
Hiatus Notice (Health Issue)

Ah, fuck it. I'll take the surgery!

After careful consideration and a bit of discussion with my mom, I've finally, albeit reluctantly, decided to go ahead with the surgery. Getting rid of this would be better in the long run, and I believe there's no better investment than your health, even if it costs a lot.

However, I probably won't have the surgery here in Bali.

There are certain inconveniences I don't want to deal with while in pain, so I've booked a flight to Malaysia for the procedure. I think staying in Kuala Lumpur in the meantime would be a better option for convenience's sake.

I was told to go to Penang for cheaper medical fees, I don't know much though. If any one of you were from Malaysia, let me know if it's true and if Penang was still as convenient as Kuala Lumpur.

I plan to book an appointment this week; I believe the wait time for hemorrhoid surgery won't be too long, which is a good point.

Because of this, I'll have to go on a hiatus for 10 days (best-case scenario if the pain dissipates after a week), but if it takes longer, I will notify you all.

Either way, wish me the best of luck!