

Lilly watched Alexander's match with others on a big screen hovering in front of them. Since Alexander and Curtis was unlucky enough to encounter a Tier 5 Magical Beast right after entering the Zone, everyone became curious and began looking at his fight.

Well, others were simply wandering around or fighting with their partner so they were bored of them. They still kept an eye on them but their most focus was on the fight of Curtis and Alexander against the Goat like Magical Beast.

"I don't remember watching something like that in the forest," Johnson murmured, then turned towards Albert and Dwayne, "Did anyone from you clans encounter something like this Magical Beast?"

"No, appearance of a new Magical Beast in a new area, especially close to a city would have alerted atleast one of us," Dwayne said, "And we didn't hear about it, so I'm guessing it only recently moved in."

"Same here, my Verley clan haven't encountered it," Albert also shook his head.