
I Hacked Everything

Chris tried hacking his favorite game, but once he successfully hacked it, a frown appeared and then he passed out. When he came back to life, he realized he obtained a hacking system.

JeffreyDO · แฟนตาซี
75 Chs

Killing Intent Rises

"When was she kidnapped?!" Chris shouted.

"Today, she decided to go outside with her friends and when she went to the restroom at a restaurant, she didn't come back. Her friends checked the restroom to see her phone lying on the ground,"

"Ummmm... Monica is 5' 7 and you're telling me that a girl that tall can be kidnapped inside a public place and not be noticed by anyone else?" Chris asked with doubt.

"Well, it turns out that as soon as your sister went inside the restroom, another woman went in with a huge suitcase. I'm guessing no one questioned it because everyone has seen too many crazy things recently so a woman going inside with a huge suitcase is most likely not the most suspicious thing they have seen. Well, that woman came out, but your sister didn't so she is the prime suspect,"

"God damn it," Chris screamed.

"Son, your father and I have been extremely cruel to you for years, but you're still our son and seeing that your sister is kidnapped, we're both extremely worried about you. You said that you were in the care of someone right? We just hope that you'll stay inside for a while and come back once your sister is found,"

"Cruel is an understatement. You guys have basically abandoned me and the only reason you kept me was because the law forces you to do so. Hmph, I'll stay inside like you asked," Chris said as he hung up the call. Tears were forming in his eyes, but anger quickly removed his sadness.

'System where is Monica?!' Chris asked angrily.

-Host has triggered an Immediate Quest: Save your sister! Your sister was taken to a warehouse by the Queens Harbor. The place there is one of the storage houses for kidnapped women. All victims are held there before they are sold. Your friend, Chloe is also there. If Chloe is saved, an additional reward will be given. However, there is a time limit. Chloe is going to be sold within 10 hours and Monica will be sold within the next 24 hours. If Host fails to save Monica at the very least, there will be a penalty.-

Reward: 50,000 Hacker Points, 1 Regular Lottery Tickets. If Chloe is saved, 1 Golden Lottery Ticket will be given instead.

Requirement: Monica 0/1, Chloe 0/1

'That's quite a lot for an Immediate Quest. There's also that penalty too. Well I should probably go at nighttime to give them quite the surprise. I'll make sure that this becomes a bloodbath!' Chris thought as killing intent that he never thought he had started to radiate off of him. Since it was around evening, Chris did not have to wait long to start his operation. When night came, the driver that was guarding the door turned to use the restroom.

'The kid has no reason to escape. Judging by his phone call that I heard earlier, he should feel more inclined to stay inside,' The driver thought as he confidently went to the restroom. Even if there was an emergency, he believed that his speed was fast enough to come out and handle the situation.

When Chris saw this golden opportunity, he immediately started his operation.

'System how much is it to buy an assassin's outfit?'

-An assassin's outfit will be 20 Hacker Points. Will Host purchase this item. Once bought, the clothing will automatically be worn-


Chris agreed and his bathrobe disappeared and in its place was a black assassin outfit. It was a black leather jacket with a hood that covered his eyes and tight black pants.

-Thank you for the purchase. Host now has 89,499 Hacker Points.-

'This is quite nice,' Chris thought as he started to move around. 'Extremely light, but it looks like it's durable and can withstand quite a bit of force. I'll be able to run fast with this outfit,'

As Chris finished getting used to his new outfit, the driver came out. When he saw Chris, he was surprised by his outfit.

'Wait, there was no outfit like that in the closet,' As the driver kept on wondering how Chris suddenly got his new outfit, Chris charged at him. Due to his reflexes, the driver put his arms in front of him to make sure that Chris does not hit him. However, Chris quickly shifts his direction to the right and goes behind the driver.

'Oh shit!' The driver thought as he quickly tried to turn back. However, it was too late. Chris already threw out a strike and it hit directly on the driver's neck knocking him unconscious.

Chris quickly lifted the driver up and put him on the bed.

"Alright, since the guard is knocked out, let's kill some people," Chris said as he opened the door of the room. He quickly left the safe house and started to run.

'System act as my navigator to where Monica is,'

-As this is for the quest, the system will do so for free. Host should turn left here.-


20 minutes of constant running later, Chris finally arrived at a harbor where there was a numerous warehouses all around them.

'Alright, System, which warehouse is it?' Chris asked.

-The warehouse Monica is located in is the one at the end of the row directly in front of us.-

'How many people are there right now?'

-Currently, there are 20 people. 15 are regular troops from all 5 gangs and 4 are executives of Forze Unite. The final person is Alfonso Rossi himself.-

'What is he doing here?!' Chris asked with surprise.

-He heard that Monica was captured and the troops said that she was exceptionally beautiful leading Alfonso to see if he wants her as his sex slave. At the current time, Alfonso has already decided to keep her and they are about to rape her at any minute now.-

"That fucking son of a bitch!" Chris shouted as he ran as fast as he can to where Monica was. When he arrived in front of a door, he heard shouting.

"No! Let me go!" A familiar voice shouted with desperation.

"Hmph, you're mine now. Even if I let you go today, I'll rape you tomorrow, the next week, the next year, all the way until I get bored of you. If you're lucky enough, I'll make sure that you become one of my wives and give love to you on a daily basis," A husky man's voice said back while breathing heavily.

Chris could not handle it anymore. He directly slammed the door, destroying it, and he stormed inside the room to catch his naked sister struggling on a big bed against an ugly fat man with his tongue sticking out. Seeing this, Chris' anger level reached its peak. His killing intent rose to a level even beyond what he released earlier making both the man and Monica feel as if they were frozen in ice.

Chris finally opened his mouth.

"You're dead you fat bastard,"

Here's the upload. It's a little late, but not too late so I guess it's alright. Thx for reading!

JeffreyDOcreators' thoughts