
I Fell In Love With The Werewolf Duke

After wearing a cursed necklace, Aurelia Winters is transported into a fantasy world of dragons and monsters. There is only one twist however: the population is 100% male. There, she is greeted and taken care of like royalty. She soon discovers however that if her lips touch the skin of any man, they will immediately fall in love with her. Three men eventually become completely enamoured with her: a cold-hearted werewolf duke that happens to be immune to her power, a flirtatious prince who will soon inherit the throne, and a genius magician who remains in his tower. Will she be able to break the bond that is wrapped around their hearts or will her own heart end up stolen as well? And how will she survive keeping her feelings and thoughts to herself while living with the one man that can make her heart flutter?

Raelle_Lucie · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 4 - Fierce Little Lady


Never before in my life had I ever seen a woman with such fierceness before. Most of the women brought here by the enchantment are docile and easily manipulated, but not this one. No, this one was trouble and fire.

And she looked like she could bite.

She didn't even blink when I told her that I was a werewolf. Perhaps she's like those other humans who find werewolves attractive. Her mind will change soon enough when she sees my alter form. She'll run away and scream just like those other females.

This one also seemed more clever than the rest. She immediately shut down Rhen's advances and futile attempts at flirtation. Perhaps she has some brains to her, but in the end, all women end up falling in love with a man like that, and the smarter they are, the worse their partner is for them.

She seized me up at a glance, pushing me against my own wall in my own office. It's like she's taunting me, as if she knows that by law, I can't lay a hand on her without her permission.

Rhen is enjoying this too much, I had to stop this.

Before I had the chance to tell her off in return, Michael walked through my office door and bowed briefly upon seeing Rhen. His eyes then laid on Aurelia, and immediately I felt angry at my subordinate for staring so long.

He was the one who had found her deep in the woods, near the danger zone where the monsters dwell. Immediately, I could tell that he was smitten with whatever the world calls beauty.

"Sir, I've had the stable boys take care of the horses."

Perhaps this will prove my point. Perhaps if I push her towards Michael, I'll be proven right: that all women want is a strong man to protect them. She'll 'fall in love', then her heart will be ripped out and shredded to pieces once she finds out his alter form. I gestured towards Aurelia and looked right at him.

"Michael, this is Aurelia. Aurelia, this is Michael. My closest subordinate and the man who found you. You owe him your life."

She immediately smiled and put out her hand in the manner of a handshake.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Michael."

Michael looked at her hand, not knowing what to do. It's usual etiquette for a male to kiss the back of a female's hand. No, it is more a requirement by law. Michael then nervously shook her hand loosely, as if he was scared of crushing her bones.

His hand lingered on hers for a moment, and my nose stiffened until the woman finally pulled away.

"So, have you chosen a welcome family yet?" Michael asked, trying to make conversation. I frowned, arms crossed, and looked right at him.

"She's apparently staying with us."

He immediately looked happier, happier than I thought, and began chatting away with the woman. She occasionally laughed, putting in some input of her own before they began smiling at each other.

"You're not actually jealous, are you?"

I jumped when I felt the warm breath of my cousin brush across my ear as he whispered into it. I frowned, straightening my jacket up and sighed at his immaturity. I slapped his hand away and growled.

"She'll be writing to you to come to the palace in a week, two tops. You and I both know that." Rhen smirked, leaning against the wall.

"I want her."

I turned my head towards him in utter shock. He wants to make her... his Queen?

"You do realise that you can only have one female per 5 seasons. Wasting it on her-"

"Look at her and tell me that she's a waste. Don't try and push her towards that werewolf subordinate of yours. She's my prey."

He spoke in an amused tone, but it was also a warning to me. I chuckled.

"You don't have to worry about me. Laying my hands upon her is the last thing I want. Women aren't my priority."

Especially if those women have the guts to run their mouth like this one. Honestly, another season and another problem for me to deal with.

The last female that caught Rhen's eye died before they even got married, though Rhen got his brief yet distinguishable fun in the meantime. The only reason why he was seeking marriage in the first place was to sire an heir to please his father. Trust me, if women ran rampant in this country, he would have sired more than a few heirs.

"Aurelia, why don't we have dinner together, hm? Aaron, have your chefs make a grand feast for Lady Aurelia."

I frowned. Why should I waste food making a feast for someone like her? Honestly...

If it wasn't for the Prince here, I would have flat-out refused, but I can't let people think that the Drystone Duchy is cheap. I grabbed my cloak and pulled it from the back of my chair, hands into my pockets.

"Michael, keep an eye on her while I'm out."

Again, the woman huffed and placed her hands on her waist, offended by my words. Honestly, she's so sensitive. Just you see, in two weeks, she'll be begging Rhen to live in his castle. I'll make sure of it.

-End of Chapter 4-