
I Got Reincarnated as the New MC of my Favorite Anime

*WSA Entry* *** Alex, born into the illustrious and undeniably gifted Blackwood family, was a stark anomaly. While his siblings excelled in everything from music to sports, h e was a blank canvas, utterly talentless. This ostracized him, making him a target for his family's disdain and bullying from his classmates. Finding solace only in the world of anime, Alex retreated into his room, spending days in a state of squalor, fueled by ramen and the fantasy worlds on his screen. One day, while attempting to microwave a plastic container filled with ramen (because even basic kitchen skills were beyond him), the microwave exploded, turning Alex's room into a scene of hilarious destruction. Instead of dying tragically, he finds himself resurrected…in the anime he loved the most, "Swords and Sorcery," a fantastical world brimming with magic and adventure. As Alex, now a fresh-faced young adventurer in this new world, he discovers he can wield the powers of any character from any anime he's ever watched. Suddenly, his days of being mocked for his lack of talent are a distant memory. He can summon the mystical powers of a powerful wizard, the strength of a legendary warrior, or the agility of a skilled ninja. He even discovers he can tap into the magical abilities of characters from lesser-known anime, like a charming witch from a forgotten shoujo series or a cunning strategist from a tactical mecha anime. Armed with his vast anime knowledge and newfound abilities, Kai embarks on a life of self-discovery and adventure. He'll navigate the complexities of this magical world, forge alliances with unlikely heroes, and face off against powerful foes, all while striving to prove his worth and overcome the trauma of his past. But as he dives deeper into this fantastical world, he'll face a new challenge: can he learn to be happy and find his place in this world, free from the shadow of his former life? *** "HAHAHAHAHA! All those useless Isekai animes animes I watched was not for waste after all...Stupid old man! Why don't you laugh at this?"

Shadow_garden · แอคชั่น
10 Chs

Chapter 3: Swords and Sorcery

Chapter 3 

'what the hell is happening' Alex said as he looked at the beautiful woman's face.

"You must be hungry" she said as she stared at his face with a wide smile. She then opened her shirt just enough for one of her large cleavage to pop out, before shoving it in his mouth.

'Wha....what weirdo shoves breast in a 17 year old boys mouth' he thought, trying to remove his mouth from her cleavage, but found out that he had no strength to even move his head. 

He thought that it would be disgusting to suck milk from another woman's breast but found it incredibly satisfying. 'Damn it!! Why does it taste so good' he thought, imaginery tears pouring down his eyes as he sucked away.

"Call my husband for me...tell him that the child is a boy!!" the woman with blue hair said to one of the workers in the room coldly.

"Yes ma'am!" The servant replied hurriedly as she immediately stormed out of the room. 

The woman's attention then went back to baby Alex who was sucking her tits without a care in the world. Feeling someone stare at him he opened his eyes and looked at the woman's face.

'Hmmmm!! Now that I think about it...I feel like I have seen this woman somewhere' he thought to himself, her breast still in his mouth. 'And thinking about that accident, I must have died and reincarnated in a baby's body...but where the hell am I?'

A smile appeared on his few seconds later, 'Ahhhhh! Who gives a shit, I am leaving the dream...reincarnation, hot mom...hahahahaha...i bet anime fans would be wishing they were me right now.'

'That stupid dad of mine...at least I won't get to see his face again! I will miss mom, Leah, Anna, and Willow though, they where the only people I truly loved...well other than Anime that is.'

Soon, he got full and took the breast out of his mouth. Noticing this, the woman covered her exposed cleavage and clunged onto her baby.

About thirty minutes later, a man who looked to be in his Mid thirties rushed into the room. He had dark brown hair with bright green embers that shone in the dark like embers. He was wearing a set of clothes that looked as though was from the medieval age, and had a muscular build. Alex who was asleep in his mother's arms was woken up due to the sound of the door being opened so abruptly 

"Y...you were serious! It really is a male child this time." He said, his eyes wide open and his voice carrying his shock and surprise.

'Man....that sounds cliche as fuck! I feel like I have heard those words before though.' Alex thought as an imaginary vein popped on his forehead.

"Have you given him a name yet." He said, his face showing his excitement.

A beautiful smile played on the woman's face as she replied calmly. "No! I wanted you to do the honors of naming him yourself, honey!"

'Fuck no!! Pls mom, change your mind, I don't want him to name me, he is gonna give me a cliche na....'

"How about we call him Astrid" he said with a pondering expression on his face.

'Fucking idiot!! I knew this dad of mine would be stupid...so not only did he give me a cliche name...his giving me a girl's name as well' Alex thought in anger. 'New mom...please don't agree to his stupid idea, please...I know your better than this'

"That's a wonderful name honey..."


She then turned to face Alex with a smile on her face. "Welcome to the Starlight family, Astrid"

'Fuck no!! gods of Isekai...if you can hear me, then reincarnate me somewhere el...wait a minute, Starlight family...it sounds so familiar.' Alex thought 

"I know you want to see your father's face...come here Orion, out son needs to see his father's face after all."

'Orion sounds very familiar as well...where the hell did I reincarnate to anyway? Ahhh! Who cares...let me see the bastards face so I can kill him when I become strong as fuck...like a normal Isekai MC' 

Soon enough, Orion reached the bed and she raised Alex up so that he could see his father's face.

'Well! This is surprising...I new I had heard his name before...but seeing his face confirms all my suspicions.'

"Hello son! I am your father"

'Fuck yeah! Hahahahaha! This is great...gods, I thought I had reincarnated somewhere stupid, but I never thought I would end up in swords and sorcery'

'And this isn't even the best part...I was always jealous of the MC because of his hooot girlfriend...buh now that am here...hahahah...well, my Isekai charm would be kickin in and I can take her for myself.' he though with a sad maniacal grin on his face, of course it was imaginery, not that he could even show it on his face in the first place.

'Nothing, absolutely nothing can suprise me no...' 

<<<System Awakening complete>>>

<<<Welcome Host, Astrid starlight to the world of Swords and Sorcery>>>

Alex stared at the glowing blue screen with his mouth wide open, his words stuck in his throat. He looked up to see his father's annoying face, smiling at him like a weirdo.

It was clear he couldn't see what was in front of Alex this moment.

In his head, he suddenly began to chuckle as he continued to look at the screen, his chuckle turning into a loud laughter only being heard by him.

'Yes, yes...getting reincarnated into Swords and Sorcery was already enough..

.but now I get a system as well...things are getting interesting...'
