
Chapter 1.8


Everyone sat around Uncle Cheng´s large work desk that had already been cleared of the tangle of papers written in Chinese that once covered it. Only the Book of Changes in Chinese and Castilian, Chinese coins and the a notepad were left on the table. Cheng went to the kitchen followed by Huan to prepare the tea ritual. Nancy took away a hand that Lucas -taking advantage of the fact that they were momentarily alone- had introduced between her knees whispering in mock anger.

“Please behave! Uncle Cheng called us urgently so it must be something important.”

After serving tea Cheng began with his explanation.

“First I must apologize for having called you on such short notice but as soon as I begin to speak you will realize the importance of the subject we have to face.” He sipped tea while thinking how to explain the gruesome details of the story.

“Five days ago I received an email I can say changed my life, breaking the glass of harmony that seemingly covered it.” Immediately after Cheng explained the appalling news of the slaughter in Fujian in its great features. Huan moaned to learn the fate of many of her distant relatives.

“Who would want to kill peaceful peasants, elderly, women and children?” She asked.

“There certain aspects that you do not know about our coming to Argentina.” Answered Cheng. “Members of our family were involved in the smuggling of heroin from the Golden Triangle, is special from Thailand. So was that your father and I decided to leave China to turn away from crime. But as you will see, I fear crime´s arm is longer than expected.”

The explanation continued with his inquiries into the I Ching and the revealing results that the book had produced, as well as the subsequent discussions with Mr. Cheung.

“ Do you know him? “ He asked Huan.

“I have just heard his name. I know it is an important reference for all overseas Chinese.”

“Yes, it is the most notorious in the Americas. The fact is that he could put a name to the “eldest son” who emerges unleashing an orgy of blood.”

Cheng then narrated the incident in the fields of ephedra in southern China.

“ ... And was the I Ching which allowed us to connect isolated and distant events in space.”

“And what has Mr. Cheng said?”Asked Nancy.

“His first step was to alert the Chinese community throughout the continent. It is foreseeable that the tentacles of this nefarious Xie Fu will extend from Mexico to Argentina if he wants to take over the business of smuggling ephedrine in this part of the world.”

“In Argentina there has been a mass murder related to ephedrine some years ago.” recalled Lucas.

“Yes, but at that time it was a triangulation of legal imports which were then forwarded along to Mexico to escape controls of this country on ephedrine coming from Far East. The object is always the production of methamphetamine and other synthetic drugs. The possibility that the problem comes to this country is not only the role Argentina can play in this triangulation with Mexico, but the certainty that already exist here factories- called kitchens- of synthetic drugs, due to the existence in Argentina of an important chemical industry that supplies manufacturers with inputs and chemicals to enable the transformation of ephedrine into the finished drugs. These drugs are then exported or consumed locally, because unfortunately Argentina is no longer a transit country but a active center of production and consumption.”

The explanation lasted for about fifteen minutes after which Cheng said.

“Now you know about this whole sad affair as much as I do.”

“What should we do now?” Asked Nancy.

“That is what this meeting is about. Become aware of what is happening in the first place and take steps to avoid the dangers we must endure.”

“And how do we do that?” It was Lucas´ turn to ask.

“And how do you think we will? Answered the old man.

“Asking the I Ching?”

“Sure! So far it has been guiding us since this problem arose, and will continue to do so.”

That said Cheng opened the book at random to let it chair the ritual and asked Huan to throw the coins to build the first line, which goes down in the hexagram. Then he asked Nancy to build the second, Lucas the third and so on repeating the order until the hexagram was complete.

Cheng looked at the sign and grunted with satisfaction. He opened the book in the hexagram obtained, the number 33, Tun or The Retreat. He read the considerations.

“ The strength of the dark is rising. Before its breakthrough the Luminous withdraws, putting itself in a safe place so that the dark force can not affect it.” Then he read the opinion about the sign. “The withdrawal. Success. It encourages perseverance.” And finally the picture . “The noble ... keeps his attitude ... not with anger but with restraint.”

Cheng looked at his companions seeking their reactions, closed the book and spoke thoughtfully.

“The Book of Changes demonstrates once again its wisdom by making available its advice to us.

“Uncle Cheng, give us your explanation.” Demanded Huan.

“ I would like to hear before what does this hexagram suggests to you Nancy, what can you tell me?”

“In the present circumstances there is no way to oppose to the advance of the dark forces, so what we should do is remaining safe and conserve our energy.”

“It makes no sense to get entangled in a desperate fight when there is no possibility of success.” Added Lucas.

“ Basically that is the right interpretation.” Confirmed Cheng. “Let us see what the mutant lines are and what is the new sign that appears. See that three of the four solid lines were obtained with 9 and therefore become broken lines, and the opposite occurs with one of the cut lines was obtained with 6 and converted into a continuous line. Nancy, please draw the new mutated sign.”

The girl did so, and Cheng said.

“What we now have before us after the transformation is the 40th hexagram, Hsieh, appropriately called The Liberation. Lucas, will you please read what the I Ching has to say about it?”

“This movement makes its way and comes out of danger. The impediment is eliminated and the difficulties are being resolved ... The release has not been occurred yet but starts now ...”

Cheng stopped him with a movement of his left hand and asked his niece.

“Huan, what do you make of all this?”

“We must be under cover until the situation changes and we are in a position to face the dangers.”

“Right. What we must not lose sight of is that the ruling of the I Ching is its real contribution. The crucial information is that there is a danger that looms over us and we should not try to oppose its emergence not only because we do not have enough strength but because in our case we do not know the enemy; we only know of its existence and that is coming towards us. I ask you to think that if the I Ching were not alerting us about our situation we would not even know that we should take cover from danger, because in Argentina nothing has happened yet.”

All reflected a moment on what was said and finally Nancy spoke in an rather anguished tone.”

“But where is the danger? How can we cover from something we do not know?”

Cheng realized that when his companions assimilated what was reported by the book they began to show signs of fear and uncertainty. It was in his hands to prevent that those feelings transformed into despair. He took the I Ching in his hands, he returned to hexagram 33, Retreat and continued reading.

“ It is necessary not to confuse withdrawal with flight, a flight at any cost. What is at issue is a temporary withdrawal to prevent being locked in a struggle for life or death. In the middle of the withdrawal a turn is being prepared, a change.” He paused.

“What we must do now is to implement the verdict of the I Ching to our own context, our situation, from what little we do know.”

“And what do we actually know?” Asked Huan.

“ We have to interpret the actions of the "eldest son". He has destroyed much of the clan Xu in China, and what the book tells us is that he is now coming for us. In this case "we" Huan are just you and I, and by extension your daughters and your husband. We are the ones we should abandon the surface. I do not think that Xie Fu may know that Lucas is related to us, and we need someone to keep moving outside of our shelter keeping abreast of the situation.”

Cheng noted that Lucas had been thoughtful and had an annoyed expression on his face.

“Any problems, Lucas?”

“Ultimately the only specific data we have refer to horrific events, but that occurred in China, that is exactly in the antipodes of our country, and separated by hundreds of miles between them. Is it not an excessive precaution that a whole family must disappear from the surface of the Earth?”

“Lucas, you posed a good question, because it relates to the nature of the I Ching. Unlike a news story that is read in the same way by thousands of people and does not refer to any of them in particular, the Book of Changes gives specific advice to our situation here and now. It is a custom- made message for whoever does the query. That is the great privilege of readers of I Ching. The book answers to their questions of the moment.”

They immediately began to make preparations. Uncle Cheng had in the neighborhood of La Boca -almost at the other end of town- an old house that nobody, not even Huan, had news of. Although it was purchased for another purpose it was a perfect shelter in case of danger. They resolved that Huan and her two daughters would take refuge in it, giving Hung the option to accompany them. Cheng took over the responsibility of talking to the husband to explain the reasons for this decision because all discounted a strong negative initial reaction of the man, who was unaware of what was happening and for whom the news would certainly be like a lightning in a blue sky. Huan and her daughters had to prepare personal effects to be a couple of months living in an almost clandestine site. Nancy and Ju could continue attending classes because it was extremely unlikely that Xie Fu´s would search over the national education system, but everyone should limit the outputs from the new temporary home to basics.

Cheng would join the women once he made arrangements for his business to continue operating. Neither the house in the Chinese Quarter nor the old house in La Boca were deeded to his own name but that of a society, he had no car registered and the business was at the name of a third person, so that his existence in Buenos Aires was almost impossible to trace by any hostile party. It was clear that the old man had been preparing for a contingency for some time. As for Lucas, hardly anyone knew of his relationship with Nancy, so he could continue his regular life, but should pay attention to eventual signs that someone was interested in him.