
I Don't Remeber Signing Up As A Sorceress!!!

Tatiana recalls listening to her grandmother talk about things that could only occur in a fantasy world when she was a very young girl. She remembered how much fun it was to hear these tales from her grandma. While she and her brother, who is one year younger, listen to their late grandmother's stories. Regrettably, they had to move away from their grandmother to live in the city. That was the last time she had seen the elderly woman. One day her mother gets a call informing her that her grandmother had already passed away and that everyone in the family had to go to the funeral home in accordance with the old woman's wishes and her will. Her grandmother had granted her the right to the sizable house or cabin—whatever you want to call it—in the woods upon receiving the will. Tatiana was perplexed because her grandmother and she has not been together for a very long period of time. But nevertheless still- Preparing to begin a new life at their grandmother's house, Tatiana soon discovers a number of strange and unsettling occurrences that are much creepier than the deceptive faces of her supposed pals in the city. Despite her best efforts to avoid it, curiosity somehow manages to draw her back into wanting to know what is going on.

Niela_Sheridan01 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter IX: A Dark Figure and A Truth About Azazel

Tatiana was frozen still. She wanted to really cry but somehow because of how her heart practically stops beating her body was just cold.

'Move legs please move!!' she screams in her head.

But her whole body was unresponsive as if it was being wrapped in a chain.

'Ahhhh why does this happen to me i wasn't even a bad person maybe i was but that was because people are sometimes annoying' Tatiana thought.

Somehow she want to hit her head in a wall since she's already in a situation that she might die but she still have time to joke. Just then she heard some voices.

"Where on earth is that girl?!" someone said annoyed Tatiana felt all the blood in her face comeback.

Though they have an argument earlier on she had no choice to call out to him.

"RIO HELP PLEASE!!!" Tatiana felt the creature or thing in front of her growls.

It lift up its dark and long claws as he raises his hands she still cant move. She closes her eyes waiting for some stab.

'Ahhh somebody save me please!!' she screams in her head.


Tatiana felt someone lift her up and there was a loud explosion. Tatiana open her eyes as she saw Rio in front of her and the creature or thing in freon of her was in a water ball with a torrent inside it.

"Fuck!" Rio snarls as he lifts up his hand and a blade made out of water appear in his hands.

He then proceeded to Slash the dark creature and slowly it turns into dust.

"Tati you alright?!" Rio look over at Tatiana worriedly who is currently being carried by Astrophel.

"Ahhh I'm okay? haha ha....." Tatiana sure do have an bored expression plastered in her face but that doesn't mean that she doesn't feel afraid at all.

Tears was welling up in her eyes she was probably trying to cheer herself up in that near death situation but she really is terrified. She doesn't want to die she is really beyond terrified.

"Hah what the hell I didn't sign up for this" Tears finally fall down in Tatiana's cheeks as she lightly sobs.

"I just want to live a normal life *heuk*" Tatiana was trying to wipe off her tear stained face while doing that but tears still continue to well up in the corners of her eyes.

Just then Tatiana suddenly felt herself shift as she felt a new pair of arms holding her in a bridal position. But she have no energy to even argue to be put down because she knew damn well that her legs will definitely give up on her.

"Shhh Tati you'll be fine i swear dont cry" Tatiana can hear Rio speaks then she was shocked when Rio's forehead was place in her forehead aswell.

She had her eyes open wide out of shock but she didn't have the strength to snarl or push him away she was really tired and scared. Slowly Tatiana finally felt all the stress in her body coming to her and before Tatiana can hear anything from Rio or Astrophel she fell unconsciously.


"Say Rio do you like this girl?" out of nowhere as the two were walking Astrophel suddenly asks Rio.

"Hmmm probably i don't know?" Rio spoke calmly.

Though Astrophel wasn't convince in that i mean Rio isn't the type of person to save someone who ask for his help not to mention Rio isn't the type of person to carry an unconcious person as if it's the most rarest gem ever. And not to mention Rio isn't the type of person to get jealous over Azazel i mean they both new damn well how that guy is beneath them.

'Does Rio likes her unconsciously?' Astrophel ask in his head.

But he isn't gonna point it out for now after all he is not very sure.


Tatiana wokes up in a soft bed she look around. She knew she isn't in her room. The room was large and Tatiana can smell the fresh smell of the oak wood in the room. She slowly sat up as she held her head in pain. She can guess that what happened earlier was indeed real.

She wonders who's house is this cause the design it really beautiful. The person who definitely live here knew the world classic yet stylish. Tatiana could still feel her knees weak but she decided to stand up anyway.

Slowly she put on her shoe and find the door to leave the room. As she went downstairs he heard someone shuffling around. She walk downstairs slowly trying to find the source.As Tatiana saw where the person is she slowly moves to walk away towards to the open front door.

"It seems like your awake Miss Solace?" however Tatiana had to stop due to the older man calling out to her.

The man turns around and Tatiana immediately see the resemblance of him and Rio. Though he doesn't seem old like he looks really young though she suspects that he is indeed older than her or Rio.

"Ahhh it seems that your confuse" the man spoke in a calm voice.

"My name is Kai im a professor at Othiniel Academy I doubt that you know that school yet but its a school just like Aranya Academy" the man smiled.

Somehow Tatiana felt relief while talking to this guy. Probably the main reason is well aside him having similar looks in Rio his demeanor is entirely different than that guy. The man in front of her is calm and he spoke in a really soothing and kind voice.

"Aranya Academy?" Tatiana however cut that train of thoughts as of now.

"Ahhh didn't you know the name of your school is Aranya Academy out of all the Magic Academy around that Academy accept mix students well other school does aswell but it depends only Aranya Academy is the friendliest school to mages, sorcerer, sorceress or whatever entity you could think off" Kai explained while lightly smiling.

He seems to find the confused look in Tatiana's face amusing. Though Tatiana didn't notice that unfortunately if she had notice that her would become grim now cause the light smile of Kai has become the same as the one in Rio's face.

"Right i was wondering what's your relationship with my brother?" Kai ask.

Tatiana frown at the mention of the name.

"I'll take that as you dont like him at all?"

"Precisely" Tatiana murmurs but it was heard by Kai.

He let out a chuckle as he eye Tatiana.

"Well on behalf of my brother i will apologise to you. And i wanna say this i dont think Rio dislike you at all. He's quite the unpredictable child you see. Sometimes his happy and goofy other times his moody"

"But you see Miss Solace when you went here he cant stop talking about you im pretty sure that guy holds you preciously somewhere in your heart" though that was unbelievable Tatiana nods as she can see the seriousness of the mans voice in front of her.

"And of course i heard that he become rude to you i suppose it relates to Mr. Kazimir?"

"Kazimir?" Tatiana looks at him with the look who's that.

"Its Mr. Azazel his full name is Azazel Kazimir" Kai then proceed to explain.

"Its technically not because of Azazel after all he didn't do anything bad at all. Not to mention Rio just suddenly just gets mad because i embarrassed myself in school earlier. I think?" Tatiana cant hide her confuse face as she was talking.

"Ahhh in pretty sure that he probably couldn't explain it to you properly earlier. But i think you had contact with Mr. Azazel earlier before even Rio had a fight with you?" Kai asks while looking directly at Tatiana's eyes.

"Yes I did"

"Then that's the reason why he was annoyed" Kai just shrugs.

"How is that a reason Azazel was just showing me around i know he hated Azazel but that's no reason for him to suddenly get mad at me" Tatiana spoke in an annoyed voice this time.

"Well allow me to explain. Remember the thing that attack you earlier?" Kai asks.

Tatiana nods her head. She can still the dark eerie feeling that figure had left her. She felt goosebumps in her arms as chills statts creeping up in her again.

"That was Mr. Azazel doing" Kai spoke in a calm but hesitant voice.

Tatiana didn't expect that answer. How come Azazel would attack her i mean they become close didn't they? And besides Azazel doesn't seem the type of person who would hurt anyone for no reason.

"I guess that was a shock for you. Unfortunately that was not the intention of Mr. Kazimir to you i doubt that he wants to hurt you. But Mr. Azazel have a rather strong ability however he had no control over it that is why he hurt some people sometimes even though he doesn't want that" Kai explain.

"So your saying he cant control his abilities?" Tatiana asks.

"Yes that is basically it. I would suggest that you should stay far away from Mr. Kazimir as much as possible cause his abilities could run amock anytime. I hope you understand that"

Tatiana didn't reply as she turns around and leave. As the door closes Kai let out a deep sigh.

"I guess she had become quite acquainted towards Azazel. Now what am i gonna do at Rio he might actually kill that kid"
