
I got Reincarnated, but My Wife is Now My Mother!

A man wakes up in another world as Lord Asa Sung Martindale, the successor to House Martindale. On the day of an attack by bandits, he awakenings not only his past life with his wife who is now his Mother. He awakenings a hidden power that threatens the entire Kingdom.

Bellstory101 · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

I Got Reincarnated, But My Wife Is Now My Mother! - Chapter Four

As I slowly regained consciousness, the world around me gradually came into focus. My eyelids fluttered open, revealing the familiar ceiling of the room where I first awoke in this new life. The room was silent, except for the sound of my own breathing. As I turned my head, I saw Count Asa and my wife, Lady Aiko, standing on either side of my bed, their faces etched with deep concern. Count Asa's usually composed and stern face was now softened with worry, and Lady Aiko's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. The air was heavy with their overwhelming anxiety for my well-being. Despite my eyes adjusting to the lighting, I could see the wrinkles on Count Asa's forehead and the lines around Lady Aiko's lips, evidence of the sleepless nights they had spent by my side. As I looked up at them, they leaned forward, their eyes searching mine for any signs of recovery.

The moment Lord Alfred Alphonse Hartwell walked into the room, the atmosphere shifted. His tall and imposing figure commanded attention, and his calm and reassuring presence radiated authority. As one of the noble Lords who served under my father's reign, Lord Hartwell was a well-respected figure with an illustrious reputation. He was also a renowned mage from the esteemed Mage's Guild, which added to his aura of power. His arrival only accentuated the gravity of the situation. I couldn't help but recall his accomplishments - a man whose wisdom and magical prowess were respected across the realms.

My mind was engulfed by an overwhelming wave of memories, memories of the duel that had brought me to my current state. As I delved deeper into my thoughts, a realization dawned on me, and I began to understand what had happened. The medical professionals had referred to my condition as "mana overload," a catastrophic event that had left me in this state. It was a result of an uncontrollable surge of both external and internal mana that had caused a massive discharge of raw energy. It was as if I had been caught in the center of a cosmic storm. But against all odds, I had survived this ordeal, and my heart raced with a sense of gratitude. The reality was that most people would not have survived such a catastrophic event. Yet, here I was, still breathing, alive for the second time in a day.

Growing up, I never showed any signs of being a magic user. In our world, you were either born with the gift or not; there was no middle ground. Yet, I had experienced something unprecedented, something that defied all known laws of magic. And now, my body bore the toll of this anomaly. Every inch of me ached, a testament to the unnatural forces that had coursed through my veins.

Lord Alfred broke the silence, his voice laced with a mix of astonishment and regret. "Young Master, you continue to amaze me. Had I known you were a magic user, I would have taken you to the Mage's Guild long ago for training."

Lady Aiko chimed in, her voice filled with a mixture of pride and disbelief. "This is wholly unexpected. I never thought my dear boy would manifest such extraordinary talent."

Count Asa's voice carried a warmth I had never heard before. "I could tell there was something different about you the moment you woke. A change has occurred in your very being, son. The Gods have blessed you with a gift. I'm beyond proud of you."

His words echoed in the silence of the room, carrying a weight that seemed to reverberate through my very being. They stood in stark contrast to the relationship he had with the person I used to be - a person he loved but with whom he had never shared pride. As his words sank in, it felt as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a new understanding that marked a turning point for all of us. At that moment, I realized that I, too, had been transformed by his revelation.

Lord Alfred's thoughts turned quickly to action. "Well, Lord Asa must immediately start training. I will see to it with Sir Duncan. We must act accordingly. To develop the ability to use magic so late is unheard of. There is no doubt in my mind that this boy will be sought out. It won't be long before the entire Kingdom of Paris is aware. Then the rest of the world will know for sure."

Count Asa nodded, his face hardening with determination. "You are certainly right, my old friend. Enemies of the Kingdom and House Martindale will no doubt seek my son out. We must prepare for all eventualities."

Lady Aiko's voice was tinged with concern. "What about sending him to the Mage's Guild?"

Lord Alfred pondered the suggestion. "Hmm, that is a viable option. Lord Asa's sisters are presently in the Kingdom's Capital, including his younger brother, Lord Efran. He may be young, but he shares his sisters' exceptional ability to perform magic. Lord Asa could benefit from being around them and other young apprentices. Of course, he must continue his training with Sir Duncan as well. The ability to understand how a knight conducts himself is vital."

The conversation swirled around me, and I suddenly realized the implications of their words. "So, what? I'm going away?" I asked, my voice laced with a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

Lord Asa sighed, a look of resignation crossing his face. "Hmm, this was inevitable. I was planning on sending you to a private Knights School. Although the Capital has both the Knight's Academy and the Mage's Academy. You hadn't shown any aptitude that would qualify you for either until now," he explained. "That settles it. My love, you will accompany our eldest son to the Capital of the Kingdom and oversee his training. Lord Alfred, please go with them," he added, his decision final.

"Of course, Milord. I will handle the travel arrangements. All Lady Aiko needs to do is tend to her son!" Lord Alfred exclaimed before briskly exiting the room to set things in motion.

"Well, that happened quickly," I muttered, still processing the sudden turn of events.

Lady Aiko squeezed my hand gently, her touch warm and comforting. "Don't worry, sweetie, you are in capable hands," she reassured me, her voice soft and soothing.

As I lay there, the weight of what lay ahead felt almost tangible. My mind was filled with a mix of emotions - trepidation and anticipation. I couldn't help but think about the woman I loved, whom I longed to be reunited with within the Capital. 'I only wish she'd remember our past lives together. At least we'll be together in the Capital. I guess I've got a long road ahead of me.' I wished with all my heart that Abigail could remember our past lives together. Still, I knew that even if she didn't, being together again would be enough.

The thought of strangers seeking me out for my newfound abilities sent shivers down my spine. The idea of being hunted by those who coveted my powers was terrifying. 'If other people come looking for me, I'll have a problem.' I knew how valuable of a gift I suddenly found myself with. Other people will come looking for me. It was only a matter of time - not only for me but also for those I loved. After much thought, I came to the conclusion that the Capital was the only place where I could find solace and security. The events of today had left me shaken but surprised, and I knew I needed to protect myself and my family from the people who were after us.

Despite the fear of still being used for my new power as a mage, I chose to take my chances and journey to the Capital. I knew that the Royal Guard would provide us with the necessary protection and that Lord Asa's vast army would be an added layer of defense.

I could only hope that my decision would prove to be the right one and that my family and I would be able to live in peace once we reached our destination.

Despite feeling anxious about the journey ahead, I felt a sense of hope. My family was there to support me every step of the way, and their unwavering encouragement gave me the strength I needed to face any challenges that lay ahead.

In addition to my family's support, I was fortunate enough to have the guidance of Lord Alfred and Lady Aiko. Lord Alfred was wise, and an experienced mentor would be there to help me navigate the complex journey to the Capital every step of the way. Lady Aiko had always supported the past version of myself in this world. They had already helped me with some of my training as a Knight, but I knew there was still so much more to learn. With their help, I was confident that I could overcome any obstacles that came my way.

Although the journey to the Capital would be long and complex, I knew it would be worth it. This journey would not only help me master my powers, but it would also enable me to rediscover my place in this world. I had always felt like an outsider, but I knew that by embracing my abilities and overcoming the challenges ahead, I could finally find my true purpose.