
i Got Reincarnated as a Slime Again and Met a Nice Spider

twitter: @iles_04蓝银皇吃了 this is a fan-fic about that time i got reincarnated as a slime and i am a spider so what

slime032345 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 17

How did you find the place? Kumoko asks.

Well, I fell into the hole because I wasn't paying attention and the same with the gorge.

But do you like it? Rimuru asks.

Yes, even though I'm not really into dinosaurs.

Okay, I thought you would like this.

Rimuru turns around and looks at the moment the cave around the two disappears.

What's happening? Kumoko shouts.

I do not know.

The two wake up again in the forest.

What was that? Kumoko asks.

I do not know, but where are we?

But I think we are back in the forest. Says Rimuru.

Why do you think that?

I don't know, I just have a feeling.

At the same moment that Rimuru finishes his sentence, lightning shoots through the sky.

What is it? Says Kumoko.

I have no idea, but we better get out of here.

The two jump up from the ground and run.

After a while, Kumoko screams.

Look up ahead, there's something there.

There is something big and white in the distance.

Is that a cube? Rimuru asks.

The two are standing right next to it.

What is this...why is this here.

I don't know, but the cube has a strong aura. Says Rimuru.

Yes, it's very uncomfortable to stand here.

Can you touch the cube? Kumoko asks.

I think so, but I don't know, maybe the cube is dangerous.

Okay, but I will try anyway.

Says Kumoko and reaches out her hand and touches the cube.

When they touch the cube, the cube glows with a bright light.


Rimuru screams.

The light disappears and a door opens.

Kumoko looks at Rimuru and asks.

What was that?

I have no idea.

Let's go in there.

Yes, maybe there is something good in there. Says Rimuru.

You mean swords or armor.

Yes, that's what I mean.

Well then, let's go.


The two-run through the door that has opened.

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