
I Devour Bloodlines and Skills

In the modern world, Kai, an ordinary man with a passion for martial arts and a talent for writing, finds himself inexplicably transported to a parallel realm known as the Murim world. Confused and disoriented, Kai discovers that he possesses a mysterious system known as the Devouring System, an enigmatic force that grants him the ability to devour the talents of others. As Kai navigates the unfamiliar and treacherous landscape of the Murim world, he quickly realizes the magnitude of his newfound power. With the Devouring System, he can consume the talents and abilities of defeated opponents, absorbing their essence and integrating their skills into his own repertoire. However, the Devouring System comes with its own set of challenges. Kai must carefully select his targets, as each talent he devours carries its own consequences and potential dangers. He must also contend with the moral dilemma of stealing the hard-earned abilities of others, questioning the ethics of his actions and grappling with his own sense of right and wrong. As Kai embarks on his journey, he encounters various martial clans, formidable warriors, and ancient martial arts sects. Each encounter presents an opportunity for him to test his skills and devour the talents of his adversaries. Yet, with each success, Kai becomes increasingly aware of the growing darkness within him, a hunger for power that threatens to consume his humanity. Throughout his adventures, Kai grapples with the moral implications of his actions. He questions whether the pursuit of strength and power at the expense of others is truly justified. As he interacts with the people of the Murim world, he forms unlikely alliances and discovers the complexities of honor, loyalty, and sacrifice. Kai's journey is not merely a quest for personal gain, but a search for meaning and purpose. As he uncovers the secrets of the Murim world and the origins of the Devouring System, he realizes that his power carries great responsibility. He must determine how to wield his abilities in a way that brings balance and justice to the Murim world, rather than succumbing to the darkness within. Along the way, Kai faces numerous trials and tribulations, both physical and emotional. He encounters powerful adversaries who test his skills and challenge his resolve. He forges deep connections with individuals who teach him the values of honor, compassion, and selflessness.

Asta_utsugi · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 15

The battle had left Kai Ryan battered and fatigued, but his determination to seek justice burned brighter than ever. As the dust settled and the forest fell into a calm, Kai turned his attention to the fallen disciples and the expert stage elder. Their bloodlines and skills, ripe for devouring, called to him, a powerful temptation.

With the Devouring System guiding his every move, Kai approached the fallen disciples one by one. He knelt beside each lifeless form, their potential and the secrets of their bloodlines laid bare before him. A mixture of reverence and somber determination filled his gaze as he reached out to consume their essence.

The Winged Snake Bloodline, renowned for its agility and poison immunity, drew Kai's attention first. He absorbed its power, feeling a surge of energy course through his veins. The agility and grace of the Winged Snake Bloodline mingled with his existing prowess, enhancing his reflexes and granting him a newfound speed.

As he devoured the bloodline, a profound understanding washed over him, granting him insights into the ancient techniques and strategies associated with the Winged Snake Bloodline. He could sense the serpentine energy coiling within him, ready to be unleashed upon his enemies.

But Kai's hunger for justice was insatiable. He turned his attention to the fallen disciples who possessed the Turtle Dragon Bloodline. The formidable defense and resilience associated with this bloodline beckoned to him, promising impenetrable protection against his adversaries.

He approached the expert stage elder, the last remnants of the Lin family force, whose Turtle Dragon Bloodline embodied the epitome of strength. As Kai began to consume the elder's bloodline, a surge of power coursed through him, merging with the fiery essence of the Rhino Body Bloodline.

But the fusion of these bloodlines was not without consequence. The sheer magnitude of power and conflicting energies threatened to overwhelm Kai's mortal form. His body trembled under the weight of the combined bloodlines, and his consciousness began to fade.

As the last remnants of the Turtle Dragon Bloodline merged with his being, a blinding surge of energy pulsed through Kai's body. The power surged within him, threatening to consume him entirely. The world around him blurred, his senses overwhelmed by the cataclysmic fusion of bloodlines.

Kai fought to maintain control, to anchor himself in the face of this overwhelming surge. He drew upon his indomitable will, refusing to succumb to the raw power coursing through his veins. With each passing moment, the chaotic fusion settled, finding a harmonious balance within Kai's body.

When the tumult finally subsided, Kai slumped to the forest floor, consciousness slipping away. The fusion of bloodlines had pushed him to his limits, both physically and mentally. It would take time for his body to adjust, to assimilate the newfound powers that now resided within him.

As Kai drifted into unconsciousness, he felt the presence of the Devouring System, a comforting presence at his side. It whispered words of encouragement and reassurance, promising that this momentary setback would pave the way for even greater strength and understanding.

Time passed in a haze, a respite from the battles fought and the powers acquired. Kai's body slowly regenerated, adapting to the fused bloodlines that now coursed through his very being. His consciousness emerged from the depths of slumber, reinvigorated and ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As he rose from the forest floor, Kai felt the power of the Turtle Dragon Bloodline and the Winged Snake Bloodline coursing through him, interwoven with the fiery essence of the Rhino Body Bloodline. The fusion had granted him unparalleled strength and versatility, a force to be reckoned with.

With newfound determination, Kai pressed forward, fueled by the knowledge that justice would prevail. The path before him was arduous, and the Lin family's corruption ran deep, but Kai would not waver. He would expose their web of deceit, armed with the combined might of the bloodlines he had devoured.

The fusion of bloodlines had transformed Kai Ryan into an entity that transcended ordinary boundaries. He possessed the agility of the Winged Snake, the defense of the Turtle Dragon, and the fiery power of the Rhino Body. He was a living embodiment of justice, ready to face any challenge that stood in his way.