
i Got Reincarnated as a Slime Again and Met a Nice Spider

twitter: @iles_04蓝银皇吃了 this is a fan-fic about that time i got reincarnated as a slime and i am a spider so what

slime032345 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 16

Komoko gets up and runs after Rimuru.

They run for a while and then come to a cave.

Here we are. Rimuru says and looks at Kumoko.

And what now Kumoko asks.

What do you think?

...yes ok.

Kumoko realizes that the question is stupid.

The two-run into the cave and arrive at a hole in the ground.

And now what? Kumoko asks.

They jump in.

Please what.

You should jump into the hole.

But if I jump in, you will leave me alone.

No, if you don't trust me, I'll jump in first.

Rimuru goes to the edge of the hole and jumps in.

After a short time, Kumoko hears the voice of Rimuru saying softly.

Come on, it's your turn.

Ok then let's go. Says Kumoko quietly to himself.

Then she jumps into the hole.

When she reaches the bottom she lands in a pile of straw.

Rimuru looks at her and says.

Was not so bad, right?

No, but where are we now?

Come on, I'll show you. Rimuru puts out Kumoko's hand and helps Kumoko stand up.

The two walk for a while.

Then they come to a gorge.

And what do we do now?

We jump. Says Rimuru with a smile on his face.

Please what! Let's do it.


But why won't we die?

Do you trust me? Rimuru asks and takes Kumoko's hand.

From her mouth comes a quiet yes.

Okay then, let's go.

Says Rimuru and runs to kante.

Everything will be fine, trust me ok.

And don't forget if you can't do anything you still have the skill telekinesis.

With which you can levitate yourself.

Okay. Says Kumoko.

Kumoko takes a deep gulp and then takes a step.

Rimuru and Kumoko are now falling down the gorge.

Aaa Kumoko screams and holds on to Rimuru.

All will be well says Rimuru.

All of a sudden fog comes from below and catches up with them.

What is happening here screams Kumoko.

You will see in a moment.

When the fog disappears Kumoko sees dinosaurs.

Please, what are they doing here?

Says Kumoko and looks at Rimrur confused.

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