
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 10

"For what?" I ask.

"For being there." He chuckles and goes away leaving me to melt alone.

For being there. That was such a nice thing to say. Somebody is thankful for your existence. That is one of the sweetest thing somebody has ever said to me.

I stay awake nearly the whole night. I was afraid I'd do something like falling down, snoring or even worse snuggle towards him. Mira always had herself thrown over me. It felt empty. Like I had no pillows even though I had two for myself and one that was kept in between us so we didn't cross the line.

Today I felt like a mother. Did Mr.Oberoi thank me for trying to act like his kid's mother? For being there, that sentence made me feel nice.

"Can't sleep?" I look at my phone. It's two in the morning.

"No." I say turning myself to the left.

Mr.Oberoi hums. "Me too."

"Wanna hear something?" I ask. He hums. I take that as a sign to continue.

"I have no siblings. No one's ever even called me sister. Suddenly someone calls me mom...it's weird." I didn't know why I told him that piece of information.

"You like it."

"No I don't."

"You've not even been his mother for even a month and you've already started bossing him around." He laughs.

"I don't boss him." I defend.

"Sam brush your teeth. Sam school. Sam go to sleep." He mimics me. I did do that but it was not bossing him around. This is how children are raised.

"What did you do then?" I ask.

"Nothing." He's voice drops. "I never knew what he wanted. So I gave him what I thought was right. Right toys. Right education. But it always felt incomplete."

"It does feel incomplete without a parent." I say. I know that the best. "But parenting isn't always about buying and giving things."

"I know."

"Sam. Mr.Oberoi." I call. "Breakfast."

"Coming." "Coming, mom."

I hear two voices rushing towards me. I still felt a tug in my chest when I was called mom. Maybe I did lik-

No. I didn't like being called mom or a wife. I am just doing my duty as a contract wife.

"You'll be late." I yell again.

Mr.Oberoi woke up late today. Sam was awake the whole time but his nanny was on a holiday. There were fewer servants then expected here.

I quickly jam the breads and pour juice in one glass and milk in another. For me I would go to my girls somewhere out for breakfast. None of us could cook.

Both of them rushed to the dining room with their half ironed clothes.

I pick the little kid and adjust his clothes. Mira would've had a heart attack seeing this mess of my family.

"Didn't you guys set an alarm?" I ask them as they hurriedly have their breakfast.




I was no longer suprised by this now. I didn't know why he did that but I didn't know if I should ask him. The kid didn't already like me. We just tolerated each other.

"Finish your lunch like a good boy." I tell him, putting his lunch box in his bag.

"I am a good boy." He nods proudly. He was adorable sometimes. Just sometimes. Maybe when he was not sarcastic with me or was calling me mom for no reason.

I send Sam off in his car with the driver. My heart suddenly felt a bit empty seeing the boy go away. Even if it was just for a few hours. Wait what? No I won't miss that brat.

"I miss him when he goes to school." Mr.Oberoi stands beside me as we watch the car go out of sight.

"I think I'm messing up." I say.

"What? You're doing pre-"

"I have these weird feelings since a month. My heart feels warm. I'm getting used to being called a mom. And it doesn't feel weird to be your wife." I kept saying things like this to him. But I didn't know if it was right. But it did feel right.

"Maybe you always wanted this? Don't girls dream of finding true love?" He asks.

"No and no." I say. "I never planned on marrying for your kind information. And I don't think love is all girls want."

"What do they want then?" He asks.

"Respect. Care. Reminding them how precious they are. Making them feel special." I say.

He smiles and ruffles my hair. Fuck. That felt nice.

"That is love for us." He says and takes a step forward. Again my heart stops everytime he looks at me like that.

It was a kiss on my right cheek for three seconds. He backs away immediately after that. I wished he hadn't. But I didn't know what I wanted either.

"Did it offend you?" He asks.

"Of course not." I say. "It's just a kiss. That doesn't even mean much, right?"

I was a liar. This was the first time a boy or a man had ever kissed me. Even if it was on my cheeks.

"Right." He looks disappointed. But I was more disappointed that it was not-

I should stop with these thoughts. We were just husband and wife. Nothing more.

"I'll see you in the evening." He says as he proceeds for his car. I again felt that tug as I sent the second member of my new family.

I needed my girls to help me.