
I got rejected and she fell in love with me

Hiroyuki kuragari got rejected in high school by his crush, but little did he know he got in a weird situation with his ex-crush, things become weird between them. Edited by Domochi sip. Hope you like it All Rights Reserved

KirigiTomura · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Part 4

"What's up with them?" It was cold outside, I sat on a bench in the playground.

"Hey! Why did you run?" It was Kiko who seemed so breathless?


"Why are you apologising now? anyways here's your umbrella."

"Thank you."

she sat beside me, and I don't want to talk to anybody else for now.

"Do you hate your father that much?"

When I took a look her eyes were glued to the sky.

"You know parents are the only thing that is way important than friends or crush."


"I say whatever they did you why not forgive them. That way you can feel relief and comfort. You will be new and improved then."

"I didn't want to hear advice from the person who rejected me..."


"Thanks for your advice but it's not happening."

"Are you sure about that?" That question made me think and travel through the memories.

"Yes, I am sure." I stood and then spoke," I will be going then."

"Wait let me go with you till we go into our separated ways."

We took a walk until we reached the station where she and I separated. She waved bye to me and went while I head towards my home. Nobody was around and nobody was there it was dark with some street lights. Every step I took, my eyes filled up little by little until it finally decided to break the shell. Tears rolled down from my eyes to the ground.

"Why are you hurting so much? Why are you making me fall for you more when I know I am not even accepted? You are just hurting me more and more and I am the fool who keeps taking pain just to see you and be by your side. I can't stand with you anymore, the more I stay with you the more it hurts every time."

I was finding a star that doesn't shine and even though I knew it does not exist and as I cried those words I head towards my home.