
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 13

The ride to home was silent.

I clear my throat to clear the silence. Unlike the usual this was a tense one.

"Sammy." I start. "What is your friend's name?"

"Sara." He says not looking at me. His gaze was out of the window. I look at Mr.Oberoi who had his jaw clutched.

"Should we go for some icecream?" I ask trying to sound cheerful.

Nobody replies. I was embarrassed. But then to my suprise we stop before an ice cream parlor.

I feel giddy from inside. He wasn't so bad afterall. I'd be real mad if he dropped me here and went off alone.

As I open the door I say, "Let mumma treat you guys." Sam looks up with his innocent eyes and Mr.Oberoi gives me look. Right. Why did I say that?

As we place our order and sit down at a table, I am consumed by the silence again. Something is left unsaid here.

"Okay now guys..." I start as I can't keep it in anymore. "Is there something wrong?"

Mr.Oberoi is taken off-guard. But it is funny because he should have expected it seeing how obvious he was to take it off his chest.

"He wants to scold me." Sam says pointing at Mr.Oberoi.

"No I don't." Mr.Oberoi defends himself. "I'm just...a little bit mad that you didn't tell me someone called you an orphan."

"Today was the first time. Usually they call me has-no-mom-to-complain-to." Sam says. I feel guilty for some reason even though I had no reason to be.

"Why didn't you tell me about that then?" He asks.

Sam sighs. "Because they were right. But it doesn't matter anymore. I have mom." He looks at me straight in the eye. "Right?"

I'm a bit taken aback but I nod.

"But." I tell him. "You should've told your dad about it. Not having a parent doesn't make you any less of a child. Next time you're telling us about anything that bothers you. Okay?"

Sam nods. Mr.Oberoi looks at me fondly. Or maybe I imagine it. No I'm not. He is looking at me with softness in his eyes. And it makes me squirm in my seat.

"Mom." Sam calls and all eyes go on him.


"Nothing." I sigh. This would not change for a while.

"Why do you do that, Sammy?" I ask.

He shrugs and clicks his tongue. "I like calling you but there is nothing for you to do."

"Well then next time think about something please."


We were a weird family. Very weird. A contract marriage, a quite family, son who is antisocial, mom who doesn't like loud people and dad who intimidates everyone.

Our dessert arrives soon and dig into it. I pass the tissues to everyone just like I did with the girls back then.

To be honest, there wasn't much difference in both the duos. All they both did was annoy but love me. All these both did was...nothing.

"You know..." I start telling them. "When I was a kid, I loved icecream. But my mom didn't have time so Niya's mom would take the three of us to buy the five rupees icecream every Saturday."

"So?" Sam asks.

"It was just a memory. Do you have something like that to share?" I ask.

He gives me a straight face. When I did think he'd not say anything he opens his mouth.

"The latest most prettiest memory I have is when you didn't let me stay up for long." His right side of lips stretches.

"Why is that a pretty memory?" I ask.

"Because mom said so." He smiles. My face is red now.

Thinking back if my mom had asked me to sleep on time I'd be happy too. She'd never acted like a mother. But I could not blame her. She worked hard for us.

"Sometimes trival things end up meaning too much." I agree.

"What is your memory?" I ask Mr.Oberoi.

He takes out the spoon from his mouth. "When we got married."

I snort. "Why are you guys acting all sweet today? Someome might think we're all madly in love." I say.

Both of their faces fall at the same time. I ruined it. Shit. I should not have said it.

"You're right." Mr.Oberoi stands up. I look at his empty cup. I feel terrible now.

Sam is the usual. He's still left two spoonfuls in his cup. And me? Mine is half full.

But I take Sam with me as I pay the bill and follow Mr.Oberoi back to the car. I should not have ruined the mood. It's all on me for being a stupid person.

We're again going back to the silence.