
I Desire A System

An average teenager who always dreamed of owning a system finally owned one. But was it that simple? Follow his journey to mythical forest and dungeons as he conquers and dominates the world with his otherworldly powers. The world building you don't want to miss, check it out and do let me know your thoughts.

Prasen_Syndrome · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

The Head Goblin

I could feel my heart racing as I entered the room. I was determined to get the map from the two goblins. I took a few steps forward and the goblins quickly noticed me.

One of them had a map in his hand and I knew that was what I had to get. I had to act fast. I quickly drew my spear and readied myself for the fight.

The goblins were taken aback by my sudden appearance and they began to form a strategy to take me down. The one who had the map in his hand tried to hide it behind his back while the other one approached me with his spear.

I knew I had to keep my distance and move fast if I wanted to win this fight. I quickly sidestepped the goblin's spear and thrust my spear, narrowly missing the goblin's face. The goblin was surprised by my agility and he stepped back, giving me an opening to move in for the kill.

I quickly lunged forward and thrust my spear at the goblin, piercing his chest armor and killing him instantly. The other goblin was in shock and he dropped the map as he stumbled back.

I quickly grabbed the map and turned my attention back to the remaining goblin and I could see he was shaken. I knew he was no match for me but I can't let him go cause he might create a ruckus. I thrust my spear toward him while he tried to run out of the room.

---( experience leveled up to 2

fighting skills enhanced by +20

Agility increased by +10

The new name bestowed as "goblin killer")

"Arora! start the analysis of the fight in the background and me with fighting strategies, also analyze the map and find the location of the dungeon" I commanded.

"Location of dungeon found, it is next to the room of the head goblin. Analysis of fighting has also completed."

"Alright show me the path to the path, and this time show the one which has the maximum number of goblins. I will try to gather as many Suprial stone as I can"

So i headed toward the head goblin room.

I unsheathed my spear, ready for battle. I recalled the previous battles and found common movements.

"Arora, analyze the goblins' fighting style," I commanded.

The system quickly scanned the goblins and provided me with valuable information. "The goblins are using a crude and aggressive fighting style. They rely on brute strength and overwhelming numbers to defeat their enemies."

I knew that I couldn't let them surround me. I had to take out as many of them as possible before they could close in.

"Arora, suggest a strategy," I said.

"Suggestion: Use your spear's reach to strike at the goblins from a distance. Focus on taking out the strongest goblins first to weaken their numbers," the system responded.

I nodded, understanding the plan. I charged forward, my spear at the ready. I thrust my spear at the nearest goblin, impaling it through the chest. I quickly pulled my spear out and moved on to the next goblin.

The goblins roared and charged at me, but I was ready for them. I sidestepped the first goblin's attack and thrust my spear into its side. I then spun around, my spear becoming a blur as I took out goblin after goblin.

As the battle raged on, I noticed that the goblins were starting to tire. I knew that this was my chance to finish them off.

"Arora, target the goblin's stone," I commanded.

"Target acquired," the system responded.

I focused on the goblins' stones, the source of their power. With precise strikes, I shattered the stones, weakening the goblins and making them easier to defeat.

Finally, the last goblin fell to the ground, defeated.

---( Achievement:

hidden task: kill 100 goblins completed

the Level has increased to 4

Exp increased to 4

fighting spirit increased by 10

The New Named bestowed "Goblin Chest Butcher"

Cache(storage): Updated with 100 more Suprial stones, tally increases to 129

The System-level increased to 2 )

My storage now had enough of Suprial stones.

"Arora, proceed with your experiments on the stone, also analyze its constituent elements. Also after the battle let me know what Level 2 can do".


With the goblin horde defeated, I made my way toward the room of the head goblin. The door was heavily guarded, but I was able to take out the guards with ease.

I pushed open the door and stepped inside. The room was dimly lit, but I could see the head goblin sitting on a throne at the far end. It was larger and more heavily armored than the other goblins I had encountered.

"So, you are the one who has been causing trouble in my village," the head goblin growled.

"I will ask it only once, tell me where the dungeon is or witness the reign of my terror," I replied, gripping my spear tightly.

The head goblin laughed. "You think you can defeat me? I am the strongest goblin in the village. I will crush you."

I didn't waste time with words. I charged forward, ready for battle. The head goblin met my charge with a roar, its massive club swinging toward me.

I dodged the club and thrust my spear toward the head goblin's chest, but it was able to deflect my attack with its armor. I was seriously fatigued by the continuous fights

"Arora, analyze the head goblin's armor," I commanded.

"The head goblin's armor is thick and durable. Suggestion: Target the weak points, such as the joints, to bypass the armor. Further, you even lack agility, try making use of the of enhanced stamina, you can still use it once more." Arora responded.

I nodded, understanding the plan. I dodged the head goblin's attacks, looking for an opening.

Finally, I saw my chance.

"Activate the enhanced stamina quickly"

"Effect of enhanced stamina in 3, 2,...."

I darted forward, my spear aimed at the head goblin's knee joint.

" ...... ...1 "

The struck the spear with all the thrust I had. The spear struck home, piercing the armor and causing the head goblin to roar in pain.

The head goblin swung its club wildly, but I was able to dodge its attacks. I pressed my advantage, striking at the head goblin's other knee joint and weakening it further.

With its knees damaged, the head goblin was unable to stand. It lay on the ground, panting and defeated.

I walked up to the head goblin, my spear at the ready. "Surrender, and I will spare your life," I said.

The head goblin glared at me and spoke " I wish to die like a warrior, there's a switch at my throne click on it and you will get access to the dungeon. But before you kill me I have a small request from you. The room next to me has 3 goblin children, they are my children please accept them as your son after my death. You are a great warrior and I hope you bring prosperity to the world of chaos."

"You are a great opponent. Don't worry I will fulfill your last wish, now take some rest you fought well"

and I stabbed him right in his chest.