
I DARE YOU TO LOVE ME (by gabryyyte)

A girl meets an awfully rude man which devilish looks. In an attempt to make her ex jealous she gives the man her first kiss, grabbing his attention.

Gabryyyte · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs



Two weeks have past, I followed Mark's proposition this whole time. Every day talking to him during breakfast and lunch sometimes dinner if he came to eat. Rhett started leaving a lot more often for work but he always came back until morning. I didn't sleep with him unless there were guests at the house. Everything about our relationship felt weird.

"We have a new ball to attend, tomorrow." Rhett hit me with the news sipping on his coffee. Immediately a million questions popped up in my head.

"Where? Don't I have to memorize who will come?"

Without looking up, calm as ever Rhett answered. "No, you'll be alright, you've proven your intellect on that. But I've heard a word that we are faking our relationship. So you have to be careful."

I just nodded and headed to the garden, I started keeping it up, because Margaret started having back issues and they didn't hire a gardener, so I decided to upkeep it. The day before Peur drove me to the shops to get new flower seeds, I picked lilacs, sweet Alyssums, Johnny Jump-ups and Annual Phlox. These were one of my favorites. Even though I wasn't good at gardening (because I've never done it) I felt confident in my abilities. I worked in the garden most of the day and only planted the Sweet Alyssums and Annual Phlox.

I got to my room and took a bath. I slid the sharp razor through my legs, shaving off the hairs. I covered myself in body wash and cleaned up afterwards I washed my hair and conditioned it for good measure. I got out and checked the clock. I had been there for more than 2 hours. I raised my eyebrows. That's the longest I ever took in the bathroom. I did feel super clean though, so it was totally worth it. I picked out a dress to wear and got off to bed.

When we arrived there were a lot of people there. I didn't know a bunch of them so I tugged on Rhett's sleeve and while still smiling, said. "I actually don't know most of the people here."

He looked back and just patted my head, while dragging me to talk with his partners. They didn't look the nicest. The bald one kept on speaking Spanish and another one just started at me, without saying a word or taking his eyes off me. When he finished he pushed me to the bathroom.

"I might have forgotten to tell you something." He ran his hands though the hair and scratched the back of his head. "Don't try to talk to anyone here."

"You did tell me that it's in the contract." He just shook his head.

"No I mean, don't try to talk to anyone, maybe give them a smile but no words, and for the life of me don't try to bicker with anyone." I rolled my eyes and agreed.

"And you're right don't forget the contract." he winked.

We walked for a long time, I didn't even try to listen to what they were saying, none of it was important to me. The whole time I tried to sneakily look for someone familiar and tried to ignore numerous guys staring at me. The whole time I felt like a doll, there just to be pretty and keep Rhett's reputation up. I hope he does understand that after these 6 months we will have to "break up".

He grabbed both of my arms, looking straight into my eyes said "Wait here, I have to sign some paperwork. I will come back in no more than 2 minutes, alright? Just don't move or talk to anyone."

I didn't have time to disagree with him or try to hold him back; he just left me standing there. I felt peoples' eyes on me. I noticed a group constantly pointing at me and laughing. One of them stood up and started to head in my direction. I turned around to run away but there was only a wall there and I was surrounded by people. I didn't want to make a scene either so I just took out my phone and started mindlessly scrolling though Reddit. He came up to me and put his hand in the wall blocking my only way out. Just like Rhett told me I smiled at him and looked at my phone again. I was so scared I couldn't concentrate on the posts, there could be literal porn going on and I would not notice.

Then he spoke up. "Well aren't you a pretty little thing, we could go for a quickie in the bathroom." He leaned closer to me and whispered. "No one has to know." I just shook my head trying to say no to him. "And why not? You're just standing here, alone and bored out of your mind."

I had to say something at this point it didn't matter what but I just wanted him away from me. He reeked of alcohol. "I'm not interested, I have a boyfriend."

His grin widened. "Nah you're lying… come here sweetie." He was about to grab me when Rhett came behind him.

"She truly is a marvelous thing. A very bad girl." He said with a smirk. "Why would I want to keep her to myself, right?"

The guy made a huge mistake and without turning around mockingly said. "Oh you're mad aren't you?"

Rhett did something I have never expected from him. He grabbed the man's chin and made him look right in the eyes. The man's eyes widened, he started fidgeting when he saw who it was. "I am sorry I didn't know she was taken. The bitch didn't tell me anything."

"Only I can call her that and she most certainly did." Rhett said and punched the guy to the face he fell and just stayed on the floor, not daring to move. By this point everyone was looking at us, but once Rhett looked at me I saw no one but him. His eyes were still angry but he looked around me and asked. "He didn't touch you did he?"

I shook my head and grabbed onto his sleeve.

"Look I still have to go talk to the guys more, I just came to check on you, let's go I will introduce you to some of the girls, they will keep you company alright?"

I sighed and just followed him. Rhett brought me to a couple of girls and asked for them to take care of me. They all seemed nice about it. And once he left they all looked at me and bombarded with a million questions.

"Are you alright? That guy must have been really drunk."

The other one fixed up my dress and showed a thumbs up.

"Maybe you want something to drink? I can fix something up for you"

"Maybe you want to use the restroom for a moment, we can lead you there?"

"Well if you do need anything just ask."

I mostly nodded or shook my head. Afterwards I got more relaxed and engaged more into their conversation about start-ups.

"I always wanted my own business, but I have so many ideas I could never choose what to actually start." I said blatantly.

A blond girl winked at me and handed her business card.

"If you ever want to talk more openly about it, just give me a call." They all had their own businesses and talked about the increasing inflation and how to concur it. I didn't know much about it so I just listened and asked a couple of questions. Rhett came from upstairs back to the main place but he showed me to stay back for a bit longer and he went to another table probably with some business.

"So what do all of you do?"

The blonde introduced me to what all of the girls did.

"I specialize in business start-ups, I help them decide best options and help them start. She's Rebecca" She pointed at a brunette next to me "she owns a SPA. Angelica" a gorgeous blonde "owns a couple of clothing stores." She kept on going about each of the girls. They seemed really nice and gave me their business cards, telling me to come visit them.

A bit into the conversation another woman walks up. She is breathtaking, I was truly baffled how she can walk the same earth as me. She stands in our group and stares into the table Rhett is sitting in.

Everyone looks at her and listens. "You know girls, I swear on my life I've been a good girl. Tonight on the other hand, when I see Wolfestern I really don't want to be her." She said biting her lip. None of the girls said anything, they looked at me and back at her a couple of times, I decided not to say anything and maybe have a decent time today. But she kept on going. "I heard he likes a good time. I could totally give it to him, if you know what I mean."

I cleared my throat grabbing her attention. "You haven't heard? He's dating someone now."

She just smiled widely, looking at the others who just nodded. "What does that girl have that I don't? Still worth shooting my shot, I don't see her." She said looking back at him.

I didn't dare to say anything, he said he took our contract seriously, now was the time to check if he meant it.

She walked up to him and started playing with his hair which he immediately disliked and pushed her hand away. She didn't stop there; she leaned to his ear and whispered something which he nodded to.

All of the girls looked back at me as the goddess came back.

"Guess who landed herself something fun to do today."

So he lied to me. Why aren't I surprised, why should I expect him to be loyal to me we aren't actually dating, but at the same time why does it hurt so much? I excused myself and told them I will be leaving. No one tried to stop me. They understood it hurt me, the blonde one reminded me that if I need anything to give her a call. I nodded and stormed off to Peur.

"Well that was quick." He remarked playing a game on his phone, looking back his eyes squinted. "Where's Rhett?"

"He told me to go home, he will come back himself, I'm just feeling tired." Peur nodded and without further question drove home.

When we got back and said our goodnights I rushed to my room with tears in my eyes. I laid in the dark still in a dress bawling my eyes out until falling asleep.


I finished the deal with the Blue mafia boss and went to find the girl who told me her boss has a proposition for me. I went upstairs again to find her but before leaving I looked to the flock of girls I left Arthemia with, they were all whispering about something while looking at me and Arthemia was nowhere to be found. I thought she said something stupid about me and just went to use the bathroom so I kept on going. I got to the 449th door and knocked. No answer so I just came in. The room was pretty dark. All I could make out of it was a bed in the middle. Soon I heard a voice. "Don't be shy come here sweetie."

It was the girl from before. I closed the door and flicked the light switch. The girl was lying on the bed only wearing lingerie. I ignored her and asked. "Where's your boss?"

She laughed slowly, still trying to be seductive.

"We don't need him here. Did you really think I would want you to meet him over me? It doesn't feel good being rejected." She said mockingly.

I was really pissed, she was wasting my time.

"Don't waste my time, I have a girlfriend." I thought I'd never hear myself say those words and reject a gorgeous girl sex but I was a man of my word.

I got downstairs and was trying to find Arthemia. She still wasn't with the other girls. I went to ask them where she was, but they just ignored me. I went to find Peur's car but it was nowhere to be seen either.

I gave him a call. "Where the fuck are you?"

He must have been asleep because his voice sounded sore and tired. "Sleeping. Arthemia told me you will get home by yourself."

"That bitch." I said out loud. "Get over here as quick as you can. I have to have a word with her." And I hung up. I sat on the bench near the entrance to wait and noticed a lot of Ropeling's men outside. No idea why that grabbed my attention so much but I ignored it.

Peur came in no time still in his pajamas. "I really apologize, Arthemia said she felt sick so needed to get home and said that you will get home yourself."

"That's why you always confront me before doing anything that others tell you." Peur nodded and drove home.

The whole drive all that I could think about was how I should punish Arthemia.

I stormed into her room almost knocking into Margaret. I didn't see anything except the door at the end of the hallway to Arthemia's room. I almost ripped it open but saw no one there. The bed was completely empty. I slammed the door thinking she was just hiding somewhere. I got to my room to rest. I wouldn't waste my time on her like this. She will have to come out during breakfast anyway.

I haven't seen or heard of her the whole morning so I decided to work while waiting for her to come. Once I opened my mails I noticed a new one from the Ropeling "Let the game begin ;)" with a little smiley face in the end. I immediately understood why his men were following me yesterday. She didn't run away. I called up an agent I sent to investigate Ropelings from the very start of my business. "What's new happening?" I straight away asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary they have just been talking about a kidnap, nothing threatening."

"Where's the kidnaped person going to be held?" I hurried him to answer.

"Probably here, in the estate if you're talking about yesterday's case, others are held in Estonia."

I just hung up, knowing all of the information I needed. I was beyond question sure she had to have been in his house, but just to be certain I sent out a couple of men to free up the ones held in Estonia.


I woke up in a strange room, I felt someone staring at me sitting right beside me. It felt weird so I just kept my eyes shut waiting for the person to leave. I was getting scared and my eyes started to twitch.

"I guess you're already awake, princess." I swiftly jumped up to sit down. It was Kevin. Once he saw my reaction he started laughing. I looked around I was in an unfamiliar place. There were no windows, the bed was awfully small and all I could see was a big carpet covering the floor some clothes hanged and a door, which I guess was my way out.

"Aren't you a gorgeous thing while sleeping? Your friend betrayed you yesterday, so I decided to take you in, maybe you even changed your mind and you want to get back together, he is such an asshole, you know I wouldn't do that."

"He's my boyfriend." I said and slapped him. "And you did exactly that, the only difference is that I saw you fuck and him I just saw about to get fucked."

Kevin got up. He grabbed my wrist, holding it so tightly it started to hurt. My eyes were on his. "You will beg me to come back to be with you, whore. We'll see who wins this game." And left. Soon after someone came in. I didn't see who or why I was just lying on the bed looking straight up, thinking of ways I fucked up and how can I get out of them.

"It's breakfast." I heard a soft man's voice next to me. I didn't bother moving my eyes.

"I will leave it on the edge of the bed, be careful. I will come for the plates in 2 hours so take your time." he left too. I felt so alone. For once I escaped my delusional parents and could live a so called normal life, I made a friend, but now I'm here. What decisions could have impacted me being here? I wondered, was it because I believed Rhett, I believed he wouldn't betray me? I didn't like feeling like this. Everyone around me just didn't give a flying fuck about my existence, my life they just want to use me, like Kevin, he won't leave me alone, even though we broke up months ago. He just wants to use me, just like everyone else. You know if anyone would care about me even minimally, just to the least minimum I would be satisfied. I would literally feel good with them my standards for decent human interaction have completely just gone downhill. The food was starting to get to me, I was really hungry. I got up and took the plate, it was rice with milk. I never had it. Sadly it was already cold, but it didn't matter. I kept on eating. Half way there someone came in. It was a small petit guy.

"You haven't finished yet?" I didn't answer. I knew if I opened my mouth I'd just start screaming for help and cry. So I gave him the unfinished rice.

"You sure you don't want to finish I can wait or come later." I thought for a moment. The rice was really good and I was still hungry. He seemed nice so I moved and made some place for him to sit down and continued eating. To fill the awkward silence the boy decided to introduce himself.