
I choose a C ranked hero in another world, I was mocked online

In a world besieged by monsters, humanity's survival hangs in the balance. But hope emerges when every individual comes of age, bestowed with the chance to forge a bond with a hero. These bonds grant them formidable powers to combat the relentless threats lurking in the shadows. Enter Chen Ye, a newcomer to this tumultuous realm. Amidst a sea of aspirants, he discovers an unexpected trend: everyone gravitates towards heroes from the legendary series "One Punch Man." While most covet the esteemed S-tier champions, Chen Ye discerns a truth hidden to others. He recognizes the unparalleled strength of the One Punch Man, a humble C-tier hero. Undeterred by societal norms and peer pressure, Chen Ye boldly selects the Saitama Physique as his ally during the pivotal graduation ceremony. However, his decision incites scorn and derision, broadcasted live for the world to witness. Mocked as a fool for his unconventional choice, Chen Ye retreats into a realm of silence, channeling his energy into rigorous training. Three arduous years pass, marked by relentless dedication and unwavering resolve. Then, as if scripted by fate, a transformation unfolds. The once-dismissed Chen Ye emerges not as a punchline but as an enigma—an indomitable force. Clad in the invincible guise of the Saitama Physique, he defies the very fabric of reality, rewriting the rules of engagement and carving his legend in the annals of history. join my patreon to read further p@treon.com/anish_44

anish_44 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
97 Chs

Chapter 59: Astonishing! What Kind of Sneaky Operation Is This? 

Chapter 59: Astonishing! What Kind of Sneaky Operation Is This? 

"Chen Ye, you were Tang Zichen's teammate in the first secret realm."

Teacher Liu spoke up, "According to the mechanism of average distribution in the secret realm, so you also obtained 150 potential points, right?"


Regarding this point, Tang Zichen had already mentioned it, so Chen Ye could only be honest about it.

Even though the other students had known about this, getting Chen Ye's admission at this moment still made them envious to the point of having red eyes.

150 attribute points!

If they were given to them, combined with their talents, they could become second-tier heroes in no time.

Even Teacher Liu felt a bit emotional.

Back in the day, he only got a few dozen potential points from one secret realm adventure, and he was praised by the teacher for a long time!

And now, this kid in front of him, just because he chose the right person, effortlessly earned the potential points while lying down. It really was...

"Chen Ye, you should have increased your strength attribute a lot, right?"

Teacher Liu said, "With 150 potential points, as long as you allocate 100 points to the strength attribute, getting a second-tier evaluation during the test later won't be a problem."

"Really, with your current strength, you might even make it into the top five in the class!"

Regarding this, Teacher Liu was definitely not making empty talk.

In fact, even those students with S-tier talents, their current strength wasn't much different from the other average students. In the early stages, the gap could be easily bridged with potential points.

Unless it was someone like Tang Zichen with extraordinary talent, it would be difficult to catch up with the gap.

With the potential points Chen Ye obtained in the secret realm this time, as long as he put most of them into strength, his destructive power would definitely be much higher than those students with S-tier talents.

Of course, in the eyes of everyone, even if Chen Ye performed well in one or two secret realm adventures, his future potential could not match those outstanding talents.

For example, S-tier talented individuals, once they grow up, their strength would be terrifying.


Hearing Teacher Liu's words.

The students looked at Chen Ye with even more envy...

"Chen Ye, go ahead and test, the teacher wants to see your strength," Teacher Liu said again.

Teacher, are you sure you want to see?

Chen Ye felt speechless.

After careful consideration, he still felt it was better not to flaunt it!

Once his strength was exposed, it would inevitably attract attention from all sides. Even if he wasn't sliced up, he would probably lose some of his freedom. By then, he would definitely become the focus of monitoring by various forces.

After all, not everyone could deceive people as well as Tang Zichen.

Maybe Tang Zichen wasn't even deceived, but she simply chose to remain silent to help keep Chen Ye's secret.

If every move Chen Ye made in the future was monitored by someone, then the secret of the Saitama might be exposed.

As long as someone with a keen mind investigated his matching hero object and his daily exercise routine, they would soon find out about the existence of the Saitama Training Method.

By then, the Saitama might spread all over the world!

Even if they could exterminate all the monsters, the world would still be in complete chaos.

After all, no one could guarantee that everyone who matched the Saitama's physique would be good people.

Even if they were good people before, after gaining powerful strength, they would inevitably become arrogant and have evil intentions.

If a few villains appeared, it would be a catastrophic disaster for the entire world!

The consequences would be too severe!


Got to stay calm!!


Various thoughts flashed through Chen Ye's mind like lightning.

Thinking of this, Chen Ye immediately made a decision and hesitated, "Teacher, can I not participate in the test?"


Teacher Liu was very puzzled. "Is it because you don't care about the allowance? In fact, besides the allowance for becoming a nationally certified hero, there are many other conveniences. Otherwise, the teacher wouldn't be in such a hurry to bring you here for strength testing."

Chen Ye sighed and said, "Because, with 150 potential points, I only added 20 points to the strength attribute, and the remaining 130 points, I put them all into endurance."

Telling this lie.

Chen Ye was truly helpless.

It was really because he couldn't control his strength well...

Daily life was manageable now, after all, he was used to it.

But once it erupted, it wasn't easy to control, because his strength now was too powerful!

During the strength test later, it should be measured on a punching machine, and Chen Ye couldn't go all out, no matter how lightly he punched.

If he punched hard, it would still arouse suspicion.

If he punched lightly, he definitely wouldn't be able to fool Teacher Liu's eyes.

After all, Teacher Liu was a fourth-tier expert.

It was impossible for him not to notice whether his students were going all out...

If there was anyone to blame, it could only be that Chen Ye often stayed in school and didn't have the opportunity to train his control over his strength.

As for why he specifically emphasized adding the points to the endurance attribute, and not mentioning other attributes?

It was because Chen Ye felt that making endurance bear the blame was most appropriate.

Saying he added to the mental attribute?

Probably no one would believe it.

Chen Ye didn't have any abilities, so why would he add to mental attributes? Wouldn't that be silly? It would be lying to the ghosts, right?

It wasn't good to say he added to agility either.

Agility could also be tested and wasn't easy to disguise.

Once Chen Ye ran, deliberately slowing down his speed would still be easily noticed.

After all, his true agility attribute had already reached over 300 points...


"What did you say?"

Teacher Liu stared blankly at Chen Ye.

The other students, including the base staff, all had expressions of disbelief.

They really couldn't understand why Chen Ye would do such a sneaky operation.

"You added 130 points to endurance? Why?"

"Because, I'm more afraid of dying..."

Hearing Chen Ye's reason, Teacher Liu was simply unable to understand.

"Afraid of dying? Then you should also add more to agility! While endurance can increase your vitality, there are many ways monsters can kill you. Adding agility can at least make you run faster when escaping."

"Because, besides being afraid of dying, I'm also afraid of pain..." Chen Ye looked embarrassed, "Endurance not only increases vitality but also defense and healing abilities. It allows me to endure hits without feeling pain and recover quickly after being injured."

He felt embarrassed because he was even ashamed of telling such a lie himself.

"Chen Ye, you really are..."

Hearing Chen Ye's reasons.

Teacher Liu was completely speechless!

Everyone looked at Chen Ye with a mix of surprise and amusement.

No one would have expected this guy to be so unique.

Because he's afraid of pain.

So he put all his potential points into endurance?

This operation was really sneaky!

Sneaky to the point that they couldn't understand it at all...

Chen Ye looked embarrassed.

At this moment.

He noticed Tang Zichen standing behind Teacher Liu, with a hint of a smile on her face...

Chen Ye glared fiercely at this girl.

After a moment.

Teacher Liu suddenly said again, "Even if you added more to endurance, you can still be tested. Chen Ye, go to the pressure room!"

This Teacher Liu was really persistent!

"Okay!" Chen Ye could only agree.

Going to the pressure room for testing was fine for him.

Testing endurance was something he could completely disguise.

This was also the reason he chose to say he added to endurance.

A staff member stepped forward, giving Chen Ye a strange look, then said, "Um... Student Chen Ye, the pressure test is a bit risky. If you feel you can't bear it later, be sure to react promptly."

"Okay, I got it."


Chen Ye entered the pressure room.

Inside the pressure room, it mainly involved air pressure.

When the staff member activated the air pressure button, Chen Ye immediately felt the surrounding air suddenly become as hard as steel, pressing down on him frantically.

On the wall.

There were KPA values rapidly jumping.

10, 20, 30...

When it reached 80 MPA, Chen Ye immediately raised his hand to signal that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Hmm, Tang Zichen persisted until 100 MPA, he added 130 points to endurance, so reaching 80 MPA should be quite normal, right?

In reality.

80 MPA just made him a little uncomfortable, far from reaching his limit.

One Punch Man was not only invincible in strength, but also in defense!

When Chen Ye walked out of the pressure room, he deliberately pretended to be out of breath and flushed his face (this was easy to do, just simulate the effort of taking a dump).

He really looked like he had reached his limit.

Even Teacher Liu couldn't see any abnormalities.

The staff member said, "Student Chen Ye, based on the test just now, your resistance level has completely reached the second-tier standard. However... for someone like you who only has strong endurance and not much destructive power, the evaluation criteria will be lowered by one level. It's estimated that your final result might only be first-tier."

"Oh, first-tier is fine!" Chen Ye didn't care at all.

His appearance, in Teacher Liu's eyes, naturally made him feel a bit frustrated.


An entire morning passed.

It was enough for all the new students of the Martial Arts University to test their strengths.

By noon, everyone returned to school.

The test results would be sent to the headquarters of the Hero Association for review. About a week later, the students who passed the test would receive their identity strength medals.

As for whether there would be any cheating?


During the test, there were countless cameras inside the room, recording the testing process of all the students from various angles.

These recorded surveillance videos would also be sent to the headquarters of the Hero Association for review.

There was simply no way to cheat!

This was also the reason why Chen Ye would rather say he added to endurance than dare to say other attributes.

Once he concealed his strength during the strength test, those powerful big shots would be able to see through it from the videos...

This time.

Almost half of the students passed the test.

Among them, there were five people who reached the second tier, including Tang Zichen.

Such results might not seem very good at first glance, but Teacher Liu was extremely happy.

Because this was the end of the first secret realm!

There had never been such results before.

Especially Tang Zichen, who was already on the verge of reaching the third tier, definitely broke all records!

The only regret for Teacher Liu was that there was a guy who could have easily obtained a second-tier evaluation but, because he was afraid of pain and death, ended up making himself only first-tier...

At two o'clock in the afternoon.

Teacher Liu announced the start of class.

All students gathered in the classroom again.

"This time, for those students who didn't pass the strength test, don't be discouraged. Work hard in the next secret realm, and you will definitely be able to get the national certification medal for Hero."

Teacher Liu stood on the platform and spoke confidently, "Now, let's talk about the characteristics of the monsters in the second secret realm."

As his words fell.

Teacher Liu manipulated the laptop and projected a photo onto the blackboard.

When Chen Ye saw the monster in the photo, his expression suddenly became strange.

Oh my.

It's someone he recognized!

(End of this chapter)


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