
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 12

I was dressed perfectly today. I held my head high and walked into Sam's school with him. His father and I had decided to tell people about our relationship now.

The car stops before the gates with the other kids going in. Several expensive looking cars were stopping and leaving the school which was enormous.

"Bye Sammy." I call out. He looks around embarrassed but he does wave back.

"Bye mom." He says louder than necessary.

The kids and other parents give us looks. Mr.Oberoi has a small smile stretched on his face. It automatically made him look less scary.

"Can I go to pick him up too?" I ask as we sit back inside the car.

"You're enjoying being a mom, aren't you?" He chuckles.

"I'm not." I say trying to suppress the smile.

When the car stops infront of our house, I am about to get out when he stops me. And before I know it I am getting a kiss on the cheek. My eyes are wide as I sit stunned.

"Make that a habit." He chuckles. Jerk. After almost making my heart stop he had the audacity to smile.

I narrow my eyes at him. "A notice next time would be better." He shrugs.

"We're moving out this Saturday by the way." He reminds me.

Today was Tuesday so I still had time. I get out of the car and watch him drive away.

My day goes as usual.

At four, I go to pick Sam. He's already standing at the gates with a girl who's chatting nonstop in contrast to my little son who looks bored.

I smile at the pair. Sammy notices me as I approach them.

"Hey kids." The girl gives me a bright smile.

"Are you Sam's mom?" She asks. The girl is taller and chubbier than Sam.

"Yes I am." I couldn't help but pinch her cheeks.

"Mom." Sam calls for me. "The teacher has to meet you."

Shit. Teachers. I hated mine already. Now I had to deal with someone else's too.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Don't worry, Mrs.Oberoi." The girl assures me. "It's me. I caused trouble."

I feel sympathy for the kid. "What did you do?"

"She hit the mean boy I told you about. For me." He adds the last part in a low voice. His eyes are shimmering. He's going to cry again.

"Should I call your dad?" I ask. He nods.

I quickly place a call. It takes three rings for him to pick up.

"Did you miss me already?" He asks without any greeting. I roll my eyes. He's started to loosen up and that meant he'd say these cheesy things. It made me feel like our marriage was real.

"Can you come to school? The teacher's asked for you." I say.

I can hear him sigh. "I know. I'm on my way." That made sense. She'd call him.

I chat with the kids until Mr.Oberoi arrives in his perfect suit and posture, making people make way for him because he was intimidating.

"What did you do?" He asks directly to Sam.

Sam rolls his eyes. "I didn't."

The girl looks at us all and then at me. Our eyes meet and she looks pitiful.

"I did, Mr.Oberoi." She mumbles looking at the ground. "I got us in trouble."

I glare at Mr.Oberoi to keep quiet. He wasn't to blame but he made people nervous. I remember the time in office when I joined.

The teacher interrupts our conversation and we are called inside. The room itself is scary.

We sit on the chairs before the desk.

"I'm Samarth's class teacher." She introduces herself.

Mr.Oberoi nods. "I'm his father and this is his mother." My heart quickens it's pace. I'm here as his mother. Shit.

"Oh." She looks at me in suprise. "We didn't realize you got married, Mr.Oberoi." He nods again.

"Did Sam cause trouble?" I ask hesitantly.

"No ofcourse not. He is one of our best students." She praises. I am overwhelmed. But then she sighs. "It's his friend that got him in trouble."

"What happened?" I ask.

"Some student called him an orphan." She sighs. "And he cried. So his friend, Sara...got into a fight. Children keep playing around so you don't have to worry. But I hope this doesn't happen again."

"What about the kid who called my Sam orphan? Did you call his parents?" I ask.

"No I-"

"Well then how about my Sam call him names and you don't pushish my boy. That'll make them even. And why is my kid being called an orphan when he has both his parents here." My voice goes on raising at the end.

"That doesn't work like that Mrs.Oberoi." She's calm. And that infuriates me.

"Well this doesn't too. If that kid doesn't apologize to my Sam then you'll have me to deal with." I declare.

Mr.Oberoi is as stunned as the teacher. I am embarrassed myself but this was not the time to shy around.

"I...I'll make sure he apologies, Mam." She says. It must be because of my attitude or because of Mr.Oberoi's influence on the school. He'd told me he made donations here.

"But the kids cannot fight like this." She adds.

"Like you said they are kids." I argue. "And it's fine. But calling someone orphan is not okay even if he was which he is not."

"I'm sorry." She says. The situation was a bit off. What led to what.