
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 17

I watch Mr.Oberoi like a creep as he snores lightly. Even his snoring was comforting to my suffocating heart. How I wished I knew how to love. Then I would've given my heart to him.

Why? Because he'd take care of it. He wanted me. So he kept me comfortable.

He was so beautiful when he was sleeping like a baby. His doe eyes, I remember were always looking at me with that fondness. His plump lips that I had the luck to kiss. His dimples when he smiled at me. Everything was so mesmerizing about him.

I move back when I notice the eyes staring at me. The black eyes that were visible due to the small lit lamp looked so innocent like that of a pure child.

"What are thinking about?" He asks in his sleepy voice.

"You." I say. It must be the night that made me honest or maybe my heavy heart that ached to love someone.

"What about me?" He asks.

I tell him the truth. "You're so beautiful that it is scary."

"What is?" He asks.

He did not know me. He must've been in love. He must love a lot of people. Could I become one of them?

"It is scary to let you go." I say. My mind wasn't talking like it did in the day. "Because you're so beautiful." I add.

"I am beautiful?" He asks confused. "You are."

I chuckle. He was still in sleepy state. The conscious us wouldn't be talking like this.

"Will you fall in love with me?" I ask for a reason even I did not understand.

He smiles. "Too easy." Wrong answer. So I concluded it was his dazed state which was the reason for his easy talk.

"What about you?" He asks.

I give him a smile that held many meanings as well as no meaning. It simply meant I can't answer you because I don't know. I didn't like the question. It was too hard.

"Fall in love with me." He mumbles against the pillow as his eyes close again.

"I wish." I breathe out. He looked so warm from here.

I move closer to him and take his hand between mine. The warm hand. And try to get rid of the heavy feelings in my heart.

I close my eyes and try to think of something. Anything. But all I see is the people who I did not want to think of.

"Why are we so quiet today?" I come out of my zoning when I hear that child's voice.

"We are always quiet, Sam." I shrug.

"No we are not." He argues.

I sigh. "Let's finish our breakfast, Sam."

He narrows his eyes at me as he looks at me suspiciously. "Are you okay?" He asks. "You call me Sammy not Sam. Are you mad at me?" His suspicion turns into fear.

"I am not, Sammy." I say. "I just did not sleep well."

"You did not?" Mr.Oberoi asks. He forgot the conversation. It was for the best. I did not know what I would say to him.

"Not really." I say.

I drop Sam to school as usual and go to the bookstore. I was getting used to this routine but everyday was worth waking up for. It was like my life had found a meaning in here.

When my shift is over, I pick Sam again and our routine goes on.

I help Sam with his drawing homework with whatever little skills I have. It didn't turn out good but better that what did.

When Mr.Oberoi comes home, we have dinner quietly again.

We go back to watching a movie again. Today it was Luca.

Today everyone was awake but it felt like everyone had a thought beside the movie.

Halfway to the movie and Sam already insisted on sleeping. We put him to sleep and make way to our room.

No sooner had I closed the door, I was consumed by a pair of lips. I quickly melted into the kiss.

As the kiss deepened I had flashback of my dreams. Will something lead it to that? To forget that I kissed back fiercely, only concentrating on him and the way his hands felt on me. His hands made way all over from my neck, cheek to my hair. His hand went down further to my waist and he pulled me closer almost-

I felt his boner on my stomach.

I felt the need to help him with that. Never had I thought I would be doing something like this for anyone.