
I got accidentally killed by the stupid goddesses!

So adam accoding to your karma- hold on who is adam, you are obvio- naah naah noope i am ron oh shit! you stupid goddesses! AN EPIC BATTLE OF A.I VS MAGIC hey why don't you save the world.

MEWCHAN19 · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

**"The Summoner's Misadventure: A Tale of Tails and Trials"**

Alright, let's continue Ron's story with a humorous twist:

Ron: (dusting himself off) Well, that was a five-star crash landing. Thanks, oh mighty goddess of blunders! Could've at least aimed for a haystack.

Ron surveyed the endless grassland.

"She said near a village," he muttered. "If this is 'near,' I'd hate to see her definition of 'far.'" Ron (feeling his face) This new body feels... weird. Do I look like a superhero or a super-zero? Mirror, mirror, not in my hand, who's the fairest in the land?

With no mirror in sight, Ron set off to find civilization—or at least a reflective pond.

Ron: (pondering) Save the world, she says. From what? A grass invasion? Maybe I'm here to mow the lawn.

Voice: Help! Help!

Ron: (perking up) Ah, finally! Some action! 

Sprinting toward the cry for help, Ron stumbled upon a dark wolf attacking a boy. **Boy**: (screaming) Save me!

Ron: (to himself) To save or not to save? That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to fight a wolf or to search for a village with a decent barber...

Narrator: Ron flipped open his diary to a page labeled 'Familiars' and spotted a sticker resembling the wolf.

Ron: (peeling the sticker) Is this like a 'get out of being eaten free' card?

Light burst from the sticker as it attached to Ron's hand.

Ron: (reading the book) "Say 'Valkaria' to summon the creature." Well, here goes nothing. Valkaria!

A colossal wolf materialized, casting a shadow over the scene.

Giant Wolf: (to the dark wolf) Pick on someone your own size, Fluffy!

The dark wolf, deciding it wasn't paid enough for this gig, took off.

Boy: (relieved) You saved me!

Ron: (grinning) The name's Aqua. And you are?

Tien: I'm Tien. Thank you, Mr. Aqua!

Aqua: (striking a heroic pose) Just doing what any ridiculously handsome hero would do. 

The Majestic Wolf: Bestow Upon Me a Name, Oh Master!

"Whoa, did that wolf just speak?!" Tien and I locked eyes and let out a synchronized shout—this 'monster' has a voice!

"Master? Please, you're the one who called me forth. How dare you label me a monster..." the wolf said, its tail swishing in protest.

Ever taken a peek at your furry self? Sure, you're adorable, You'd be a lady-magnet if you weren't so... wolf-sized," Aqua chuckled, already envisioning a wolf-whistle-worthy scenario.

"Size-shmize, watch this!" In a puff of doggy magic, the wolf shrunk down to a pup, cuteness factor through the roof.

"Whoa, pocket-sized and precious! You're the ultimate cuddle buddy now," Aqua cooed, snuggling the pint-sized pooch, who returned the favor with a slobbery thank-you...

"What shall I be called, master?"

"Let's see... Your dark fur reminds me of the night sky, so how about 'Night'? Do you like it?"

Night's tail beat happily as he barked, "Yes, master woof!"

"I guess I'm not the best at names... So, Tien, what were you doing in those thickets? You nearly became wolf fodder!"

Tien replied with gratitude, "Thank you, Mr. Aqua. I hunt to feed my family; just rabbits and small pigs, nothing too brave, I'm afraid!"

"Living on the edge, huh? That's rough, buddy."

"It's our way of life. My mother and I do what we can to get by during these hard times."

"Man, sounds like you're in a real pickle."

Just then, Night's belly rumbled a canine chorus.

"Hungry, Night?"

"Starving, master," he whimpered, cheeks redder than a ripe tomato. 

"Here, chow down on this," Tien offered a bread loaf, generosity level 100.

"You sure? What about your grub?" Aqua inquired, concern knitting his brows.

"No sweat, after all, Night's my hero. It's the yeast I can do!"

As they sat on the grassland, Aqua, Night, and Tien chatted away.

"Where did you come from, Mr. Aqua?"

Aqua considered Tien's innocent and frail appearance. "He seems trustworthy," he thought.

"I hail from the heavens," Aqua pointed skyward, a twinkle in his eye.

"The sky? So, you're a messenger from the gods?" Tien inquired, puzzled.

"Kinda. Some starry-eyed higher-up goofed up big time," Aqua grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Divine or not, you're bow-worthy," Tien declared, bending the knee.

"Hey, stop that, it's embarrassing," Aqua protested.

If you say so Mr Aqua...

"Just call me Aqua. I'm not that important."

"But you are! The magic you possess is rare and ancient. It's the stuff of legends, and you can actually perform it. That makes you a unique entity in our kingdom."

"Is it really that significant?" Aqua mused, unaware of the magnitude of his abilities. "Let's keep this between us, Tien. Agreed?"

"Absolutely, Mr. Aqua. Your secret is safe with me.

"Just 'Aqua' will do. No need for formalities!"

So, what's your plan now?

"Well, I just dropped in, so... I'm as clueless as a cat in a dog show," Aqua admitted with a sheepish grin.

"Come on over to our place! It'd be my honor to host the hero who saved my bacon," Tien offered eagerly.

"You sure? I don't want to crash your pad and cause a scene."

No worries at all! We're good," Tien reassured.

Night, what do you think?

"Absolutely, I'm down. Plus, I'm digging this beanpole's vibe," Night chimed in.

Alright, but let's keep a low profile in the village. We don't want to draw unnecessary attention," Aqua cautioned

Understood, master.

Then it's settled, let's make our way to your village," Aqua decided.

As they made their way to Tien's village, Aqua inquired about the world around them. Tien shared that the major kingdoms were locked in a struggle for power, a common theme across lands. There were royals, nobles, and a religious sect that didn't revere Aqua but seemed to be demon worshippers. Meanwhile, the commoners were caught in the midst of this turmoil, struggling to survive in a world on the edge of collapse, as the goddesses had warned.