
episode 1

(The episode opens with a girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a black shirt, red pants, and white shoes; has yellow eyes, fangs, and a long python tail trapped in a cage)

(The girl's name is Kanisha)

(A man who has short brown hair, white skin, wearing a black suit and shoes holding a key)

The man (swirling his key): That's what you get, you shouldn't let give yourself away so easily, slut

Kanisha: You know I can get out anytime

The man (surprised): What?

Kanisha: I just let you capture me

The man (looks at Kanisha): Why?

Kanisha: What's the point, I mean it would've ended with you feeling bad and horrible that you were so desperate for being with an immortal mutant

The man (looking Kanisha angrily): You know nothing about me

Kanisha (smiles): Really Gerald? You hunting people like me to avoid your mother issue

Gerald (shocked): What?

Kanisha: You think I don't know you, I can name everybody's problem in this town, but I don't want to annoy you too much, so what are you going to do to me? I'll let you have this, I won't read your mind this time

Gerald: What do you think I am? A supervillain

Kanisha: I mean who locked who in a cage

Gerald: Says the murderer, slut, and immortal/ the most powerful being on earth

Kanisha: Awww, you read my file

Gerald (red eyes): Is this a game to you?

Kanisha (shrugs her shoulders): Eh

Gerald: Even if you are immortal, you must have a family or descendants

Kanisha: (laughs) I lost contact with them years or centuries ago, No decades ago, yeah that's right

Gerald: What? They must know you are still alive, why not visit them

Kanisha: What are you, a fan that wanted to trap me just to give me advice/asking me questions

Gerald: No, well, maybe

(Kanisha raises an eyebrow)

Gerald: Fine, I just trap you because my friends kept saying how dangerous you are and I became cautious

Kanisha (claps her hands): Bravo, bravo, bravo

Gerald: Are you watching a movie?

Kanisha: No, that would be rude, I mean you, that was a good act, I know your brother told you about my past; but hey that wasn't a bad lie

Gerald: If you knew that, why didn't you stop my lie?

Kanisha: I just thought it was entertaining

Gerald: You act like a child

Kanisha: Really? (Shrugs her shoulder) I've been called worse

Gerald: How can you be over a thousand years old? Yet you are like this

Kanisha: I don't know, life

Gerald: Hmmm… say, was it true that you used to make wishes come true?

Kanisha: Oh yeah, it was because of a curse, but if you want me to make a wish come true you are going to have to let me go, I'm bored

Gerald: It's not for me, it's for a friend

Kanisha (smiles): What kind of friend?

Gerald: Fine, (unlocks the cage)

(Kanisha exits the cage)

Gerald: Wait, why ask me? You could get out anytime

Kanisha: Yeah (lights a cigarette) I didn't want you (breathes in the fire) to feel (releases smoke) uncomfortable, I hate that

Gerald: You smoke?

Kanisha: What, you are an adult, you seen people smoke (smokes the cigarette again)

Gerald: Forget that, my wish is for Penelope Walter to heal from her sickness

Kanisha (eyes widen): Wait (puts out the cigarette) what kind of sickness?

Gerald: Unfortunately it's unknown, but it apparently kills member of her family

Kanisha (grabs Gerald's hand): Hold on (eyes glow)

(Gerald and Kanisha disappears)

(The screen shows a woman who has long curly blonde hair, white skin, wearing a pink gown resting in bed, looking sick and pale)

(The woman starts coughing)

Gerald (scared): What are we doing here?

Kanisha: Don't worry, she can't see us

Gerald (angry): You didn't answer my question

Kanisha: I need to see how it's affecting her body, (touches Penelope's head) so I can see if I can heal it, duh

Gerald (scared): But, why bring me?

Kanisha: Oh, just because (eyes glow) oh dear, you poor thing, I'll take the pain away

(A pink aura came out of Kanisha and a red aura came out of Penelope)

(The red aura enter Kanisha's body)

(The pink aura enters Penelope)

(Gerald looked in amazement)

(Penelope gasped and her paleness disappeared)

Gerald (shocked): You did it

(Kanisha nearly fell to her knees)

Penelope (gets out of bed): I'm not dying (looks at the mirror) my face (smiles) (laughs) no way, is this some of miracle (runs out of the room) mom, call the doctor it's a miracle

Gerald (looks at Kanisha): Thank you

Kanisha (looking weak): You are welcome, but here

(Flowers appear in Gerald's hand)

Kanisha (looking weak): She is going to call her, you give those to her

Gerald: Wait, what about you?

Kanisha (looking weak): Don't worry, I'm going to be fine, I self heal

(Kanisha snaps her fingers)

(Gerald appears across the street and his phone is ringing)

Gerald (opens his phone): Hello, Penelope what a surprise, what's going on?

Penelope (smiles): It's a miracle, I'm better, come over

Gerald: Really? I'm right across the street

(Gerald arrives at the house)

(Penelope opens the door)

(Kanisha is watching as Gerald spun Penelope)

Penelope: Before I would've told you to put me down, but now I'm just glad to be alive

Gerald (smiles): I agree, you must have a (looking at kanisha) guardian angel

Penelope (in Gerald's arm): That is true, thank you guardian Angel

(A woman who has long blonde hair with pink, white skin, wearing a black dress)

The woman: Okay, Gerald put her down, Penelope, honey we need to talk

(Gerald puts Penelope down)

Penelope: Mom, what's wrong?

The woman: The doctor says it might be your body playing a trick on you and we need to do some experiments

Kanisha: Oh boy (snaps her fingers)

(A doctor appears with a bunch of equipment)

The woman: Wow, that was fast, teleportation apps are faster than I thought

The doctor: Uh, yeah, alright Penelope let's go, Gerald sorry you have to wait here

Gerald: I understand

Penelope: Don't worry, I'll be right back

(The screen switches to Penelope coming out of the room with the doctor and her mother)

The doctor: Ma'am, she is completely cured, I have never seen anything like it before, well I had heard it, but it's impossible

Penelope's mom: Why?

The doctor: Well, it can only be done by one individual: (dramatically)Kanisha

(Penelope's mom looks shocked)

Penelope (looks confused): Who's Kanisha?

Gerald: A mutant that has a lot of powers that apparently could be an enemy to all or a friend, depends on who you ask plus she has lived for thousands of years

Penelope: You know a lot

Gerald: My pals kept telling me about her

Penelope: You mean Silvia, Harold, and Danny?

Gerald: Yes, don't worry I told them that you are feeling better

Penelope (smiles) (hugs Gerald): You are the best, love you

(Gerald blushes)

(Kanisha giggles)

Penelope's mom: Penelope, can the doctor and I talk to Gerald privately

Penelope (concerned): Something wrong

Penelope's mom: No, we just have a few questions

Penelope: Alright, (looking at the doctor) can I go to the doctor?

The doctor: It would be okay, but paste yourself

Penelope: Of course, Doctor, call me Gerald after your talk; I want to talk to you as well (blows him a kiss)

Gerald (mouthed) (looking at Kanisha): Follow her

(Kanisha salutes)

(Penelope walks out the door and Kanisha follows her)

(Penelope's mom name is Miley Walter)

(The doctor's name is Jack Qawi)

Miley: Okay, what's going on?

Gerald: What could you mean Ms. Walter?

Jack: Gerald, we know that you are a terrible liar, so tell us did you ask Kanisha to heal Penelope.

Miley: No way, he wouldn't be that stupid, I mean Kanisha can't be trusted under no circumstances, she could take your soul or worse

Gerald: She isn't like that, I mean she doesn't care about many things, but she healed your daughter and it is eating her in the inside literally, but she is acting like it's no big deal since she has healing abilities

Miley: You actually summoned her, why? And you let her use her magic on my daughter, how dare you

Gerald (angry): I saved her, you ungrateful woman

Miley (angry): Who are you calling ungrateful?

Gerald (angry): Sorry, Ms. Walter, but that is what you are being, despite the fact that your daughter isn't dead and that is thanks to something I did, you think I would intensely hurt your daughter is even more rude, I would have never asked her to do that if I didn't think it was safe

Jack: Can I cut in?

Miley: Sure

Jack: Gerald, how did you meet Kanisha?

Gerald: I pretended I wanted to go on a date with her

Miley: Tricky, (impressed) I would have never expected that from you

(The screen switches to Penelope walking in the park, while Kanisha is flying behind her with Angel wings)

Penelope (not turning around): Miss Kanisha, I know you are there, Gerald is bad at hiding stuff, please turn visible so I can thank you properly

(Kanisha turns visible)

(Penelope sees Kanisha who looks normal with Angel wings)

Penelope: So, this is how you look

Kanisha: Yup, nice to Ummm, meet you properly

Penelope (emotionally): You saved my life, can I (holds out her arms) hug you?

Kanisha: Well, I can't say no to that

(Penelope rushes and hugs Kanisha)

(Kanisha smiles)

Penelope: Wait, my mom and the doctor are probably chewing Gerald out (looks at Kanisha with seriousness) take me back home

Kanisha: Yes, ma'am (snaps her fingers)

(Kanisha and Penelope disappeared)

(The screen shows Miley, Jack, and Gerald talking)

(Kanisha and Penelope appeared in the living room)

Penelope: Stop the arguing

(Everybody got silent)

Miley (shocked): Penelope, what are you doing with her?

Kanisha: Her? (Lights a cigarette and smokes) how rude

Jack: You smoke, that's not very healthy or safe for your body.

Kanisha: I am fine, I can't die by this

Jack (slaps his face): Duh, sorry continue

Kanisha (smirks): Say doctor

Miley (stands in front of Jack): Don't even try, slut

Kanisha (red eyes) (six arms): Watch it, I may have healed your daughter, that doesn't mean I am going to let you judge me

Penelope(pulling Kanisha and Miley apart): Whoa! Whoa! No need to fight, mom, you have no right to say that, she just wanted to talk plus she is my guardian angel

Kanisha (feels guilty): Awww…

Jack (whispers to Miley): She feels guilty

Miley (whispers): It's a trick

Penelope: Gerald, come here

Gerald: I'm sorry, I didn't tell you

(Penelope kisses Gerald on the cheek)

(Gerald smiles)

Penelope (whispers): Do you want to go out as boyfriend and girlfriend?

Gerald (whispers): Really?

Penelope (whispers): I always wanted to ask you, but I was afraid it would be rude ask, since I would've died

Gerald (whispers): Hmmm…then, yes, if it's okay with you

Penelope (whispers): Of course (kisses him on the lips)

(Miley looked shocked)

(Jack and Kanisha were smiling)

Gerald: Wow!

Penelope: Yeah, you are a good kisser

Gerald (blushes): Same to you

Penelope: Thank you

Miley: Hello, what is going on?

Penelope: We are going to be dating, also I don't want you chewing him out, his request saved my life and I am going to enjoy every last of it unless (looks at Kanisha) there are side effects I should know or a limit

(Kanisha shakes her head)

Miley (looks at Kanisha): Then, where did that curse go?

Kanisha: I removed it from her to me, so don't worry

Miley: Then, why don't you look sick?

Kanisha: I can self heal, that curse didn't stand a chance

Jack: Incredible, can I get a description of how you healed yourself?

Kanisha: Uh, (makes a clipboard appear) here's all my info about that

Jack (holding the clipboard): Wow (looks at Kanisha) thank you

Kanisha: You are welcome

Miley (looking at Jack): Seriously?!

Jack: Sorry, Miley, but she really is being helpful and doesn't seem to causing harm or want to

Kanisha: And I am not going to

Miley: Give me one reason to trust you

Kanisha: Fine, summer 2179

(Miley looks shocked)

Kanisha: You remember

Miley (shocked): Impossible, you can't know about that unless (looks at Kanisha) no

Kanisha: Yes, I was there, does Emma sound familiar?

Miley (shocked): It can't be, but you can shapeshift

Kanisha: Bingo

Miley (shakes Kanisha's hand): Well played (walks away)

Kanisha: Well, bye

Penelope: Wait, you are leaving

Kanisha: Yeah, I helped him and you, (heading for the door) now I am no longer useful

Penelope: But, can't you stay longer to hang out

Kanisha: No offense, I am not looking for making friends

Penelope: But, I haven't gotten to thank you honestly, that hug wasn't enough

Kanisha: Fine, dinner, but that's it

Penelope: Thank you (hugs Kanisha again)

(Kanisha hugs Penelope back)

(The episode ends)