
Into the World of 'Doki Doki: My CEO'

"Oh my god, this male lead is horrible, not letting her divorce but literally cheating on her?!?! And this female lead is gradually falling for him?!? I might drop this novel after all." Su Mei was about to delete the novel from her File Library when she heard a loud, beeping horn. By the time she looked up, it was too late.

"Someone, call 911!"

"Is she breathing?"

"Tsk, tsk, young people these days, always looking at their phones..."

Su Mei was choked with pain. It felt like her whole body was being squeezed over and over again, until her bones crushed. She could not endure the pain any longer, and she knew she probabaly would not survive. 'Good-bye Mother, I've always loved you...brother, I hope you get into college...Li Jiyang, I will always love you...' Su Mei closed her eyes and felt her consciousness slip away.

* * *

Su Mei opened her eyes to see herself lying on a soft queen-sized bed. Startled, Su Mei sat upright and took a look at her surroundings. 'Wasn't I supposed to be...dead?' But at that moment, Su Mei felt a warm touch on her hand. She looked down to see...unexpectedly, a super hot hunk?

'Who is this man lying next to me?' Su Mei was confused, but also embarrassed to see that she was naked! But looking at the body, it's definitely not her body; this body is way too skinny to be Su Mei's body.

Su Mei got out of bed and tried to look for clothes. She found women's clothes, assuming it was hers, and put them on. Finally, she found a phone which unlocked to her fingerprint. Su Mei was still confused at this point and still did not know where she was. When she unlocked the phone, she immediately when to contacts to see if there was anything she could figure out.

"Tang Ying, Bao Bao, Su San, Gu Wang Yong...Gu Wang Yong?" Su Mei remembered that the male lead of "Doki Doki: My CEO" was named Gu Wang Yong.

"It's not possible..." Su Mei muttered, as quietly as possible. She was internally screaming with all her might. She quietly tip-toed to the side of the bed the man was on to take a look at his features. When she saw his face, she covered her mouth in shock. His facial features fit the description in the book! One shining golden eye, one chocolatey brown eye, and soft, sleek brown hair with blonde streaks. Su Mei couldn't beleive it. He was most probably, the one and only, Gu Wang Yong.

She picked up the phone and checked her profile, remembering that the female lead had the same name as her. Sure enough, her social media account stated her name clearly: Su Mei.

"Fuuuuuuuuuu..." Su Mei facepalmed. She knew what kind of person Gu Wang Yong was; a narcissistic, selfish, rich jerk. What kind of woman would want to spend her whole life around a person like that. But what was more unbelievable was that she had already accepted that she had transmigrated into a novel.

'Might as well live a good life in here...' she thought. Gu Wang Yong currently loved a girl named Su Ling, Su Mei's adopted sister. Su Mei knew this, but she still loved Gu Wang Yong. Naturally, Gu Wang Yong only believed Su Ling, and so when Su Ling lied saying Su Mei was bullying her, Gu Wang Yong hated Su Mei more and more. He had only married Su Mei because his parents forced him.

"Alright, first goal is to divorce him!" Su Mei whispered. Then she heard a rustle of sheets from behind her. 'Shit. Shit. Shit. Su Mei, this is why you don't speak your thoughts aloud!'

"Divorce who?" Gu Wang Yong sat up in the bed, leaving a sight for the eyes. His perfectly messed-up hair and beautifully chiseled body left Su Mei speechless. 'Free eye care will only be free eye care, nothing else...' Su Mei thought to herself. She acknowledged Gu Wang Yong was handsome, but that did not mean she would fall in love at first sight.

"Ah...Divorce...divorce chocolate, he he he." Su Mei smiled a brilliant smile, but on the inside she was torn. 'My chocolate, I still love you!'

"I'm thinking of going on a diet, as I have gained some weight recently." 'The things I have give up just to be alive in your presence, bastard Gu Wang Yong!' Su Mei knew she could not anger Gu Wang Yong right now, as he could ravage her again any time. She has to find a way to control his mood.

"No need, you are already skinny." Gu Wang Yong swept his hair back and got out of bed, reaching for his clothes.


"Yes, or I wouldn't have married you." Gu Wang Yong dressed and left the room, probably to go to work. After all, he was the CEO of a company.

"This little son of a..." Su Mei vehemently muttered under her breath. 'Take a deep breath Su Mei...'

Since Gu Wang Yong had gone to work, she was left all alone at home in the huge, fancy villa that the two of them lived in. Gu Wang Yong had given her a wallet full of $100,00 in cash, and 5 credit cards each with $1 million in them so she did not have to worry about money. He had also gifted her a nice Porsche 911 to be her personal car. So Su Mei decided to go out.

"Since Gu Wang Yong has been giving me a lot of stress, I should go do some yoga!" Su Mei changed into yoga pants and a modest T-shirt, knowing 'accidents' could happen if she did not dress as modest as possible. Su Mei looked into the mirror and realized this novel's Su Mei had a body to be envious; real curves to be proud of, but she just had to choose Gu Wang Yong. 'Since you have given me your body, I will make some good choices for you'. Grabbing a sports bag with a towel and water, she headed out to the garage, swinging the car keys and humming "Sweet But Psycho".