
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 14

I pick up Sam again for the next four days. Mr.Oberoi was a bit distant since that day.

Sam's friends always stared at us when I picked and dropped him. We had a routine now. We'd drop him off together( me and Mr.Oberoi) and I picked him up alone.

Sam was a good kid for the most part. But he'd be a headache in his teens. He was just as stubborn as his dad over trival things.

"Mommy." He says. "I did this." He takes out his drawing book. I open the book and to my suprise he is very bad. Most of the figures were irrecognizable.

"You suck at this." I blurt. "Shit. I mean-"

"It's fine." He grins. He has a pretty smile. Just like his father.

"But seriously. You're bad at this." I say.

"I know. It's in the genes." He says. He turns the pages and shows me the craftwork they did. It was a pocket wallflower made from craftpaper. It was well made. Better than the drawings atleast.

"This is us." He turns three pages back. It is a drawing with three people. It wasn't well made but it was beautiful for me. Nobody had ever drawn me before except Niya. It made me feel special. On the top was the usual Happy family slogan.

My hands trace over it. We were not in love but we could be happy. A happy family. I'll give Mr.Oberoi time till this Saturday. If he didn't act like he normally did then he'd have to deal with me.

"It's so beautiful, Sammy." I tell him. He's happy with the compliment.

We reach home and do the usual again. Sammy does his homework and we watch television until Mr.Oberoi comes back.

Mr.Oberoi was back at eight today. We have our dinner in silence. Sam doesn't seem fazed by the atmosphere.

At ten I put Sam to bed. He read me a book so he could sleep. Yeah it was the other way around. I tuck him in and turn the lights off.

I turn around and almost scream as I see Mr.Oberoi standing behind the door. Only the corridor lights helped me see his silhouette. He put a hand over my mouth.

"Don't scream. It's me." He whispers in my ears. I'm in too much daze of his touch to realize that it's only me having weird thoughts. The hand on my mouth, the whispers...everything seemed to give wrong hints.

How did he want me? I wonder.

He takes his hands off and walks away. I follow him to our room. I couldn't sleep with these unclear thoughts beside him.

"I wasn't going to scream." I tell him the moment he turns on the light. But I do now. I scream slightly.

"Shirt?" I blurt stupidly.

He was shirtless. And I feel weird things in me. Butterflies?

I gulp as my eyes glance at his half naked body. I'd never seen one from so close or ever lusted on the ones of the models like Mira. They weren't like him.

"Yeah take your time." He comments.

"I wasn't staring." I tell him turning my head.

"I didn't say anything about staring." He chuckles.

Deja vu.

We lay beside each other. And I'm aware that he is sleeping shirtless today. Couldn't blame him. It was summer.

In a few minutes I hear light snores. And-

Shit he's moved to my side. He is so near. The pillow has already been moved to somewhere I don't know.

I switch on the side lamp and I wished I hadn't. Mr.Oberoi opens his eyes and they are just a few inches away from me. There is so less space between us.

I quickly turn the lamp off.

The other side's turns on.

"I can't..." He mumbles, sitting up.

"What?" I ask weakly.

"I want to kiss you." He says.

"I won't be able to sleep if I can't kiss you today." He says with eyes priecing mine.

I nod. I needed something too. Anything.

I awkwardly move forward and cup his face. I had never kissed before. I was going to mess up. But I did know one thing I could do.

I lean in and kiss his lips. It was a peck. And then before I could move away I was pulled in as his hands moved towards the side of my neck and then cupping my cheeks. The kiss deepened, leaving me breathless.

When we part I am panting. He lets out a breath and then gives a breathy chuckle.

I look at him sweating even in this heat. Me too. I was sweating even with the air conditioner on.

"That was my first kiss." I breath out.

"Wait really?" He asks.

I nod. My first kiss. I shiver. It was so good. The smile on my face doesn't fade even as we lay down.

The lamp goes off and we're back to putting the distance between us. It was mostly me who put the distance.