
I Got Trapped Inside my mobile game and became the Legendary Spearmen

A person trapped inside a mobile game only way to get out of the game is to change the ending of the world and beat all the floors can he make it’s through

Blue_Hiatous · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

The First Battle

-As a month passed, most people lazed around not worrying and just eating the hard bread and potato laying around and sleeping. Some found jobs to do like cooking and washing, the team we're training and the master log in for usually a hour then left we found out that time flows differently in the game than it does in the real world w days for us is for him, and with that the raid was about to begin-, "Okay listen up everyone your goal in this raid is to last 20 minute against your opponent or kill them all"Tink said, "who's our opponent."Ben asked "Lizard men good luck"she answered -They all walk into the large portal behind the raid door and end up in a field of green grass for miles -

"There's a barrier we can't go past"Stacey noticed touching her hand on it, "Everyone get ready triangle formation"Kim ordered, as they assume the position of a triangle Jung on the right, Kim on the left, and Stacey in the back, and Ben in the middle the circle wasn't to small but was just enough for it to be secure and, if any monsters got past the front Ben would take care of them while Stacey knocked down any other enemies, -Mission: Stay alive for 20 minutes rewards are basic, opt 2 Kill all x15 lvl1 lizard men and get better rewards Penalty: Death- -after that they heard sounds coming from the front and it was 15 lizard men 3 with clubs, 4 with swords, 2 with bows, 3 with axes, 3 with shields Stacey informed-. "Stacey shoot down the two with arrows first everyone else wait"Kim orderd -Stacey fired the first two arrows from 30 feet away and killed both the lizard men with arrows- "20 feet out"Stacey warned, "Ben get ready"Kim orderd -Flash back occurs- "Ben rember for this whole month all you practice was blocking a hit then stabbing after, don't be afraid and just do what you know, you're not going to have the skill or efficiency like me and Jung or the eye sight of Stacey but you got grit, despite being the worse one here you held on, I promised you guys I can't guarantee your safety and if you're dead weight I'll throw you away no heasitation but you can do it if you work hard but if you stick close you will survive,"Kim said earnestly- the back flash of Ben ended, and he hardens himself. (The first lizard men approaches and Jung dashed toward him and dodges his axe and chops off his head, Kim sides blocks the lizarmens sword kicks him away and then stabs his heart… while Kim and Jung are busy fighting, a lizard men gets through the formation and heads for Ben… Ben blocks the club hit with his shield pushes him away and slices the lizard men sideways although it was to shallow, then Stacey launched a arrow into its head killing it). "Don't worry I got you're back"She reassures him, (as they all are fighting Kim realizes that the efficiency is about 70% and although It's good while Jung is handling most of them and he's handling about two at a time, Stacey and Ben would wound the others and buy us time but 14 minutes have passed and we still have 6 lizard men left). "Fuck it! Jung don't worry about the formation and handle the 3 with the shields"Kim orderd Jung noddes (Jung finishes his opponent and breaks formation to deal with the three and now Kim takes on the two lizard me with axes and leaves the one with the sword to them, Jung picks it up a notch and shoulder charged into the three lizard men and held his breath as he spun around with his blade pointed outwards and cut the lizard men shield and then sliced one lizard men killing it then blocks a lizard men punch with his shoulder he spin around the arm and cuts the head off while simultaneously throwing his straight sword killing all 3. Kim activated flexor and finished his battle with the two, and Ben and Stacey finished their battle but the timer was still counting, trying to figure it out they had 10 seconds left or fail the mission). (10…9…8…7 Kim looks around think the only solution is ones still alive 6…5… he activates Monkey king eyes 4… the skill shows him 3 seconds into the future and he sees one of the bow lizardmen That Stacey shot still alive so he throws his spear with all him might 3…2… the spear kills the lizardmen) -Mission accomplished MVP: Jung all players in the party level up to level 2


KIm Spear:





Intelligence: 1


Skills: Calm Mind(p)


Money Eyes (A).(learned

Spear throw)

Jung Dual Swords:







Skills: Swordsmanship(p) Lvl3

DualSwordsmanship(p) Lvl2 Battle sense(p).(Learned blitz(A))

Stacey Bow:







Skills: None(learned Pinpoint accuracy(p))

Ben Sword and Shield:







Skills: None(learned Stone wall(A))