
I Hate You, Mr. Regan

Aletha is suddenly betrothed to Regan, the CEO of Sky Group where she works by her mother in the middle of her engagement plan with Dion, the man who has been her lover for 5 years. No matter how hard Aletha and Dion try to stay together, Sarah still makes the marriage because only Regan can save her husband from the case that entangles her. In addition, Regan is also demanded by his parents to get married and have children, which is impossible for him to do with his actress girlfriend, Sheren Jasmine.

RitaHawa · สมัยใหม่
151 Chs

Of Course

In that thought, Aletha felt scared herself because it was clear someone like Sheren would not accept it and surely she would think of every way to get rid of 'again' Aletha's baby.

As if she knew what Aletha was thinking, Regan held his wife's hand gently.

"What are you thinking about? I will take very good care of you this time."

Seeing Regan's eyes filled with sincerity when talking to her, Aletha felt touched, but considering that this man was very weak when he faced his ex-girlfriend, Aletha doubted he could take good care of her.

"I mean, if someone like Sheren found out I was pregnant again what would she do? Sorry if I have to bring this up, but it was she who caused my accident and miscarriage."

"This time I will be firmer."

Aletha didn't expect to get an answer like that, but still she couldn't fully believe it.

"Should we just keep it a secret?" Aletha hesitated when expressing her opinion.