
I got a farmland in apocalyptic

I got a farmland in apocalyptic world

deepak_Joshi · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

opening of the fruits and vegetables mall

Next day's dawn

Deepjoshi: Dad, mom, and Mina, good morning.

He's just awoken everybody. He was giddy with anticipation and couldn't wait to open his mall.

His parents are equally thrilled! Who wouldn't be thrilled if their son was involved in an idea with great potential?

The following breakfast...

The Joshi family is gathered in front of the mall, and Deepjoshi is not yet beginning his introduction statements. His family is confused.

Mom: What happened deep is that there is an issue.

Deepjoshi: No, Mother, there isn't; I'm waiting for someone.

Mom, what!? Who are is that is your friends?

Deepjoshi: what?? Mom, why are you shocked?

Mom: Well, nothing; I was just, well, you know that.

Across the street, an elderly man and Milli were on their way to Deepjoshi when they noticed that his mother, Miya, was taken aback!

Miya: What a stunning young lady! You know her, Mina?

Mina: It feels frigid to me, so I'm not sure, Mom. I find it hard to accept; might it be a dream? My brother's friend is a stunning woman.

Miya: How come? You don't think highly of your own brother.

Mina: As you have, mom.

Vihaan: What topic are you two discussing? It appears that there is a connection between them.

Miya Honey, what are you talking about?

Vihaan: I suppose you'll find out eventually.

Miya: He seems very enigmatic.

Milli saw Deep's parents, which made her quite anxious.

Milli approached Deep's parents and greeted them as Aunty and Uncle. I'm Milli Choudhary, and I'll be this mall's manager. I'm hoping you'll look after me well.

Parents of Deep: Alright, we will. I think you're such a cute little girl.

Deepjoshi: So you are all present here, correct?

Shortly after, someone else walked up to Deepjoshi and said, "Hello, Deepjoshi. I'm not welcome here."

After expressing shock, Deepjoshi remarked, "You're always welcome." Mira, a girl associated with hunters

Once more, Deepjoshi: aham! We will open our mall and push the mall entrance now that every member is here., And he declared Joshi's Mall to be its name., Joshi's Mall.

Every member was completely taken aback when the door was opened. They saw that unusual goods like rice, chile, potatoes, salt, and apples were widely available at the mall. The most surprised person was Mira because she had never seen anything like this.

Deepjoshi, you have a bright future ahead of you, Mira., Please keep me in mind if you come across a fantastic business opportunity in the future.

Deepjoshi: Regards. Yes, if there's a very good opportunity, I will give you a call first.

Following that, they all began organizing all of their stocks, and so it continued.

It's nighttime now.

Thank to all, Deepjoshi. Now let's enjoy our night. They all eat a lot of food that Deep's mother has prepared, and they have a great time together.

The following morning, Milli returned home with the elderly man Anand as Mira departed for work. My family visited the house as well.

After returning to the mall two hours later, we tidied up the mess we had made the night before and got to work organizing all of the stocks.

Milli returned just in time to finish the work.

This time, we properly opened the mall, hung all of the banners, and created citywide advertisements for our establishment.

However, not a single person made a trip to the mall. Deepjoshi believed that we would go without today. Suddenly, a hunter entered our mall and noticed the pricing.

There are 100 HP (hpoints) for rice, 150 HP for chile, 50 HP for an apple, 100 HP for 500 grams of salt, and 10 HP for liters of fresh water.

Hunter: Well, I believe that's a reasonable price. He left the mall after purchasing one kilogram of rice and one kilogram of salt and paying the bill.

Deepjoshi: He is our very first client, isn't he?

Milli: Well, I think I have a concept to draw clients.

Deepjoshi: What is it, Milli?

Milli: How about we give every product a discount? For the first 100 buyers, how about offering a 20% discount on every product? And we can return to our regular price after 100 consumers.

Deepjoshi: You can do that; I think it's an excellent idea.

Following that, they decided to provide 100 consumers a 20% discount.

An hour later, the hunters were making their way to Joshi's Mall and making purchases right away. It seems like business is booming all of a sudden.

Now that night has fallen, at nine o'clock, they are carefully and precisely rearranging every item in the mall. After tidying up, they shut down the mall.

All right, Deepjoshi, we're heading back home, said his parents and sister. You return and drop Milli off at her house. They called a taxi because they felt it would be unsafe for a female to wander the streets alone.

Grasping Milli's waist with both hands, Deepjoshi leaned forward and planted a kiss on her. Milli did not hesitate either, and they began kissing passionately.

Five minutes later, Deepjoshi sent Milli back to her house by teleportation, and he was out on the streets, thinking if he only had some alcohol it would be great. He questioned the system after having an idea to create a wine farm all of a sudden.

System: Well, you can make that, but for that, you will need a grape or berry farm, and you will need to connect it to a winemaking machine.

Deepjoshi: Ah, I understand. He returned to the farmland by teleportation, and he discovered the grapes farm.

{Farmland blueprint panel.}

Name: Grapes Farm

Requirements: 1 kg of fertilizer, 1 liter of water, and 1 grape seed.

Upon witnessing that, Deepjoshi declared, "Let's work on the grape farm tomorrow," before returning home via teleportation.

Deep's family members are waiting for him in the house, and his mother asks what has taken him so long.

Deepjoshi informed Mom that he needed grapes to make wine, so he went around the neighborhood looking for grape seeds.

With that, Deepjoshi hands over his profits to his parents, telling them to take all of them and use them to get Mina some nicer clothes. It's funny how she looks dressed.

Mina: You still remember to tease me, brother.

Ok, stop your two and join me for dinner, Miya said. After dinner, Deep returned to his room.