!"

"Damn, I was eating strawberries! Why did I have to see this now!"

Fang Ye laughed, "You get used to it. The color scheme is still beautiful!

The red on the crane's head isn't there at birth. As chicks, they look like regular baby birds, covered in yellow-brown down, with thick down on their heads too.

At about two to three months old, they start losing feathers, a necessary step to becoming strong.

Without a beautiful red crown, they can't find a mate.

The feathers on their heads gradually fall out, and by around three years old, their heads are almost bald, showing a red-brown color. By four years old, the feathers are completely gone, and they can start courting.

The red on the crane's head is controlled by hormones.

During the spring mating season, the red area is larger and more vibrant. Their mood and health also affect the brightness of the red! When they're sick, the red crown dims noticeably. After death, the red gradually fades away."
