
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · แอคชั่น
20 Chs

Chapter 14

I was standing at my usual spot as I yawned <ماذا تشعر بالملل> {what feeling bored} I looked at my right and I saw the other guard standing there I nodded to him as I looked at my sword <نعم انا اريد ان اجرب قتالا ضد شيطان لا شئ يحدث هنا> {yes I want to try fighting against a demon nothing happen here} he laughed a bit <صدقني اذا حدث اي شي سوف تندم علي انك كنت هنا> {believe me if something happened you will regret being around here} I tilted my head not understanding but then I heard someone running and shouting something as I looked in front of me I saw a person who is full of mud and wounds all around his body as he was running toward us he was wearing the soldiers uniform {d-demons the demons have conquered the wall of the west} (ماذا لغة الشياطين) (language of the demon) as he dropped down in front of us I went toward him and I looked at his wounds <جراحه لن تهدد حياته لنقوم بنقله الي المستشفي> {his wounds aren't life threatening let's take him to the hospital} as we left our post and got the people at the hospital to see him as he was a sleep the two of us went back toward the gates I was looking at the direction where he came from imagining the demons coming in waves toward us (هولاء الوحوش ساقتلهم حين اري اي منهم) {those monsters I will kill then if I ever see anyone of them) but nothing came toward us like I imagined but it's something I'm used to since this position is too boring my imagination is going wild every now and then at the night I saw that soldier sleeping with us at the tent the next day he went on with the others he was pretty handsome when he got cleaned too with that blonde hair of his and red colored eyes is beautiful as well compared to mine plain look even though I'm a noble I shook my head (لا يجب ان انظر الي هذه الاشياء) (I shouldn't look at these things) as I splashed some water at my face as I was going to wear my clothes I saw someone wearing luxurious clothes as he went toward me <هل انت حازم> {are you hazem} I looked at him and nodded <نعم هذا انا ماذا تريد> {yes that's me what do you want} he got a paper as he handed it to me (انا قد ترقيت) (I got promoted) as I looked at the man <نحن هنا لنقوم بحمايتك حتي تصل للمخيم بأمان> {we are here to protect you until you reach the camp safely} I sighed يا للازعاج)) (how annoying) I nodded to him as he left the place I threw my comfortable soldier clothes and wore my annoying silk suit <انا اكره هذه البدلة> {I hate this suit} as I wore it I went outside while trying to make it a bit spacious but in vain they nodded to me but then they saw my sword still stuck at my waist normally they would have argued of me holding a sword but at these parts it's not safe that everyone must hold a weapon and try to protect themselves as much as they can I went inside of the carriage I waved for the soldier that always taught me how to behave around here as we went outside of the camp for the next three days we didn't do anything other than traveling and eating they refused to even let me train or staying at a night shift that I started to feel that all my training was for naught until now at the fourth day we reached the training camp I must stay here for the next six months until my training finished (انا متاكد هذه احد طرق ابي لحمايتي) (I'm sure this is one of my father's way to protect me) as I went of the carriage after we reached I saw the new recruits at the side I then saw that blonde haired guy within them I was a bit surprised by that but he is another person at the whole army he might die way before I do as the person who will welcome me came <سعيد بروئيتك سيدي> {good to see you sir}but before I finished he pulled my head closer to him {do you want to die or what} huh as he threw me away toward the new recruits {we don't use the human language here stay beside the other recruits you aren't special just because you are a noble} as he said that I got up and stood beside the others who didn't even flinch as he started to move from and forth us {this is a special training camp we are using only the demonic language because we will turn you weakling humans into people who can take on a single demon all alone if I ever heard you talking like a human being ever again I will crush your skull with my bare hands} as he said that all the others said in one voice {yes sir}as he smiled {to the new recruits come forward I heard there are only two this time but it's better than having no one within our ranks} as that golden haired guy moved forward I went on one step at a time {now then look who we have here the one who ran away from the siege and reported it's fall and the son of a noble who sucked his own toe at the camp you two are shame for this squad} I wanted to move forward and I was about to but then that golden haired guy went first as he stood in front of him {sir you can humiliate me as much as you can but you didn't saw what kind of monster we fought at the walls so don't try to talk like you fought and was spared by him} as he said that all the other recruits were excited from that the captain looked at him with an apologizing face {sorry for saying that I should have been more polite} as he met the golden haired guy's head with his the golden haired guy was shot backward as the captain looked at him {you are just like the other you just talk all big but you are weak that you were forced to run away from them-} a sword came flying toward the captain from that golden haired guy as he stood up the captain was able to dodge it though his cheeks were injured by it he looked at him with wide smile {you have guts I give you that come at me} as that golden haired guy charged toward him the captain got his two handed axe at his hand the captain cracked his neck once before the golden haired guy was in front of him as he swung his axe downward with dust going around the area {seems like we will only get one person this time after all} as one of them sighed did he really killed him but then sound of metal clashing could be heard and then he jumped outside of the dust with only minor injuries around his body with the captain voice being heard within it as he was laughing {good you are pretty good I take back that you are weak if you were forced to run back as you said then that person must be one of the demon alliance masters} with the dust being removed the captain have injuries all over his body as he got his axe at his back {but you need to change that blade of yours it block your potential} as he moved toward the other scouts and shouted at them {what are you laughing at you idiots who can't even touch me he is new but he already surpassed all of you}I looked at that guy as he looked at his sword I went toward him as I was near him he looked at me {you are} I was about to talk the human language but then I saw all the others observing us I coughed {I-I'm the person who got you five days ago} {ah right the soldier that got me to the hospital} he nodded to me but then he returned to his spot within them I looked at him (متكبر حقير) (arrogant bastard) we then were asked to be dismissed I went toward my tent I saw the others looking at us as one of them came toward me {what is your name I'm khaled} [author note: most of the human names are Arabian ones] he extended his hand {hello I'm hazem} as I gave him a hand shake {hey do you know the new guy who came yesterday} I looked at the golden haired guy but I shook my head {no I just happened to be the one guarding the gates while he came from the attack that time} khaled looked at the others and shook his head all their noise disappeared {that's too bad since yesterday he have been silent only looking and observing us he only talked to you and the captain so far}I tilted my head looking at that guy I went toward him leaving my things as it's he looked at me as I was beside him {what do you want} {your name} he looked at me with the others being surprised by that {huh what do you want to get from my name} I got near his face {I need your name if I ever wanted to call for you just say it you won't lose anything my name is Hazem now your turn} as I extended my hand I waited as he looked at his hand as he got my hand {my name is Lucifer} I smiled at him {nice to meet-} as he threw me away {so that's how humans normally greet each other I was worried I will get it wrong}as the others started laughing their hearts out I was at the ground upside down I looked at him as I got up{the hell did you do that for} he jumped back though {w-what's wrong isn't that how humans hand shake that's what the captain told me when I tried to greet him} (is this guy's head made of pumpkin) I got away from him as I went toward Khaled {it's like this} as I gave him a hand shake {see we just hand shake there isn't any throwing at it} he tilted his head {then did the captain lie to me} Khaled shook his head {no the captain has a unique way to greet newcomers} {well that way is very unique but you are weirder not knowing how to greet people did you live in a forest or what} his eyes glowed as he went toward me {how did you know did you happen to go there while I was young} did this guy really live inside a forest {wait you actually lived inside of a forest how did you live there and how long have you been living with humans} he calculated something at his hand {I was living my whole life at the forest with my mother and half brother and I have been living with the humans for four months now} {wait you mean that your mother is still within the forest} he shook his head {no she is dead right now my half brother killed her before he left our house} I went back few steps {where is your brother now} he shook his head {don't know the last time I saw him was three months ago and six days ago} so they met soon (wait aren't those times the same) {is your half brother a human} he looked at me but shook his head {no he is a demon he gave me a good beating the last time we fought but before that I sent him flying while that young dark haired boy helped me out three months ago} (those times are really the same and the reports said the same thing) {was that black haired boy with a dark elf at that time the same age as her} {ah you meant seaitiel yeah she left with him} he knew her {what are you talking about} as khaled asked us that all the others were curious as well I sighed {this guy here fought the new demon alliance master twice as he is his brother} but he shook his head {not brother half brother after what he did to my mother I promised to kill him} {is your mother even human} {I don't know much about humans other than their skin color but her color wasn't the same so I don't think so she had darker color} so she was a demon {a demon raising a human and a demon within the same time and the two of them fighting each other when they got older this is like a novel I read before} as khaled said that I left them {I give up this guy will stay outside of my training here} {well I only entered this camp for one reason anyway as long as I meet my half brother Michael I will finish him for sure the next time} as he said that all the others' spirits went into uproar as they rushed toward him (idiot demons aren't that weak just to die when you have the resolve to do it) but I smiled at him as I remembered my senior telling me that all the time {I feel like I got a younger brother} as I slept at my bed