
A Strange Boss Part 1

--AN) 33+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne--

Shizuku was now on the twentieth floor. She looked at the huge doors in front of her and sighed. "It has taken us a while, but we are finally here."

All three girls were now level 22 and 24. Shizuku was surprised to see how much experience she gained on the nineteenth and twentieth floors. 

[Name]: Nakasaki Shizuku

[Level]: 24

[Race]: Vampire

[Class]: Blood Medic 

[Rank]: Pawn

[Gift]: Apothecary (Lvl 1)

[Health]: 370/370

[Mana]: 420/420

[Blood]: 370/370

[Attack Power]: 370

[Magic Power]: 420

[Strength]: 37

[Vitality]: 37

[Agility]: 42

[Intellect]: 42

[Mind]: 42

[Charm]: 42


{Charming Gaze} {Blood Manipulation} {Bloody Healing} {Bloody Healing Rain}{Language Comprehension} {Blood Bound} 

- - -

[Name]: Mei

[Level]: 24

[Race]: ???? Fox

[Class]: Brawler

[Gift]: Appraisal

[Health]: 300/300

[Mana]: 270/270

[Attack Power]: 300

[Magic Power]: 270

[Strength]: 30

[Vitality]: 30

[Agility]: 30

[Intellect]: 27

[Mind]: 27


{Quickened Steps} {Body Strengthening} {????} {????}

- - -

[Name]: Miyumi

[Level]: 22

[Race]: Catkin

[Class]: Guardian

[Gift]: Black Smithing / Reversal (1)

[Health]: 400/400

[Mana]: 210/210

[Attack Power]: 320

[Magic Power]: 210

[Strength]: 32

[Vitality]: 40

[Agility]: 28

[Intellect]: 21

[Mind]: 21


{Ward} {Body Strengthening} {Provoke} {Feline's Grace}

"Is everyone fully healed?" Shizuku asked. They had already rested for two days. All they had left was to kill the dungeon boss and then soak in the experience. 

"I am ready, Master." Mei pumped her fists a few times while taking a few deep breaths to relax.

"I am as ready as I will ever get," Miyumi replied. She had gotten used to tanking. Her ability to use her skills at the right times had gotten really good. She especially liked the skill Feline's Grace. It was an active skill, but it lasted three minutes. It allowed her to increase her dodge chance by sixty percent. It was a big help so that she did not need as much healing.

"Alright, since we are ready, let's head in." Shizuku took a deep breath before pushing on the huge door in front of her. The whole door shook, and dirt and rocks fell from the ceiling. The door moved slowly which was fine since Shizuku did not plan to open it all the way. She only needed enough room for them to enter the room. 

When they entered, they were met with a large room covered in blue, dimly glowing stone. The entire room was made out of this stone. Shizuku looked around but did not see a boss anywhere in sight. "Hmmm? Is it a trigger, boss?"

"Trigger boss?" Mei asked in confusion.

"A boss that will only appear when you do something." Miyumi was the one to answer. 

"But there is nothing in here but stone, which means we might need to do something else," Shizuku added.

The three walked around the entire room cautiously but there was nothing there but blue stone. "This makes no sense. This is the boss room, right?" Shizuku was stumped. The room was empty. Nothing could be seen that was out of place. The walls, ceiling, and floor were all the same. The stones were huge and did not seem to move at all. They even tried to move the ones they could reach.

"Shizu, don't you think the stone itself is kind of odd?" Miyumi had a strange feeling when she looked at the dimply glowing stones.

"Maybe? I am not sure. After all, this is not our world. There have been many glowing stones since we started this dive." Shizuku did not know much about anything from this world. While she did wish to learn more, she could not just walk into the library and go hey, let me read your books as a Fallen.

"Master…. I think this stone might just be the boss." Mei suddenly said while raising her fist into the air and thrusting it down.


"Squgiii!!!!!" A strange sound filled the air. The blue stones underfoot started to shake, causing Shizuku to become alarmed. 

"Everyone dodge!" All three girls quickly jumped to the side as spikes shot up into the air. 

"Mei, please give a better warning before smashing things!" Shizuku couldn't help but scold Mei on this. If they had not been on guard, they could have died just now.

"What kind of monster is the room itself!?" Miyumi never heard of such a thing before.

"I can think of one kind of monster. A mimic…" Shizuku replied as she readied her bloody blades. 

"I never heard of Mimic that can take on the shape of an entire room." Mei never heard of such a thing, but then again, she had always been in her cage since she was young.

"Mei, does your appraisal pick up anything now?" Shizuku asked. She had Mei use it before, but it did not detect anything.

"No, still nothing. It's as if it has something to block my appraisal skill." Mei could only frown. They had yet to really figure out how Mei's appraisal worked, but from what Shizuku could tell, it seemed to be level-based. If the target was two levels over Mei, then it would not work at all.

"The boss, maybe a higher level, is all. Let's just work out a method of how we will deal with this. Miyu, you will be the one to attack first. As soon as you do, move to the side and wait. If you feel shaking underfoot, move again. The same goes for all of us. We need to figure out how the boss attacks."