
I got reincarnated in an anime world

Sirius Tetsuya, a young man who was orphaned at an early age, worked hard to return kindness to the family that adopted him without knowing that he would be struck by lightning. Upon waking up, he met a God, who regretted for being the indirect cause of his death, decided to reincarnate him in an anime world to start a new life supported by a dimensional system created by God himself. What future will our protagonist hold in his new life? Follow us in the fun adventures that the protagonist will live while enjoying the company of friends and lovers in his current world and in the worlds that he travels completing missions -------------------- I apologize in advance for the readers if the translation is bad because English is not my original language and i'm using a translator

Sirius_0701 · ตะวันออก
2 Chs


7 AM

The city of Tokyo began to glow with the welcome of the sun that shone high in the blue sky. People began to get up inside their homes to start another daily day. The adults went to their work centers and the young students to their respective schools, making the city come alive. Each person who passed through the place always directed their gaze to a special place that caught their attention, they could see a large mansion surrounded by walls connected to a large metal door as an entrance.

Most of the people who resided in the place, always asked who is the one that lives in that place since they never saw anyone leave there but they could not ignore how beautiful the place looked, added to the mysterious person who resides there .

In a large room inside the mansion, there was a beautiful young man sleeping peacefully on a king bed while a smile graced his face as if he had a good sleep.

The huge room, half 70 M2, was decorated with a beautiful western design surrounded by beautiful paintings that highlighted its beauty together with two huge windows that welcomed the soft rays of the sun. In addition, it had a large 50 "TV built into the wall and in the center, there was a perfectly placed set of furniture. Also, the room had a large wardrobe on the left side of the bed and on its right side, a desk with a laptop on top.

Also, there were 2 doors; one connected to the hallway of the room and the other to the huge bathroom.

The young man who is sleeping peacefully, began to show signs of awakening from his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes and sat on the bed still confused. After fully awakening, he began to look around the room, surprised by where he was sleeping.

"What I do here? I remember having been walking towards my house in Kyoto but then I felt that all my sight went dark "asked the young man in a puzzled way

He continued to observe the room until he saw that in the center of the room was an old man with a long white beard in a white robe quietly reading a book in a language he did not understand. " Will he be the owner of the place? " the young man thought within himself.

The old man feeling that the young man woke up, turned his head towards him and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning young man, did you have a good rest?" asked the old man with a smile.

" Good morning sir. Thank you for letting me use his bed ", the young man thanked him as he bowed. "Do you live in this place? He asked, as he was amazed at the size and layout of the room.

The old man slowly shook his head.

"I do not live in this place, as it will belong to you after I retire" said the old man.

"Hey? What do you mean? The young man asked confused.

"Come, come over and let's chat for a while" said the old man while he made a gesture with his hand as if to say to come closer.

The still confused young man decided to accept the old man's invitation. He got up from the bed and went to a piece of furniture and then sat down waiting for the explanation from the old man in front of him.

The old man moved his hand slightly and a couple of teacups appeared on the table surprising the young man by what just happened, but the old man ignored the young man's surprise and began to speak.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Septh Deux and I am known as the God of the Onmiverse" said the old man as he introduced himself with a smile on his face.

The young man who was drinking the tea almost spit out the content he had drunk upon hearing the old man's presentation and asked in surprise.

"God… of the Onmiverse !? "

"Yes," Septh replied. "I am a god who controls various universes in the vast starry sky and your previous world is one of them"

What do you mean by my old world? The young man asked as he felt a bad premonition.

The old man, Septh, did not respond quickly but decided to watch him for a moment before continuing.

"First I must apologize to you young man, due to a mistake made by my subordinate in your previous world, you died struck by lightning, and not from just any lightning but from a Divine lightning" Septh said as he sincerely bowed to the young man since for a mistake, a young man with an unlimited future died and would bring great changes where he lived.

" I died?" the young man asked as his face turned pale from the news he just received. The young man could not believe that he had died but he could only accept his fate.

"I'm so sorry," Septh said as he continued to bow.

"Please raise your head!" the young man said hastily as he asked Septh to stop bowing.

"But it is part of my responsibility the cause of your death, because if that did not happen you would still be alive" Septh said as he looked into the eyes of the young man.

"* Sigh * Don't worry, you were not to blame for anything because it was all an accident" said the young man with a soft sigh. "Now what will happen to me?" asked the young man.

"Since the accident was caused by a subordinate under my command, I decided to compensate you," Septh replied.

"At first when I found out about the accident, I saved your soul from its disintegration caused by the Divine lightning and brought it to my realm, but your soul was going to disappear soon so I had to recreate a body compatible with your soul in my realm, but when the merge was complete you showed no signs of awakening. As you could not appear in your old world again since you died, I had the idea to reincarnate you in an anime world so that you can live a new life "said the old man as he told him what had happened after the death of young man.

"Wait a minute… Did you say anime world? Why? He asked confused and ecstatic by what he just heard.

"Because you seem to really like anime entertainment," Septh replied.

"I reviewed your life history while you continued to rest" he continued and the book he was reading previously appeared and he was reciting it.

"Your name is Sirius Tetsuya, orphaned of parents at the age of 7, due to a car accident caused by a drunk driver. Since your relatives did not care about you, you were adopted by the family of your childhood friend. To repay the favor for her kindness, you tried your best in everything and as a result of the success of your effort you were considered a monstrous genius at a young age. You graduated from school at such a young age skipping several grades and at the age of 14 you were accepted to the prestigious University of Tokyo. World champion in knowledge, world champion in soccer with the youth team of your country. You were considered the miracle child of your country, bringing great pride to your nation. " Septh explained as he read Sirius's story.

Sirius, as the young man calls himself, was stunned by everything Septh was saying as if he were telling a good story.

"Young Sirius, I can tell you that you were an excellent child in your old world, even myself being pleasantly surprised when I read your story. I can see the affection you had for the family of your childhood friend. Septh said with a smile. "So as a reward for your achievements, I had decided to reincarnate you in this place since I was also able to learn that you liked anime, manga and novels"

"I see, it could be said that I lived a brilliant life in my previous world" Sirius said as he recalled his past life.

"Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to live a new life," and he bowed to Septh in thanks.