
535 approaches it, becomes it

"Push it over."

Above the sea, where only the sound of the waves could be heard, a ferry was smoothly anchored.

Following an emotionless command, shadows moved on the deck, and then a heavy oil drum was seen tipping over, rolling swiftly forward, and plummeting off the ship into the sea below.


A splash of water erupted.

The oil drum sank quickly, mercilessly engulfed by the icy seawater.

The ripples spread out and then slowly returned to calm; in only a few seconds, the oil drum had disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened.

Under the desolate and pitch-black night, Jiang Chen stood on the deck of the ferry, witnessing this inhuman scene with his own eyes.

How heavy is life?

How light is life?

A living person had just disappeared quietly and soundlessly from this world, and there probably wouldn't even be anyone who knew where he went.