
I developed Silent Hill to scare players around the world!

Zhou Che traveled to a world with developed VR technology, but found that the game industry in this world was extremely backward. In order to let players in this world experience the charm of video games, by the way, play with their mentality. Zhou Che resolutely became a game producer, and first gave players a powerful medicine, and developed "Silent Hill pt". The unsuspecting Sister Zhou clamored for her life to clear the level, and then she was scared to pee by the female ghost in the corridor the next second. Just when all players chanted "Silent Hill" as the most terrifying game in history, Zhou Che silently took out "Subnautica" and "Sekiro" Book Cover is made by me link to cover : https://creator.nightcafe.studio/creation/8kaoJQQ8EXNID1gm9VVX

Geek_Lantern · วิดีโอเกม
28 Chs

002 It's a beautiful thing to let her publicize

If this game is placed in this world and made into an immersive VR version,

Tsk tsk, it's exciting to think about it... You will definitely get a lot of exclamation points!

That's it!

Just do it.

"Consume exclamation points, I want to make "Silent Hill pt"." Zhou Che ordered.

[Ding, the production process of "Silent Hill pt" has been sent to your mind! ]

The next moment, Zhou Che felt a huge amount of information coming from his brain.

He digested it silently for a long time, then turned on the computer and started to move.

First of all, to make a game, you need a game engine.

And the current game engines on the market are all unable to meet the conditions for creating "Silent Hill PT".

They all lack a very important point, which is realism.

For example, the texture of CS is still an animation style. Although it has been transformed into VR, it is still a fake.

There are others, like there is no collision volume between items,

The player has less interaction with the surrounding environment and so on.

Compared with the maturity of VR technology, the technology of game engines in this world is far behind.

This is one of the reasons why there are no good games.

But with the help of the system, this is naturally not a problem.

At this time, a game production engine had been added to Zhou Che's computer, which belonged to the black technology of the system.

Zhou Che named it "Unreal Engine".

The game engine is already there, so start programming.

Because there is enough knowledge in the brain, it is not troublesome to make, Zhou Che's hands were beating frantically on the keyboard, writing lines of code without any hesitation.

In this way, Zhou Che locked himself in the bedroom and spent almost a week,

Finally, I gave "Silent Hill PT" to the liver abruptly.

The entire game is about 50 Gigs.

"Huh... It's too time-consuming to play games alone."

After finishing it, Zhou Che stretched out involuntarily and sighed.

It's just a beta game, and it's taking so long.

I'm afraid I'll have to hire someone to do it in the future, or.... it's okay to call the system to help you do it?

Just spend a little more exclamation point.

All in all, now that the game has been made, it only needs to be released on the game platform to be sold.

Of course, "Silent Hill PT" is just a demo. Zhou Che wanted to make a name for himself first, earn a wave of exclamation points, and not make money for the time being.

However, if it is just put on the platform, there is no publicity and advertisement...

Zhou Che is very confident in the quality of the game. Sooner or later, the fire will catch on, but he is impatient and doesn't want to wait too long.

Just as Zhou Che was thinking, the door to Zhou Che's bedroom was opened, and a woman came in with a small head.

The woman has a beautiful fox face, a pair of phoenix eyes, a small nose, and thin lips. She is a rare beauty.

Only the next moment, her slightly hoarse and rough voice sounded carelessly:

"I said, Xiao Che, you've been at home for a week, what are you doing?"

This woman is Zhou Che's sister in this world, called Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi is an anchor, with a sweet appearance, a humorous personality, and a likable person.

But the only fly in the ointment...is her voice.

Her voice was a little thick, and it even sounded rough,

Completely inconsistent with her sweet appearance.

Just because her voice is so distinctive, even if she looks beautiful, the audience can't hold back.

People gave her the nickname 'Zhi Chongzhi', and it was even evaluated as "a good girl, but unfortunately she has a mouth."

Seeing his sister, Zhou Che suddenly had an idea,

Having her promote her game...that's a good thing.

"I said what are you looking at me for, what are you doing?"

Zhou Yi saw Zhou Che staring at her without saying a word, and continued.

Recently, this younger brother of mine is a little strange. He locks himself in the bedroom and orders takeout for all his meals.

I spend most of my time sitting in front of my computer and don't know what I'm doing.

Not only was she a little worried about Zhou Che's mental state.

Then Zhou Che smiled:

"I'm doing a big thing. I said sister, haven't you always wanted to be a top anchor? I can help you."

"You will help me?" Zhou Yi also rolled his eyes:

"What can you help? Oh, it's not impossible. You live with me and let other viewers come to see my brother's handsome face, which will definitely attract a group of female fans... "

Zhou Che's appearance is indeed quite outstanding, and his voice is warm and clear, and his innate conditions are better than his sister.

"If you want me to sell my hue, don't think about it."

Zhou Che really refused:

"It's like this, I have a fun game here. You play it during the live broadcast, which will definitely attract the audience."

"Really?" Zhou Yi looked at Zhou Che suspiciously.

"Of course it's true." Zhou Che nodded seriously:

"I guarantee that you will be able to increase your fans by playing. If you don't, I will cover all the housework this week!"

"Tsk, how dare you make such a heavy oath."

Zhou Yi's eyes widened:

"Okay, where can I download it?"

She still trusts her brother more.


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