
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

A little light

Now it's around 08:20... I don't know, I'm not going to calculate exactly how much time they spend talking bruhh.

There Sujiro shows Matheus Jotaro's room, "You can keep your things here if you want." she said to him.

"Where is the bed?" Matheus asked

Sujrio says "Oh, we normally sleep at the Suzuki's side, every one together with our futons, in one of the bedrooms. If you need something just ask us, you can make yourself at home." she left the bedroom.

Matheus observes the bedroom 'Looks like he liked sports.' he puts his backpack in a corner.

He uses his phone to explain to his mom his absence.

"I saved a person from suicide here, and I'm hanging out with them," he said to his mom.

"I'm happy you are making friends," She said.

"I will stay here tonight okay?"

"Okay." She said content.

Matheus remembers the 2 churches and decides to go there, out of curiosity.

But when he closes his eyes to scratch them, and when he opens he gets spooked, and he sees the plague angel.

"Jesus be praised. Stay here at home, then follow the pregnant." The spirit said then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Matheus was feeling lost and liked that he received more direct instruction, although he is uncertain of the outcome of his obedience.

He went to the living room and found the girls chilling, reading manga, or using a cell phone. They look so defenseless, immodest, and too much relaxed as if they don't care if he looks at their body.

He found it strange, so he approached Sujiro to ask about their culture.

"Hey, It's just my impression, or do your folk treat sex as something more casual?"

Sujiro looks enthusiastic she says "Yeah, like 99% of the town is a follower of Asmodeus, and she is the goddess of love after all. For example, normally girls and boys lose their virginity around 12 years old and-"

Matheus interrupts kinda surprised "Wait, wait, wait if you say "around", that means they do it sooner?"

She casually says "Yeah."

Matheus looks in surprise.

She says "Yeah, it's fine, age is just a number, and we use contraception spell, so it's okay. Also, a man or woman can have as many husbands or wives as they want, as long as the previous ones agree with the new one joining. If you wanna know more about our doctrine, you better talk with Natsuki she is a mage after all."

Hearing this Makima tries to make a friendly provocation "Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidens."

Sujiro makes a pout to look annoyed, "I'm reserving myself for someone special, and it's a secret. Plus you are too a big ass virgin, oh, actually everyone here is a virgin right?

Awkward silence.

Sujiro with confidence says "See."

They started giving excuses as if they are explaining embarrassing behavior.

Natsuki says "People don't accept my body."

Kobeny says "I can't even hold hands, I'm just too shy."

Makima says "I don't wanna waste my time with uninteresting boys."

Intrusive though said to Matheus 'What if you manage to convince them to marry you? imagine how happy you would' but he just ignored this annoying thought.

The house bell rang, and Sujiro went to answer the door.

"Matheus, come here, someone wanna talk to you," Sujiro called

Matheus goes there and finds a pregnant Japanese that he doesn't know.

The pregnant politely say to him "The king invites you to his temple, to talk about the plague, and he thinks you can help."

Matheus looks reluctant, so Sujiro tells him "She is one of the wives of the king, I think you should go, you can relax, we are not going anywhere."

Matheus thinks a little bit then follows the wife to the temple.