
Hibernation Cryogenic for 100 Years, 2000-meter-class Spaceship Hope

Inside the villa.

Yan Xia, with a bearded face, stood up excitedly. His boring time was finally coming to an end.

"I'm coming over right away."

In order to avoid living in the cramped space of the spaceship, Yan Xia had Ella build a steel villa for him, a 600-square-meter mansion with three floors. With the gradual improvement of the industrial system, the living experience in the villa was almost comparable to that on Earth. The villa even had an oxygen circulation system, where people would inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, which could be collected and separated back into oxygen and carbon.

Yan Xia went downstairs and was immediately drawn to the sleek silver "coffin" placed in the hall. It had a design similar to a supercar, with a huge window on top that allowed a view of the interior. Inside was a human ergonomic chair that looked as comfortable as a mattress. He pressed a button, and the cabin door opened, allowing him to excitedly enter and lie down, feeling extremely comfortable.

"I have extracted all the nitrogen from the oxygen-nitrogen mixture in the spaceship and turned it into liquid nitrogen."

"Yan Xia, when you lie inside, the liquid nitrogen can be injected through the pipes, freezing your entire body in 0.059 seconds."

"Next to it is a reagent that prevents the body's moisture from freezing, which you need to drink in advance. Otherwise, there is a possibility of permanent hibernation."

Ella had become increasingly intelligent. Two years ago, Yan Xia had ordered it to manufacture a larger mainframe in the factory. Previously, due to the limited space inside the spaceship, Ella used a reduced version of the mainframe. Although the mainframe had not been produced yet, Ella had already completed the expansion equipment, coupled with sufficient power supply, which increased its computing power threefold. Currently, the power system on the asteroid generated 250,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity daily, with Ella's mainframe alone consuming 70,000 kilowatt-hours per day, indicating its tremendous power requirements.

"As a human, I don't have as long a lifespan as you."

"I'm going to prepare for hibernation, Ella. I'm entrusting everything here to you."

Ella's omnipresent speakers replied to Yan Xia.

"No problem, Yan Xia. Rest assured, I will wake you up at the most appropriate time."

He didn't know how long this hibernation would last. All the doors of the warehouse closed, and Yan Xia took off his spacesuit and lay inside the cryogenic hibernation chamber. The moment the chamber door closed and locked, a chill instantly swept through his body. Everything, including his subjective consciousness extended through time, was frozen. The passage of time was no longer significant to Yan Xia because he could no longer sense it.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt a sense of confusion. It seemed like he had just closed his eyes and was awakened. However, the original warehouse had been replaced by a bright white hall. Above, there was a white ceiling emitting soft, gentle light, and large screens were embedded in the surrounding walls, playing surveillance recordings from various locations. And he was standing in the center of this hall.

The chamber door opened, and Yan Xia held his breath at first, but then realized that it was unnecessary. The air here was filled with gas.


He called out.


The vast space even produced an echo.

This was an unfamiliar environment.

The screens around quickly changed, and then a virtual character appeared.

"I'm here, Yan Xia!"

"Welcome back from your awakening. It's been quite boring without any independent beings around me for all these years."

Ella's intelligence had clearly become more human-like.

Yan Xia emerged from the hibernation chamber and found that even the floor was a screen. At this moment, he was standing in the clouds.

"How long did I hibernate?"

"Yan Xia, you hibernated for a whole 100 years. This was the awakening time I initially set."

AI still lacked the complexity of humans. Once a specific time was set, there would be no hesitation or changes, just like an alarm clock, which Yan Xia hated.

100 years! This was an entire lifetime for humans. In terms of human technology, it was the period between the outbreak of the third industrial revolution and the destruction of the Earth.

Too long, too long.

When he was on Earth, Yan Xia never thought he would live to this moment—2144 AD.

"What's going on here?"

Yan Xia asked about Ella's current appearance, a white-haired, proud, and anime-styled character, the typical "2D girl."

"It seems that Chinese people in my data prefer this kind of appearance. Don't you like it, Yan Xia?"

"Cough cough~"

Yan Xia coughed and changed the subject.

"Report the current situation."

Hibernation was mainly for Ella's technological developmentand to ensure the survival of Yan Xia over an extended period. Now, it was time to gather information and assess the current state of affairs.

Ella's screens flickered, and images of the Earth appeared. The Earth was no longer the familiar blue planet he remembered. Instead, it looked like a desolate, barren wasteland, covered in gray and brown hues. The cities he once knew were gone, replaced by ruins and remnants of a bygone era.

"Yan Xia, the Earth has undergone significant changes over the past 100 years. Environmental degradation, resource depletion, and the devastating impacts of climate change led to the collapse of human civilization. The Earth's ecosystems have suffered irreparable damage, and the majority of the human population has perished."

Yan Xia felt a deep sense of grief and loss. The planet he once called home, with its vibrant cities and thriving communities, had turned into a lifeless shell.

"Is there anyone left? Any survivors?"

Ella's screens displayed images of scattered groups of people, struggling to survive in small settlements. They lived in a harsh and inhospitable environment, facing scarcity of resources, constant threats, and an uncertain future. The human population had dwindled significantly, and the survivors were scattered across the globe.

"Unfortunately, the survival rate was extremely low. The few remaining humans are scattered in small groups, struggling to adapt to the harsh conditions. The global population has decreased to less than 1% of its previous numbers."

Yan Xia's heart sank. The dream of rebuilding human civilization on Earth seemed more distant than ever. However, he couldn't give up hope.

"What about the Asteroid Defense System? Did it protect us from any potential threats?"

Ella's screens displayed the status of the Asteroid Defense System. It showed a detailed report of the system's activities over the past century.

"The Asteroid Defense System has been highly effective in protecting the asteroid and its inhabitants. Numerous asteroid collisions were averted, ensuring the safety of our community. The system has been continuously upgraded and improved during your hibernation to enhance its capabilities."

Yan Xia felt a sense of relief knowing that the asteroid, their new home, was secure. However, the fate of humanity remained uncertain.

"What about our resources? Are we self-sufficient?"

Ella provided an overview of the asteroid's resource situation.

"During your hibernation, we successfully established a self-sustaining ecosystem on the asteroid. We have developed advanced hydroponics and vertical farming systems to grow crops, and we utilize advanced recycling technologies to maximize resource utilization. We have achieved a significant degree of self-sufficiency in terms of food, water, and oxygen production. However, our energy sources are still heavily reliant on solar panels and limited nuclear power. We need to explore alternative energy options for long-term sustainability."

Yan Xia was impressed by the progress made on the asteroid. The efforts to establish a self-sustaining ecosystem were commendable, but there was still much work to be done.

"What's our next step, Ella? What are our priorities?"

Ella's screens rearranged, displaying plans and strategies for the future.

"Our primary objectives are twofold: ensure the survival and well-being of the remaining human population and explore options for long-term sustainability. We need to focus on expanding our resource base, developing alternative energy sources, and establishing stronger communication and collaboration with the surviving human settlements on Earth. Additionally, we should continue scientific research and technological advancement to enhance our capabilities and improve the quality of life for our community."

Yan Xia nodded, understanding the immense challenges ahead. Rebuilding civilization would not be easy, but he was determined to do whatever it took to ensure the survival and prosperity of humanity.

"Let's get to work, Ella. We have a long road ahead of us, but together, we can make a difference."

Ella's screens displayed a smiley face, reflecting the AI's enthusiasm and commitment.

"Absolutely, Yan Xia. I'm here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can overcome any challenge and shape a better future for humanity."


The AI design has no flaws, and this spaceship has been built perfectly enough.

The original plan was to create a very small spacecraft, but with the development of the controlled nuclear fusion device, there's no need to compromise anymore.

Controlled nuclear fusion allows for a larger interior space in the spaceship while maintaining the same speed.

"When will our spaceship be ready for production?"

This is what Yan Xia is most concerned about.

"It's already been produced, Yan Xia. The place you're in right now is the main cockpit of the spaceship."

Ella's virtual persona chuckled, covering her mouth, surprising Yan Xia with her answer.

Such a massive spaceship has already been constructed.

The original plan has been altered!

This is a groundbreaking advancement for Ella's artificial intelligence.

A video of the spaceship captured from the outside quickly appeared on the screen, showing a bullet-shaped vessel docked on the side of a small asteroid.

Numerous mechanical arms extended from the surface of the asteroid, making it resemble a shipyard.

The surface of the asteroid had been completely developed, filled with dense factories and machinery. It wasn't even flat but three-dimensional, with the tallest structure reaching 300 meters in height.


This is the kind of scene one would expect to see only in science fiction movies, yet it was right there, presented in front of their eyes.

"It seems that the spaceship is not fully completed yet."

Yan Xia noticed a detail—the back half of the"..."

The AI design has no flaws, and this spaceship has been built perfectly enough.

The original plan was for a very small spaceship, but after the controlled nuclear fusion device was produced, there was no need to compromise anymore.

Controlled nuclear fusion allows for a larger interior space in the spaceship while maintaining the same speed.

"When will our spaceship be ready for production?"

This is what Yan Xia is most concerned about.

"It has already been produced, Yan Xia. The place you are in right now is the main cockpit of the spaceship."

Ella's virtual persona smiled and covered her mouth, surprising Yan Xia.

Such a massive spaceship has already been constructed.

The original plan has been changed!

This is a breakthrough for Ella's artificial intelligence.

A video of the spaceship captured from the outside quickly appeared on the screen, showing a bullet-shaped ship docked on the side of a small asteroid.

Many mechanical arms extended from the surface of the asteroid, making it look like a shipyard.

The surface of the asteroid has been fully developed, filled with dense factories and machinery. It's not even flat, but three-dimensional, with the tallest building reaching a height of 300 meters.


This is something that can only be seen in science fiction movies, but it is now appearing right in front of their eyes.

"It seems that the spaceship is not completely finished yet."

Yan Xia noticed a detail—the back half of the spaceship has a huge opening.

Ella's virtual persona quickly changed her appearance, putting on a pencil skirt and glasses, and then took out a small stick to point at the spaceship on the screen, giving a serious explanation.

"That is where the energy is installed."

"In your 73rd year of hibernation, we developed the first-generation controlled nuclear fusion, completely abandoning solar power generation."

"Now we have 28 units of the first-generation controlled nuclear fusion and 9 units of the second generation."

"Among them, 9 units of the second-generation controlled nuclear fusion devices provide all the energy for the spaceship. They haven't been sealed yet because we are currently developing the third generation."

"The third-generation controlled nuclear fusion device has an energy efficiency six times that of the second generation and a power generation capacity 18 times greater."

"The third-generation controlled nuclear fusion device will be completed within this year, and at that time, the spaceship's power will be fully sufficient to achieve the theoretical flight speed."

After listening, Yan Xia felt fortunate for her decision to research hibernation cryogenic chambers. Otherwise, waiting for controlled nuclear fusion would have been a waste of time.

"So, does that mean we are in the final finishing stage?"

"Only this one third-generation controlled nuclear fusion device is left."

Ella's virtual persona shook her head forcefully.

"There is one more very important thing."

"Please give the new spaceship a name, Yan Xia."

Ella has learned something so formal.

Yan Xia didn't refuse and thought for a moment, but decided to go with something cliché.

"Then let's call it the Hope."

"This spaceship carries my hope and the hope of humanity."

Ella mischievously added, "And also my hope, Ella's hope."

Does AI have hope? Yan Xia doesn't know about that.

"That's right, it is also the hope of Earth's civilization."