
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 2

Vihaan Oberoi aka my boss stared at me hard as I stood like a lamb before him. He had always been like this. All he did was stare and people had to guess his mood. But with me he was a bit more harsh. He was intimidating, mean and always knocked my breath away.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." I tell him. "I didn't know...know you were married."

"Not married." He corrects me.

"Oh." I gulp. What was happening to me again?

"Mrs.Anamika." He clears his throat.

"Please don't fire me." I blurt before he could say anything.

I was desperate to keep this job. Atleast until I completed my education. I was just twenty one. I had three more years to complete my education and become a lawyer.

"No. I'm not firing you." He says.

"Then?" I ask in confusion.

"I..." He stops in the middle. "Just do your work. I'm not firing you."

"Thank you sir." I say gratefully. He goes back to his chair and sits down.

"How old are you?" He asks when i was almost out.

"Twenty-one, sir."

He nods and goes back to staring at his screen.

I come out and immediately Niya comes to my side. Mind you she was a writer in this publishing company. Not so well known but still a good one. I mean i loved her work. It showed what she felt.

"Did you get fired?" She asks.

"Not yet." I say.

"I don't think he'll fire you." She says.

"Not again." I sigh.

"He wants you, Ika." She says. Apparently she had a theory where he wanted me. That was a one line theory. She didn't tell me how he wanted me. I wasn't naive. But I doubted he'd want me. He was...my boss. And I was only his PA.

"One of these days I'm going to see you making out in the office. You have a lot of tension between you." There was no tension between us. I was just intimidated by his aura.

I shake my head and go back to work until seven in the evening. I still had my other job after this. Everything was tiring.

People usually left at five but I had to stay until seven. That was when Mr. Oberoi left the office.

I knock on his door. He was working. His few shirt buttons were undone and showed his muscled chest. His hair wasn't as kept as in the morning. He looked tired as well.

"Do you need anything, sir?" I ask.

He lifts his head and stares at me for a moment, taking me in. Stop it please.

"Nothing." He stands up and picks his coat. Thank god. That meant he was leaving too. "Let me drop you home." He says out of nowhere.

"It's fine. I have somewhere to go." I tell him.

He stops on his way out, making me bump into his back. It was so muscled. He turns around and I realise what tension Niya talks about.

Just an inch of distance and he could take me. I had a hundreds of fantasies running in my mind.

"A date?" He asks.

"No." I say a bit too soon for someone who denies him. I didn't want him to see me as taken. Why did my body and heart react like this? They were supposed to keep their distance from him.

He smirks. His plush lips look so kissable from this less distance. And I had to stop having these thoughts about him.

He leans in a bit if it was even possible. I almost close me eyes in anticipation but this was wrong. I made a promise to myself and this would ruin me. So I did something stupid to get out of this situation.

"Ouch." Mr. Oberoi whined. I put safe distance between us. I had just head bumped my boss. It'd be a miracle if he would not get angry.

"I'm so-"

"Sorry?" He asks cutting my words.


He walks before me and I struggle to keep up with his pace. We were outside when I saw Jay waiting for me. Last night he had texted me that we could go to work together. I didn't know if I should've said yes but he didn't give me a chance to protest.

"Ika." He called out loudly. Loud enough to make people chuckle. If it was someone else people would definitely be irritated. But Jay was a cute puppy.

He must've looked like my boyfriend waiting for me after work. Shit.

I turn to look at Mr.Oberoi who had a hard look on his face. He judged Mingyu. Hard.

"He's my friend from part time." I say before he could ask.

There is a very light change in his expression. So little that it could almost be missed.

"You work another job?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

He looks at me like he is studying for a few seconds and then blurts the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard.

"Marry me."

I can't take this information in. This was either a nightmare or I was hearing things.

"What?" I ask frowning.

"You can think about it for sometime. Then answer me, Anamika." He says seriously.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

He smirks. "I'm never not."

That was true but this was ridiculous. Who asks someone's hand in marriage like this?

"I'll wait till tomorrow for your answer." He says before shooting a look in Jay's direction before walking away.