
I Decided To Learn Architecture

It's a day-to-day account of Robyn's routine as she tries to get to the end of day without passing out. A series of events lead her to this crowded city of Li¢orE, where she meets all sorts of people and dreads the moment she decided to come there.

Robyn19 · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs


today marks the first day of me writing my story because let's be honest sometimes life gets so overwhelming and dreadful that we just have to vent it out somewhere.

I stare at my phone. It was my class group chat. I like being out of sight. out of everyone's attention but damn my lucky star which is on a vacation for such a long time that I have become so popular. and not in a very good way that is. Life is all about testing my patience, isn't it? and so is this freaking class fellow. being called out because I just couldn't watch the class humiliate themselves in front of a teacher. so naturally I took charge and bam things just find it easy to backfire. being confronted by one of the worst people in the class who just decided to hate on me (am not gonna lie. I did on few occasion contradicted her opinion) so this begins the war between me and zozo. begins by calling me shameless. know what we are gonna do? we gonna own it. and later calling out my poor smoll friend. Know what we gonna do? we gonna give em a taste of their own medicine.

Zozo has a history with me. she bullied a friend of mine with that snide tongue of hers. and now another friend? nope, we have had it. stay on point darling zozo. stay focused. you dare cuss my small hooman? PAYBACK TIME BISH.

"I'm sawry I would have continued this bickering but the party's over and I am not eligible to talk to you. The satisfaction I am getting after reading "shameless attitude" damn sensei you taught me so well"

(* I am not eligible to talk to you* refers to the time she bullied one of my friends into saying you can't even speak English, you're not even eligible for architecture)

so when I tell you zozo is THAT person. I mean it.

Nonetheless, after a few minutes of wait, zozo strikes back.

"WOW jee

there are shameless people,

Then there are ultra shameless people and then there is Robyn"

I didn't know talking back in the same tone was considered shameless, where does that put us zozo. anywho I send back:

"Learned it from you, sensei. But only if you consider us eligible naw."

and a dancing sticker and my whole battalion charged in with dancing stickers. A dance party it was. we got the notification we were getting winter vacations for 15 days starting 25th December and that was the end of it. ZOZO did try to sabotage the conversation but oh well we high and partying ma'am.

now I sit back remembering that before coming home to (let's call my home) HAPPY ISLAND I had a row with my friends. I left my friends' group found this incredible smoll hooman that is just a ray of sunshine in my otherwise gloomy life. Maybe if we could patch things up. I do miss them. maybe I should. but let's debate about this later. I am trying to get over this one hooman I found on the internet and I dunno why my taste in men is so shit but okay whatever.

it's a very complicated life I lead. I am the complication in my life haha. anyway, let's hope things get better.

Adios for today.


it's just a vent book but I want someone out there to acknowledge this. I dunno how often would I be updating this but let's hope I do continue writing here.

Past details will be revealed when they are relevant

Robyn19creators' thoughts