
I got reborn as megumi's older brother

Niko, a regular student, met an untimely end after being struck by a truck. His sole regret was not being able to watch the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen. To his surprise, he was granted the extraordinary opportunity to be reborn in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, but with a twist—he became Megumi's older brother. Moreover, he was given three wishes to help him navigate this new life the MC will be smart and for his appearance he will look like a younger version of toji

ZRUSQA · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
53 Chs

Ch 38 Shikigami Conquest

As the day began, Ichiro emerged from his slumber he then took a shower and descended the stairs, where he found Kyle bustling about in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. As he entered the dining room, Kyle looked up and greeted him with a warm smile.

"Hmm? Oh, good morning, Ichiro," Kyle said cheerfully.

With a renewed vigor, Ichiro returned the greeting, "Morning, Kyle."

As they sat down to eat, Kyle couldn't help but notice Ichiro's eagerness to finish his food. "Hey, slow down, Ichiro. No need to eat that fast," Kyle remarked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Ichiro paused momentarily before responding, "Oh, sorry, Kyle. It's just that I want to finish eating as soon as possible."

Curious, Kyle inquired, "Do you have something to do after this?"

Ichiro hesitated before admitting, "Well, yeah, actually."

Understanding, Kyle nodded, "I see. Well, be back before it gets dark, alright?"

"Okay," Ichiro agreed before adding, "By the way, Kyle, aren't you interested in where I'm going?"

"Hmm? Oh, that. Well, I'm kind of curious, but that's not a good reason for me to poke into your personal matters, right?" Kyle replied, a sense of respect evident in his tone.

Ichiro nodded in acknowledgment, saying, "Yeah, I guess." The two continued their breakfast, a comfortable silence enveloping them as they enjoyed each other's company

As they continued eating their breakfast, Ichiro's movements became more hurried, a sense of urgency apparent in his demeanor. After quickly finishing his food, he stood up, his gaze fixed on the door.

"I'll be going now," Ichiro announced, his voice tinged with determination.

"Alright, take care," Kyle replied, his tone supportive as he watched Ichiro's departure.

Ichiro stepped outside, the cool morning air enveloping him as he surveyed his surroundings. Suddenly, without warning, his shadow began to elongate and shift, taking on a spectral form.

"Griffin," Ichiro called out, his voice resonating with authority.

In response to his summoning, a majestic griffin materialized from the depths of Ichiro's shadow, its form imposing yet loyal. Without hesitation, Ichiro swiftly mounted the creature's back, his grip firm as they prepared to take flight.

Together, Ichiro and Griffin soared into the sky, the wind whipping past them as they journeyed towards the place where Ichiro had previously battled his shikigami. As they approached their destination, Ichiro turned to his faithful companion, gratitude evident in his expression.

"Thank you, Griffin," Ichiro murmured, his voice filled with appreciation for his loyal shikigami"

As Ichiro and Griffin landed gracefully, the ground beneath them seemed to tremble slightly, the remnants of their powerful descent. Ichiro scanned the area meticulously, his keen eyes darting from shadow to shadow in search of any signs of human presence. Satisfied that they were alone, he turned to Griffin, a determined glint in his eyes.

"It seems we're the only ones here, Griffin," Ichiro remarked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The griffin nodded in acknowledgment, it then went back on ichiro's shadow

With a deep breath, Ichiro began his chant, The air around him seemed to crackle with energy, charged with the cursed energy that Ichiro commanded

"By moon's dread light, by shadows deep,

From the dark depths where nightmares sleep,

Fenrir, arise, with hunger dire,

To rend and tear with savage ire.

With jaws of steel and eyes aglow,

From the depths of chaos, come forth and show

Your power unmatched, your fury untamed,

In your name, let terror be named.

Oh Fenrir, wolf of doom and woe,

Upon the world, let your wrath flow,

By ancient bonds, now set you free,

To unleash havoc upon land and sea.

From the depths of the abyss, you rise,

To claim dominion 'neath the blood-red skies.

So heed my call, oh mighty beast,

And bring the world to its knees, deceased."

"I sommun thee come forth Fenrir"

As Ichiro completed his chant, his shadow expanded once more, a phenomenon that had become routine to him. From within the depths of his elongated shadow emerged a formidable figure, its presence ominous and imposing. Standing at a staggering thirty feet tall, the creature's sheer size commanded respect and instilled fear in those who beheld it.

With massive canine teeth glinting menacingly, a malicious glare that could pierce through the soul, and claws capable of rending even the toughest of materials, the creature known as Fenrir exuded an aura of malevolence. Its grey and black fur bristled with intensity, each strand seemingly pulsating with dark energy

Despite the palpable tension that Fenrir's presence brought, Ichiro remained remarkably composed, his laid-back demeanor belying the gravity of the situation.

"So, this is Fenrir. From a first glance, it looks like a giant wolf, but we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, right?" Ichiro remarked casually, his gaze lingering on the massive creature before him.

Fenrir's response was immediate and visceral, a low growl rumbling deep within its chest. The sound reverberated through the air, a warning to any who dared to underestimate its power.

Ichiro's mocking tone only seemed to exacerbate Fenrir's agitation, prompting the creature to lunge forward with surprising speed. With reflexes honed through years of training, Ichiro leaped back just in time to evade Fenrir's attack, his movements fluid and graceful.

"Whoa there, you're quite fast," Ichiro observed, a hint of admiration in his voice as he landed on his feet a safe distance away from the towering wolf.

As Fenrir regained its footing, it's eyes fixed on Ichiro with a steely gaze, its eyes blazing with an intensity that matched its ferocious demeanor. The creature's imposing presence loomed large, its massive form casting a long shadow over the surrounding landscape.

Undeterred by Fenrir's display of aggression, Ichiro regarded the creature with a mixture of curiosity and amusement

"Now then," Ichiro declared, his voice tinged with amusement as he extended his hand into the depths of his shadow. With a swift motion, he retrieved his solid strike cleaver, a formidable weapon imbued with cursed energy.

As Ichiro brandished his weapon, a surge of cursed energy enveloped him, crackling with power as he began to chant the names of his loyal shikigami.

"Black Tortoise," Ichiro intoned, his voice carrying the weight of cursed energy as he summoned forth the first of his shikigami.

A swirling vortex of shad coalesced around Ichiro, giving form to the fearsome creature known as Black Tortoise. With a shell as dark as midnight and eyes that burned with an otherworldly flame, the shikigami exuded an aura of unyielding strength and resilience.

"You might be wondering who this shikigami is, Fenrir," Ichiro remarked, addressing the bewildered wolf before him.

With a steely gaze, Ichiro continued, "This is the one who will help me beat the shit out of you."

Fenrir's growl intensified at Ichiro's bold declaration, its eyes narrowing as it braced itself for the impending confrontation. The tension between them hung thick in the air, each combatant poised for battle as they prepared to unleash their formidable powers upon one another.

With a confident smirk directed towards Fenrir, Ichiro propelled himself forward, his movements swift and calculated. Fenrir mirrored his advance, a fierce determination burning in its eyes as it prepared to meet Ichiro head-on.

As they clashed, the force of their collision reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves rippling across the landscape. Sensing an opportunity, Ichiro issued a command to his shikigami.

"Black Tortoise!" Ichiro called out, his voice ringing with authority.

In response, the formidable creature bent its knees, poised to join the fray. But it was Ichiro's own speed that caught Fenrir's attention, the wolf realizing that the Black Tortoise held some influence over its master's movements.

Driven by instinct, Fenrir attempted to attack the Black Tortoise, seeking to disrupt whatever connection existed between the creature and Ichiro. However, before Fenrir could execute its plan, Ichiro intercepted the wolf, closing the distance with astonishing agility.

"Don't think I'll just let you go that easily," Ichiro declared, his voice resolute as he continued to pursue Fenrir relentlessly.

With a burst of speed, Ichiro leaped above Fenrir, his solid strike cleaver poised to deliver a devastating blow. However, Fenrir's quick reflexes allowed it to evade the attack, narrowly dodging Ichiro's slashing strike.

Undeterred, Ichiro channeled his cursed energy, binding Fenrir to the ground with dark tendrils that snaked around the wolf's massive form. With Fenrir immobilized, Ichiro seized the opportunity to unleash a final, decisive attack.

But to his surprise, Fenrir vanished into thin air, leaving behind only confusion and uncertainty in its wake. Ichiro's eyes widened in disbelief as he scanned the area, searching for any trace of his elusive adversary.

"What? How did that happen? I'm pretty sure I bound him strongly, so there's no way he could escape that easily unless..." Ichiro's mind raced as he tried to decipher the mystery of Fenrir's sudden disappearance.

Before he could formulate a definitive conclusion, Fenrir reappeared a hundred meters away, its imposing form bearing down on Ichiro with renewed intensity. A sinking feeling settled in Ichiro's gut as he realized the truth.

"It teleported. That's the only logical explanation," Ichiro muttered grimly, his worry evident in his expression. The revelation sent a shiver down his spine, for he knew that the only person capable of such a feat was Gojo, a powerful adversary whose abilities surpassed even his own.

As worry crept into his features, Ichiro tightened his grip on his solid strike cleaver, readying himself for the battle ahead. With a determined glare, he infused his body with cursed energy, drawing upon the enhanced capabilities granted by Black Tortoise.

With a fierce battle cry, Ichiro lunged at Fenrir, his movements surpassing the speed of lightning as he closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye. As he closed in on his target, a confident grin spread across Ichiro's face.

"It may be able to teleport, but it's useless if I'm faster than its thought process," Ichiro thought triumphantly, his confidence bolstered by his own swiftness.

With a swift and precise motion, Ichiro aimed his sword at Fenrir's legs, intending to cripple the beast and gain the upper hand in their battle. However, to ichiro's astonishment, he was teleported fifty meters away.

"Huh? What happened? Did I just teleport away from Fenrir? But how?" Ichiro exclaimed, his surprise evident as he grappled with the sudden turn of events. The unexpected revelation left him reeling, his mind racing to comprehend the inexplicable phenomenon that had just occurred.

Ichiro then look down where he saw a rock he then picks it up and throws it at Fenrir with full force Ichiro's eyes narrowed as he observed the rock vanish into thin air, only to reappear fifty meters behind Fenrir. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning, confirming his suspicions about Fenrir's abilities.

"No way... Does Fenrir's abilities consist of teleporting itself as well as others too?" Ichiro muttered, his mind racing as he considered the implications of this newfound revelation. If Fenrir possessed the power to teleport objects as well as itself, their battle just became infinitely more challenging.

With a determined set to his jaw, Ichiro knew that he couldn't afford to waste any more time pondering Fenrir's abilities. There was still much to uncover, and he needed to adapt quickly if he hoped to emerge victorious.

"Well, no time to waste," Ichiro declared, his voice resolute as he surveyed the battlefield before him. "Just watching won't get me anywhere. It's time to move."

With a decisive flick of his wrist, Ichiro sheathed his solid strike cleaver and prepared to engage Fenrir once more. He knew that there was more to Fenrir's abilities than met the eye, and he was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

As he readied himself for the next phase of their battle, Ichiro steeled his resolve, knowing that he would need to stay one step ahead if he hoped to overcome Fenrir's formidable powers. With a newfound determination burning in his heart, Ichiro braced himself for the challenges that lay ahead, ready to confront whatever obstacles Fenrir's abilities threw his way.