
Hurrying Back

The moment Ethan's feet touched solid ground, he switched on his phone and dialed his sister's number. Throughout the flight, he'd been on edge, a nagging feeling that something was wrong gnawing at his nerves. 

He shouldn't have taken this trip. Since their parents' death, he'd never been so far from Rose. If not for his friend's urging and Rose's rebellious phase of wanting space, he wouldn't have gone. Though at eighteen she was no longer a child needing constant supervision, in his eyes she'd always be his little sister who relied on him, finding mischief at every turn.

The phone rang once, twice, three times. With each unanswered ring, Ethan's anxiety mounted. His palms grew clammy as he paced the crowded airport terminal.

"Come on, Rose. Pick up," he muttered, raking a hand through his disheveled hair.

He bumped into someone, earning an accusing glare, but Ethan barely noticed.

Over a day had passed since the first portal sightings. By now, everyone but hermits had heard the news. An anxious atmosphere permeated the air, with people uncertain about what the future held. This tension only exacerbated Ethan's frayed nerves.

He dialed again, only to be greeted by the monotonous beep and finally the voicemail.

"Rose, it's Ethan. Call me back when you get this." It was already the third message he'd left her.

As he hung up and began to redial, a hand covered his, halting his fingers' movement.

"If you keep calling her, she won't be able to reach you," Andrew said, his calm tone a stark contrast to Ethan's agitation.

"She's not picking up. What if something's happened?"

"I've already ordered a cab. Let's hurry back—then you'll know more. Maybe she's just not looking at her phone," Andrew said, trying to calm his friend.

"Alright." Ethan nodded, already grabbing the handle of his suitcase and paving his way through the crowd in a hurry to get home.

Sighing, Andrew followed suit.

It was only through Andrew's connections—and throwing in a few extra bucks—that they were able to get a taxi at all. Once seated inside, Ethan couldn't hold back from calling his sister again. "What's the latest on the portal situation?" he asked, glancing over at Andrew.

With a click, Andrew opened the app. 

In truth, Andrew already knew the answer to his question without looking it up. His exceptional memory had always been his forte, and he vividly recalled the portal that had appeared in the park near Ethan's home in their previous life.

That portal was the catalyst for Rose's impulsive flight with their neighbors, setting in motion their harrowing journey to reunite with her as the world descended into chaos. As his loyal friend, Andrew had accompanied Ethan and they had overcome countless obstacles and encountered horrible things to make it to Rose. 

In truth, Andrew held a less-than-favorable opinion of his friend's sister. He viewed her as a liability, especially in these times when resources were becoming scarce and difficult to obtain. Moreover, she seemed to attract trouble at every turn, leaving Ethan to clean up the mess. 

Andrew dreaded the possibility of this pattern repeating itself in the future, but he couldn't bring himself to abandon Ethan in his struggles.

Andrew sighed inwardly with a side-way glance at his friend. "There has been a portal sighting in riverside park…"

Ethan's face paled. "That's just a few blocks from our house." His voice trembled as he spoke, fingers tightening around his phone. "We need to get there faster."

Andrew placed a steadying hand on Ethan's shoulder. "We're going as fast as we can. The traffic's terrible with everyone trying to get home." 

Ethan nodded, his jaw clenched as he stared out the window. The city streets were a sea of brake lights and honking horns. People crowded the sidewalks, some walking briskly with purpose, others milling about in confused clusters.

After more than two hours, they finally arrived at Ethan and Rose's house. During the journey, Ethan had called his sister over a hundred times, his expression growing increasingly tense with each unanswered attempt.

As soon as they parked, Ethan leapt from the car and sprinted into the house, leaving Andrew to handle payment and luggage. With a sigh and a shake of his head, Andrew good-naturedly took care of everything before following his friend inside. 

"Rose? Rose!" he could hear Ethan shout, as he frantically ran around checking each and every room for his sister`s whereabouts. 

Andrew stepped into the house, setting down their luggage in the entryway. He could hear Ethan's frantic footsteps and calls echoing through the rooms.

Following the play of not knowing anything, Andrew methodically explored each room, scrutinizing every detail. He discovered Rose's mud-caked hiking boots strewn about the hallway, just as he recalled. Her breakfast dishes remained in the sink, matching his memory. However, his brow furrowed as he noticed the slightly ajar window leading to the backyard. Was this a deviation from his recollection? He couldn't be certain. 

Another deviation caught his eye: her wardrobe. Taking a closer look inside, he noticed that while her backpack was missing, all her clothes remained, along with her purse and other valuables. He was close to certain, that previously she had taken it along with her. 

"Oh god, Rose. Andrew! Come quick!" Ethan suddenly shouted from the bathroom. 

Andrew rushed to the bathroom, his heart pounding. As he entered, he saw Ethan holding a bloodstained gauze, his face pale with worry. 

With the little discrepancies he wasn't certain but seeing the blood stained gauze confirmed Andrew's suspicions – this timeline was indeed different from the one he remembered.

But why?