

It still vivid in my mind when i woke up that i'm in the body of a 14 years old kid name kyle. In my previous life i am the most powerful necromancer and alchemist in history, i accomplished many things and died contented. But i didn´t expect to woke up in another body in another world. Then i found a box in the dump site with a key card...Welcome to trading system as a starting gift you will get a small realm and can bring one person for the time being, And that´s the start of my OP adventures. Join me to build a powerful and wealthy realm and travel to every realm to trade and gather powerful people and treasures.

Dark_raven13 · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

Searching for treasure vault

Then Enzo and Angelica went back to the building to ensured no ones alive aside from the 8 girls.

"Hey uncle! do you want me to tell you a secret?"

Enzo didn't react or even look at her, but Angelica still talking to him.

"I know another secret door lead to the room of Black tiger."

Enzo suddenly stop and look at her.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I'm serious! i really know!"

"How did you even know that?"

"Secret..." Angelica said while giggling..

"Ok tell me! where is it?"

"What can you exchange in return?! don't tell me you will only get this precious information for free?"

Enzo's patience for her is running thin so he calm himself using the inhale exhale method before he answered Angelica.

"You are still a child but you are already this cunning!"

"No free lunch in this world anymore! you need to know how to give and take."

"Ok fine! what do you want?"

" There are some artifact treasures in Black tigers treasure vault, i need something there,.. you can get the rest but i will get that thing!"

"How can you even know about Black tiger's treasure vault?"

He curiously ask... there is really something fishy about this brat! he murmured to himself.

"Its a secret! it's up to you if you believe me or not!"

Feeling hopeless and defeated by the brat he decided to agree.

"Fine!! but i don't have any say about this! you can get that thing you want but we need to tell my boss first! don't worry, for sure my boss will give it to you.. that kind of worldly treasures are no values to sir's eyes."

Angelica became silent for a while then a moment later she agreed.

"Ok deal!"

"I need to do my task first, after that we can go there."

"Are you really going to kill those girls?"

Enzo didn't say anything.

"Are you going to make them your summons?"

"Why are you so noisy?" he irritated said to Angelica.

"Duuuuhhh! why are you so boooring uncle?"

"Shut up and follow me quietly!"

After a while later, both of them are inside the room already where the girls being confined.

The girls saw them and became much more scared.. 

He commanded his two skeletons who guarded the girls thru voice transmission to kill all the girls fast except for Marie.

Then the skeletons moved very fast and killed all of them in a seconds, They didn't even have time to react..

Marie saw what happened and she screamed so loud and fainted.

He summon the skeletons from the corpses and put it in to his reserved space.

And for Marie, he put her into a big sack, then he commanded one of his skeleton to carry it.

They checked one last time every rooms in that building to be sure and not to missed any thing.

"Now tell me where that hidden room is!" Enzo said.

"Come with me."

Then they both went to the other side of the building where Kyle and Black tiger confronted each other earlier.

The place is clean, you can't see any corpses.. it's like there is no battle happened.

"Sir is very powerful! he eradicated the beast gang cleanly without leaving any evidence!" Enzo said while very amazed.

The building on this side is much more bigger so he called his skeletons to patrol if there is any survivors hiding.

When he was sure that nothings left.. they started to find the hidden room of black tiger.

In the end of the hall way they saw a huge size painting on the wall.

Who would have thought that this painting is actually a door.

They opened the painting door and they saw a short hallway leading to another door.

"Damned! why this beast gang HQ have lots of doors!!! is the beast gang leader have kinks for doors?" 

Enzo really can't understand some people kinks.

When they are Infront of the door, they noticed that its not lock so they both went inside immediately.

The office room inside is big, it has a separate bedroom.

They started to inspect first the bedroom but the only thing they saw was a pile of S*x toys and some things for BDSM.

"Uncle what are these? they are huge!" Angelica said curiously.

"Oi don't touch anything! its very dirty! and a child like you don't need to know about this yet." Enzo is really helpless... this kind of toys are really not good for a child eyes.

"Tsskk.. what a kill joy!" Angelica said while pouting.

When they didn't find anything in the bedroom.. they continued the search in the office room.

There he found a pile of papers on the table.

He was shocked when he saw a folder named Kendrick's family information.

He hurriedly opened the folder and saw a background check of their family members.

"Why the beast gang have this kind of information about my family?!"

Enzo became anxious and decided to put the folder and other important documents he saw into his space ring.

"Uncle i found it!" Angelica excitedly said to Enzo.

Enzo walked towards her and saw a middle size wooden type cabinet.

When he touched it, it's actually a metal vault that only looks like a wooden cabinet on the surface.

The problem was the vault is lock and need a key to open it.

If they can't find the key he didn't have a choice than to destroy the vault.

As much as possible he don't want to leave any traces that someone's been here so destroying the vault is his last option.

"I can open it uncle!" 

"How will you open it? you don't have the key!"

"I don't need a key.."

Then she took out her hair pin and showed it to him.

"Do you know how to open it using that?"

"Watch and learn!!"

 Angelica started to adjust the hair pin then insert it into the key hole.

A little while later the vault door open.

"See?! i'm so amazing and i just can't hide it!" Angelica proudly said.

Enzo was so speechless...how come this snotty brat is so shameless? he said to himself. 

"Yah yah... you are really amazing and you just can't hide it! happy?!"

"Why it sounds like mockery than praising?"

"Its only your imaginations!" Enzo lazily said.

Then they took out all the things inside the vault.