
I don't want this novel

what would you do if you get transported into your own novel? Hiraya a novice novel writer got transported to his own novel but slowly the plot of his original novel change bit by bit. how is that possible? Everything that he had wrote is slowly changing. is it even his own novel anymore? Or does it belong to someone else now? the question is who is rewriting his novel? And what is more in-store for our protagonists in his journey in his novel?

Useless_Child · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

CHAPTER 15: Hunting

The huge hallways became narrow as I continue on walking with Zagreus by my side. The feeling of fear sink in deeply in my body, I look out the window trying to distract myself from what will happen next. "Stop shivering like a little hamster Hira, be a man will you" he stated walking in front of me now. Like you know what I'm feeling, I'm a hider not a hunter you big idiot, "idiot" I mumble, why couldn't the villains in my story be nice. I sighed. As I continue on walking these hallways that seems to take on forever as we both continue on. A loud scream emerge in the dark end of the hallway, both I and Zagreus ran to the sound, Zagreus stop me from getting close to the dark hallway, looking intensely on the path a head. Blood slowly emerge from the darkness of the hallway and then the scream stop.

Silence filled the hallway, then scratching is the only thing that can be heard in the darkness, then the scratching grew more and more closer to us and so did the darkness. Both of us slowly back away from the darkness. Then a soft voice emerge in the darkness. "Don't be scared my little boys" she said adding a chuckle. Both of us continue to back away even more as the darkness slowly approach us. Zagreus eyes deemed staying focus on the darkness and then there's me trying not to piss myself off from the fear that eat up my body.

The speed of the darkness as it comes closer to us, became faster and faster by the minute. Both of started running away from the darkness, as it got closer to us, the laughing grew louder and louder. Screeching started to appear from the corners of the hallways. Creepers started to come at us from left to right, Zagreus pulled out his sword ready to attack them, as one of the creepers came charging as him and he boulted towards it, I grab his hand and pulled him to the side, making him and I fall on the floor "DANG IT HIRAYA! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT?!" he looked at me with a hint of anger in his eyes. i said nothing and help him got up, he brush of my hand and stand up on his own. As I saw the creepers coming back at us, I grab his hand and run into one of the rooms, it was dark inside with only the moon light shining outside the window as the only light source.

"I could have-" I covered his mouth and signed him to keep quiet. The screeching became faded from the other side of the door. Seconds pass and we heard foot steps on the other side of the door. He took of my hand covering his mouth and glared at me, knocking started to emerge outside of the room. "oh little prince come out, lets play" the voice of the woman is sweet yet sinister, I look at Zagreus still staring at the door with a firm grip on his sword ready to attack what ever comes in the room.

Alright Hiraya, think how was the creepers defeated, come on brain work. The knocking on the continue on "come on boys, open the door for a young lady will you?" the woman said while still knocking on the door. None of us spoke, come on Hiraya what defeat darkness, think, think. The knocking stop and I can only hear my own heart beats waiting for something to happen.

I felt a cold breeze behind me, I look back and my eyes widens, the creeper tries to attack Zagreus but I push him a side and it grab me by the neck. I look at its yellow glowing eyes that is filled with emptiness and nothing more. My body is paralyze from the grip of the creep and then I can fill my body becoming colder by the second went by. I saw Zagreus charging at it and with swing of his sword to it, it just went through it without effort piercing through it.

"it's no use little prince" I heard the witch voice from behind "you can't kill something that is already dead" she laugh "maybe I can't but I can kill you" he said while attacking the woman behind me, the only thing that I can hear are the swings of Zagreus sword.




[ Current life span is at 50%]

Oh no, I don't want to die like this! I still haven't got a girlfriend yet, and I still didn't have my first kiss yet, this sucks, god common think Hiraya what is the weakness of these creatures.

"hold still you old hag" I swing my sword but she keep on dodging every one of my attacks "who are you calling an old hag?!" she swings her and to me creating gust of black wind aiming at me but I quickly jump away from it and she continue on attacking me but I was fast enough to dodge all of it "didn't someone ever tell you at that you can't call a young lady old?!" she screamed out and keep on attacking me. "Let's see how much longer you can hold little prince" she laugh, this old had is pissing me off, I saw an opening on her attack and dash in trying to pierce my sword on her heart but she smirk and punch me on the stomach causing me to fly away from her.

I stand up and swipe the blood off my mouth and gotten ready to go again, I'm not going to be defeated by a woman or anyone ever "aren't you forgetting something little prince?" she smiled at me and pointed at Hiraya, who is looking pale by the minute. I glared at her "if you don't stop to your little minions now you will be sorry for the consequences that you will face" I charge at her again and she kick me on my right ribs but the pain I'm feeling isn't going to stop me from killing her and bringing peace back to my kingdom.

"LIGHT!" I turned to Hiraya who is now looking at me with blood shot eyes "light Zagrues, light" he said while he groans in pain, I smirk and nod my head "Devils hands!" I threw the fire at the witch causing her to scream and back away and stop with her attacks and I threw the fire to the creeper making it have a loud screech. I ran to the witch still burning from my fire, I hold her face on the hand "I told you, you would suffer" I whispered, having a cold stare at her to her as I increase my flames making her face burn to ashes, she scream out until there was nothing left but only her body as it slowly slip from my grasp and my flames slowly vanish from my hands.

I sighed and walk toward Hiraya, who is now laying on the floor, I crouch down and check if there is still a breath in his body, there is one "maybe you are useful after all" I smirk and place my hand at his heart "Soul heal".

I slowly opened my eyes to what little conscious I have left and saw gold glows of light and siluet of person above me. "Lord? is that you?" I mumbled as my vision fell into darkness.